Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 464 Into the Village

Chapter 464 Into the Village
After listening to Lu Wa's narration, several people were full of doubts in their hearts, but everyone also knew that after all, this was what a child said, and many things were considered from the child's perspective, which was not comprehensive and might not match the truth , cannot be fully believed.

After some research, a few people felt that it would be dark and unsafe when they went down the mountain and entered the village. It is better to camp overnight and go down the mountain together when the sky is bright tomorrow morning.

That night, everyone camped behind the mountain wall. Chen Zhi was extra careful that night. He left extra manpower to stand guard outside the team. He changed shifts twice in the middle of the night to pay close attention to all the movements around him.

But this night was very quiet. Ever since they went up the mountain, they felt more and more that the silence in the deep mountain was terrifying. They couldn't even hear the cry of wild animals in the middle of the night, and even the wild rabbits that could be seen at the bottom of the mountain could not be heard. I can't see it anymore, as if all the beasts in this mountain have been captured by something.

When we woke up in the morning, everyone was packing up their equipment. Da Guo didn't rush to set off, but sent a few people to explore the way outside.

After a while, Chen Zhi and Da Guo were called outside by the pathfinders to look at the terrain. It turned out that they found several rows of small footprints tens of meters outside the team. These footprints wandered outside for a while. , and left.

Chen Zhi looked carefully, and found that the footprints were very strange, like human beings and animals at the same time, because these footprints were in groups of four, definitely crawling, but the footprints were very small. It seems that the speed of crawling is very fast, and the feet basically do not touch the ground, so there are no footprints on the snow.

But the crawling track of this thing is very regular, it is definitely a high-level intelligent creature, not like an animal.

Chen Zhi and the others followed the footprints all the way down, and found that this row of footprints went all the way down the mountain, and was divided into two rows, the other row of footprints was much shallower, and it seemed that they were left yesterday. This thing probably came from the bottom of the mountain. from the village.

"It seems that when Lu Wazi went up the mountain yesterday, this thing had been following him. If Lu Wazi hadn't happened to meet us yesterday, the child's life would have been dead long ago..."
Da Guo looked at the row of footprints slowly disappearing forward with a serious expression, and continued to say thoughtfully,

"It seems that there is really something wrong in this village, and it is very difficult to deal with. It is estimated that those mutated humans that Brother Bin mentioned have already eroded this village. As for why the villagers in Bingliugou have not If you would like to get in touch with the people in our town, we will not know until we go down to see them. After all, this village has been sealed in the mountains all year round, and anything can happen."

"it is good",
Chen Zhi nodded in agreement, looked at the row of footprints on the ground thoughtfully, frowned, and said nothing.

Chen Zhi, Da Guo and others returned to the camping place, and ordered everyone to quickly pack up their supplies and prepare to go down the mountain and into the village.At this time Ji Ying came over and whispered something in Chen Zhi's ear.

The way they went down the mountain was very smooth. The strong wind in the mountain had stopped since last night, and there was only thick snow on the mountain. On the way down the mountain, everyone still didn’t see any animals. Everything was so quiet Yes, the silence makes people hairy.

They went all the way down the mountain like this, and when it was about noon, they saw from a distance that a small village surrounded by white snow appeared in the front of the mountain depression. Like a snow scene painting, it is very artistic.

They walked all the way to the gate of the village, and saw that there were quite a lot of houses in the village. Everything in the village was very primitive, without any modern atmosphere.

There are dilapidated small mud houses everywhere, each with a large yard filled with bundles of wood and tall corn stacks. The houses here are very simple, and the roofs are thickly covered. The snow is pressing.

Chen Zhi's team walked towards the village, and found that the doors and windows of all the houses here were tightly sealed with wooden strips, without even a single gap, as if they were afraid of something breaking in.

There is not even a single person in the huge village, not even a dog.

"What the fuck is going on?",
Fat Wei stood at the entrance of the village, he was a little dazed when he saw this scene, and asked Da Guodao loudly,
"Da Guozi, didn't you say that your Tang family is very prestigious in this Bingliugou? You let us come in to repair it, why is there no one to greet you now? I think they don't welcome you at all. No one can be seen, not to mention, even the doors and windows have been sealed, with this appearance, it is as if we are devils entering the village!"

Da Guo also felt very strange at this time. He took off his snow-covered hat, took off the goggles, exposed his face, then looked forward and said strangely,

"No! This Bingliugou is not like this usually. There are a lot of men, women and children here, and they often hang out outside. I have been to this village many times, and I have never seen them seal the doors and windows like this. , It seems that a lot of things have happened in this village during this period of time, but we have never been aware of it outside."

While everyone was talking, in a courtyard at the entrance of the village, the door suddenly slammed~~~, and the wooden door was opened a gap.

Half of a woman's face was exposed through the gap, and after hesitating for a while in the dark, that face made a trembling sound.

"Is it Brother Da Guo?",
"Well, it's me! Is it the second sister-in-law?",
Da Guo responded immediately, and walked into the yard,
The woman behind the door was quiet for a while, and after confirming that it was Da Guo, she slowly opened the wooden door.

As soon as the wooden door was opened, two seven or eight-year-old children ran out, jumping and laughing outside as if they had been closed for a long time, but were yelled at by the woman behind the door,
"Bear cubs, don't go in quickly, aren't you afraid of being caught by the man-eating ghost? You are really a bloody ancestor."

The woman behind the door came out while scolding, and carried the two children in like chickens.Then he turned his head to look at Da Guo, then at Chen Zhi and the others, with panic all over his face, he took a few steps forward shyly, waved at Da Guo and said.

"Oh! Brother Daguo, why did you come here? Our village is in great trouble! Come in and talk! Otherwise, it will be a disaster if that thing comes out."

(End of this chapter)

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