Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 462

Chapter 462
Da Guo drank a big mouthful of noodle soup with the heat and said,

"In our Changbai Mountain, there are almost three seasons of snow in four seasons a year, and the sky is full of snow every day. The broken communication network can be broken nine out of ten days. Before I went up the mountain, I was really hit by Bingliugou. phone call, but the communication there has been cut off."

After Chen Zhi heard Da Guo's words, he was silent for a while, looking at the crackling wood in front of him, Chen Zhi rolled his eyes, and then looked at Da Guo.

"Da Guo, I may be thinking too much, but you can see if this is the case. The communication in the Bingliugou was not blocked by heavy snow, but someone deliberately cut it off? The purpose is to It is to prevent this Bingliugou from getting in touch with the headquarters of the Tang Family..."

Da Guo frowned slightly after hearing Chen Zhi's words, and after thinking for a while, he opened his brows and laughed.

"No way~~~~~~~ Brother Xiaozhi, you are just like Brother Bin, you have too many brains, and you all think things too complicated. The people here are all honest and honest. Man, I know Bingliugou very well. There are a group of soil spore villagers there. They used to make a lot of money with the Tang family. Now some people buy smartphones in the village, but they don’t know how to use them at all. They were all put on the kang and exploded, hahaha~~~~~~~~~"

"The mobile phone exploded? Okay! It seems that the villagers in Bingliu Village have a pretty good living standard. They buy a mobile phone and a Note7, hahaha~~~~~~~~~~~~~",
Fat Wei's words aroused everyone's laughter, Chen Zhi also smiled, and said nothing more.

In this way, after a few people finished their dinner, they went into the abandoned villa. The gates and windows of the villa were still relatively tight, the outside wind could not blow in, and those young guys were still making noise. The bonfire was arranged outside the villa, and two watchmen were left behind, and then they got into sleeping bags and slept.

The guys from the Tang family kept drinking outside until very late, and they didn't go to bed until they were mad enough.

I don't know if it was because I was under too much pressure after going up the mountain, and I slept in a sleepless night. It was just after five o'clock in the morning, and when the sky broke a little, Chen Zhi couldn't fall asleep.

When performing tasks, early sleep is very important. After Chen Zhi looked around, he found that everyone was still asleep. Ji Ying held the knife in her arms and curled up in the corner like a kitten. Guo's sleeping bag is already empty.

Chen Zhi went to the window to take a look, and saw Da Guo was walking back from the mountain. It turned out that since midnight last night, it had been snowing heavily outside. Changbai Mountain was already cold, but now the ground was covered with thick snow up.

The heavy snow made the already rugged mountain road even more difficult. It is estimated that this made Da Guo feel more pressure in his heart, so he got up early and went up the mountain to find the way.

After more than half an hour, everyone woke up one after another. Some young guys woke up dizzy in the morning because they drank too much wine last night, and they were very ugly.

After Da Guo came upstairs, he scolded them a few times, telling them to stop fooling around, and don't tell them the danger of going up the mountain this time, otherwise they would risk their lives.

After being scolded by Da Guo, several young guys were still in high spirits and showed no sign of fear.If there are more people, the work will be faster. All the people quickly pack up the materials outside, and then let the special people carry the large utensils such as tents and drinking utensils. Others only carry their own sleeping bags, food and other luggage. Team, ready to go.

Just like that, a group of people formed two rows and started to follow Da Guo to the mountain.

Changbai Mountain is a volcanic body, with a large number of hot springs and small volcanic lakes on it. Walking from here to the forest area on the mountain, they saw a small lake in less than half a day. The water here is very clean. So full of ice it looked like a mirror.

They continued to go up, and after turning over a mountain, they saw some outposts in the deep mountains. The wood on them was frozen to death, and they were sealed with wire mesh.

Da Guo told Chen Zhi that this is the abandoned outpost of the army on the snow mountain, and there are many more on the snow line, and you can see it when you go up later.In the past, our army had several sentry posts here, but they are all abandoned now.

Everyone climbed all the way like this. The road on Changbai Mountain is very slippery and difficult to walk. The higher you go, the more dangerous you are. Everyone's body is frozen. Chen Zhi and Fat Wei have been very resistant to tossing after several missions. Tang The folks at home are used to climbing the mountain roads of Changbai Mountain, and there is no major reaction, only the old somersault is a little unbearable. After all, he is getting old, and now his face is so cold that he can’t breathe. It's hard to hold on any longer.

Going up and passing the snow line, everyone finally saw the years of snow in Changbai Mountain. At first, it was sparse and thin snow, and it became thicker as it went up, and the trees were getting taller. , that kind of vision is very spectacular.

At noon, Chen Zhi's surroundings were already covered with white, whether it was the sky or the trees, they were all crystal clear ice and snow, and the snow on the ground was so thick that there was no way to go. At this time, Guo Zi played his exploration With his road ability, he can always find a solid road in the snow, and then lead everyone to clear the road ahead, passing through dangerous ice layers.

This snow-covered mountain road is really difficult to walk. The strong wind on the mountain can shatter a person's bones, and the surrounding area is completely white. Fortunately, they all brought the goggles prepared by Ning Bin, otherwise they would easily become snow blind disease.

Fortunately, Da Guo was very familiar with this road. They walked and listened to it, and avoided it when there was a heavy snowstorm.

But the night was tough, and there was nowhere to rest in the vast snow. Fortunately, Da Guo knew a few caves sheltered from the wind. Everyone camped in the caves, lit a bonfire, and slept in sleeping bags.

Everyone was exhausted along the way. It turned out that those chattering and laughing guys were very active at first, and then they gradually became too lazy to talk.

At the beginning of the fourth day, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the mountains, and the sky was full of snow foam. At this time, Da Guo said to Chen Zhi,
"Let's take a rest here today. There may be strong winds this day, so don't rush for a while. When the wind stops tomorrow, it will be Bingliugou after crossing this mountain."

Seeing that Chen Zhi nodded in agreement, Da Guo waved his hand to the people behind him, making the team stop. A group of people found a place to rest behind the mountain wall, ate some dry food, and a few people went to set up tents to prepare for tonight. Stay here overnight.

After a while, the wind in the sky gradually calmed down, and the snow blown into the sky slowly fell, and the surrounding vision became clearer.

While everyone was cooking, the sharp-eyed Fat Wei suddenly pointed at the forest in front of him and shouted,
"Hey~~~~~~~~~, everyone, look, there is a child over there!"

Fat Wei's words caught everyone's attention, and everyone immediately looked towards the forest.

Sure enough, as Fat Wei said, in the white woods in front of him, a little boy wearing a thick padded jacket and a padded hat was walking towards this side with a small bundle on his back.

The child was frightened by Fat Wei's cry, and then realized that there were so many people hiding here, turned around and was about to run, but was stopped by Da Guo's yell.

"Lu Wazi, it's the twelfth lunar month, what are you doing here? Do your parents know you're coming out?"

When the child heard Da Guo's voice, he turned his head immediately. After seeing Da Guo standing there clearly, he was stunned for a moment, and then ran over with great excitement, crying loudly as he ran.

"Uncle Guo, you are here. Something big happened in our village. A man-eating monster came and ate my parents. Woooo~~~~~~~~~~~ ~".

 Thank you for the monthly ticket: 2 Shangxuanyue; a very low-key passerby; who saw my teeth; deep drunk; bangkokcy; aa persistent;

(End of this chapter)

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