Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 463

Chapter 463
The child ran while crying, and soon ran in front of Chen Zhi and Da Guo.

Only then did Chen Zhi see the child in front of him clearly. This child looked to be twelve or thirteen years old. He was wearing a small leather hat and a half-worn padded jacket. Now, his red nose is covered with stubbles of snot that have turned into frost, like a small frozen apple, he is a typical child in the Northeast Mountains.

The child ran in front of Da Guo, threw himself on Da Guo's lap, and then burst into tears, feeling very wronged.

"Woooo~~~~~~~~, Uncle Guo, why did you come here? My parents were killed by monsters! Woooo~~~~~~~~"

"Don't cry, good Lu Wazi, tell me what happened, uncle will definitely take care of you~~~~~",
Da Guo picked up the child and placed it next to the bonfire. The child was obviously frozen to death. Da Guo handed him hot water to drink and comforted him for a long time before the child stopped crying.

At this moment, Fat Wei and Old Somersault also gathered around and sat beside the child. Da Guo saw that the child had calmed down a lot at this moment, so he began to ask what he said about the monsters in the village eating people.

Although this child named Lu Wa is young, children in the mountains are generally not coddled, and they are used to wrestling, and they are not afraid of life when they see so many people.Moreover, his relationship with Da Guo seems to be very close. After drinking some hot water, he sat next to the campfire to feel much warmer. I told Da Guo what happened at that time.

It turns out that this village called Bingliugou used to rely on hunting for generations. Although the mountains are not rich, they are all simple and simple mountain people.

But since Ning Bin took over the Tang family business, he has paid great attention to finding human resources in the local area, and hired a lot of manpower in the villages of Changbai Mountain. It's the best of both worlds.

So from a few years ago, this Bingliugou began to hunt wild game in the mountains for the Tang family every year, and breed mountain treasures, and then the Tang family bought them at a suitable price every year. In the long run, with mutual help and mutual benefit, the income of the villagers has increased rapidly. .

Because of its unique geographical location, Bingliugou is responsible for another task, which is to monitor all the movements in the deep mountains and grasp the changes in the mountains. The person in charge of monitoring is Lu Daneng, Lu Wa's father.

Because Lu Daneng is a good hunter, he is bold and righteous, and has some knowledge among the villagers. He was soon hired by the Tang family and became the Tang family's resident in Bingliugou.

The villagers in Bingliugou trusted him very much, and he worked hard.Responsible for the transportation up and down the mountain and the liaison with the Tang family, and often led the hunters in the village to hunt in the mountains, and then transported them to the town for sale.

Lu Daneng's family has been quite wealthy because of this errand over the years. He is also very respectable among the villagers. He is very familiar with Da Guo and others in the Tang family. He has a very good personal relationship with Da Guo. Last year, the two He knocked his head on the ground and bowed to his brothers.

But just some time ago, the Lu family encountered bad luck.

That day, Lu Wa was collecting firewood near the village as usual. When she just returned home, she found that their door was full of people, and the villagers were all looking inside. The door of their house was full of blood and internal organs. His younger brother, Lu Er Gou'er, stood at the door of the house in a daze, as if he had been frightened.

Luwa was terrified and was about to rush in.

The villagers picked up the two brothers and pulled them out, preventing them from seeing the scene in the house.

Lu Wa didn't know what happened at that time, she was crying and struggling desperately. During the struggle, Lu Wa saw the corpses of her father and mother lying on the ground. Outside the door, the stomach was full of blood and had been hollowed out.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Luwa passed out, and when she woke up, she found herself and her younger brother lying on the village chief's kang.

The village chief told Luwa and his brother that there was a monster in the village that ate people's internal organs. Several people had been killed. In the end, even a hunter as powerful as his father was also attacked, without even firing a single shot. , was bitten to death, and the internal organs in the stomach were also eaten up.

The village head strictly ordered Lu Wa and his brother to live in his own home from now on, and they were not allowed to go out again.

Just like that, the village suddenly entered into a state of martial law. Lu Wa and his brother cried and quarreled for many days, and their voices became hoarse from crying, but their village chief was cold-hearted and absolutely did not allow him and his brother to go out, nor They are not allowed to inquire about things outside.

When Da Guo used to go to Bingliugou to receive goods, he often went to Lu Daneng's house to drink. He liked Lu Wa very much and had a good relationship with Lu Wa.

After Lu Daneng's accident, the first thing Lu Wa thought of was his uncle Guo in the town. Lu Wa began to cry and make a fuss, insisting on going into the town to find Da Guo to come to the village and catch that monster as his father's uncle. revenge.

But the village head tried his best to stop it. When Lu Wa asked the village head to open the phone box in the village and call the big uncle Guo in the town.The village head was very indifferent. He told Lu Wa that the phone in the village had already been broken, and it was impossible to get through at all, which made Lu Wa die of this heart.He also said that he would be the master of the affairs in the village. During this period of time, Lu Wa and his brother were not allowed to go out and run around. He would naturally send someone out to contact the Tang family.

In this way, Lu Wa and his younger brother were locked up in the village chief's house. Lu Wa's younger brother, Er Gou'er, was so young that he was too scared to speak after seeing the horrible scene. There was no resistance.

But Lu Wa always felt that something was wrong. He didn't believe that the phone was really broken, and he didn't believe that the village chief sent someone out to find the people in the town. There seemed to be fewer and fewer people in the village, and the face of the village chief became uglier every day after he returned home.

So Luwa has been looking for an opportunity to sneak out, and this morning he finally got the opportunity. While the village chief and his wife were out on business, he jumped out from the low wall in the yard. He didn't take his young brother with him. Instead, he climbed up the Daxue Mountain with a small package on his back, and wanted to go to the town to find his uncle Guo.

Although Luwa is a child in the mountains, he has never walked such a long distance. When he just walked up the mountainside, he encountered a strong wind in the mountains. Luwa was frightened. He ran and fell and soon lost his mind Fortunately, I met Chen Zhi's team here, otherwise I would have been frozen to death.

This is how it all went...

"This is fucking!",
After hearing Luwa's narration, Fat Wei was the first to scold.

"The village head must have a problem. When he encountered such a big incident, why didn't he know to contact the outside world? Just let the man-eating monster lurk in the village, looking for opportunities to eat people at any time? It's so fucking stupid .

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he took out a large bar of chocolate from his luggage, stuffed it into Luwa's hand, patted Luwa's head and said,

"Good boy, knowing how to go out of the mountains to find someone is better than those adults in your village!"

"You don't know the situation in this mountain",
Da Guo shook his head when he heard this and said,

Although the villagers in Bingliugou are closed, they trust the Tang family very much. When encountering such a thing, they should come to the Tang family immediately. It is absolutely impossible to keep the news secret, unless...

Da Guo paused at this point, and then said,
"And as far as I know, this Lu Wa's father, Lu Daneng, is not an ordinary person. He is very good at marksmanship, and he is very courageous. He has hunted bears alone in the mountains. Even the most terrifying monsters can't scare him. Dad. He was killed without even firing a gun... This is not like Lu Daneng's style.

(End of this chapter)

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