Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 465 The Misfortune of Bingliugou

Chapter 465 The Misfortune of Bingliugou
Da Guo followed the woman into the house, Chen Zhi; Chen Zhi's side has never left.

The yards of the people in the mountains are basically very spacious, because the land here is occupied randomly, so the yards can be as big as you want, but the area of ​​the earthen house is not large.After they entered the house, they found that the indoor light of this house was very dim, and all the windows were nailed by wooden boards, without any gaps, and they were only illuminated by an oil lamp.

This is a common village house structure. The inner room is connected to the suite of the outer room. There is an earthen stove for lighting a fire in the outer room, and firewood is piled up next to it. A floral cloth curtain was hung, and strings of garlic were hung next to the stove. Although the furnishings in the whole room were simple, they were still neat.

The second sister-in-law dragged her two children into the house, and sent Lu Wazi inside to play with the two children.

Then he came out and poured hot water for everyone, and said in his mouth,

"Brother Da Guo, you really haven't been here for a while. These brothers are all your helpers, right? This time our village can be saved..."

The second sister-in-law was nagging, and quickly filled a large bowl of hot water for everyone, added brown sugar in it, and served it steaming to everyone's hands.

The customs in the mountains are different from those in the city. Brown sugar here is a rare commodity, and a large bowl of brown sugar water is a very elegant reception gift.

"Don't be too busy, second sister-in-law, please sit down first, we will ask you something",
Da Guo politely took the brown sugar water from the second sister-in-law's hand, and asked with a smile,

"Second aunt, I haven't been here for a while. Why has the village changed so much? What happened? When I entered the village just now, why couldn't I see a single person? Where did the villagers go?"

"Oh! You don't know, something big happened in our village! We've been living in the dark these days. I took my two children with me and I was worried all day long, thinking that I would never get through this hurdle again. My son. Woooooo~~~~~~~~~~~"

After the second sister-in-law finished speaking, she actually started to cry. The women in this mountain are not very educated, and they can't speak clearly. Coupled with the sobbing and crying, it is even more difficult to express.

Everyone listened to the second sister-in-law crying and talking, and probably understood what was going on.

This woman, whom Da Guo called the second sister-in-law, is a widow. After her husband went to the mountains to hunt the rolling rocks a few years ago, she lived alone in the village with her two children. He had no choice but to survive by picking some delicacies from the mountains and selling them for money.

Da Guo often came to the mountains to collect mountain products. It was not easy for his daughter to bring two children, so he often collected mountain products from his second sister-in-law, and the price was very high. The relationship between the two has always been good.

This village is originally a quiet and remote village in the deep mountains, and nothing new has ever happened, but there are a lot of wild beasts in the mountains, and there are often attacks on people, even if there are bears and other big wild beasts rushing to the village. It is not news that the village comes to hurt people.

But about a month ago, the village started to become strange.

At that time, many people found that the prey in the surrounding mountains became more and more difficult to hunt. Not only were large wild animals invisible, but even small prey were not seen, and the villagers often saw some in the mountains when they were hunting. Remains of animal carcasses, which attracted people's attention.

Therefore, the men in the mountains began to suspect that there were big beasts hunting and killing animals in the surrounding mountains, which was why so many dead animals were left behind.

But they soon discovered that something was wrong, because generally wild beasts hunted and killed animals for meat, but the meat of these animal carcasses was not eaten, but their stomachs were cut open and their internal organs were eaten up. Behavior of the general beast.

Gradually, the villagers discovered that this predator seemed to have lost interest in the internal organs of animals. After many animals were killed, the internal organs were discarded everywhere, and the whole mountain became bloody, very scary.

At this time, experienced hunters found that the marks left by the corpses of these animals were very abnormal. Generally, when large wild animals hunt, they always chase first and then bite, and there will be obvious marks around them.But the surroundings of these animal corpses were very clean. These animals were all killed by having their throats torn apart without much struggle. The hunting techniques were very neat, and it felt like humans were hunting.

The villagers are a group of simple and dull mountain people. Their thinking is very simple, and they are not too sensitive to these phenomena, but some sensitive people feel that these phenomena must be taken seriously, including Lu Wazi's father, Lu Da. able.

Lu Daneng is usually a high-profile person. He is the best hunter in the village, and he is strong and strong. He usually leads the hunters in the village to round up big prey in the mountains and makes a lot of money. , very prestigious among the villagers.

When he found these strange animal carcasses, he immediately became alert. With his years of hunting experience, he thought there must be something wrong in the surrounding area.

Lu Daneng warned the villagers to be careful, saying that this hunter is by no means an ordinary beast, and that he is no longer satisfied with the animals on the mountain, and he is likely to attack the villagers next.

But the villagers at that time did not pay much attention to Lu Daneng's warning. They felt that what Lu Daneng said was a bit too exaggerated, but the facts quickly proved that Lu Daneng was right.

One night, a villager who returned home late was attacked on the edge of the village. When people found his body, they found that his blood had flowed all over the floor, his stomach had been cut open, and all his internal organs had been eaten.

Seeing this tragic and terrifying scene, the villagers became panicked, and they gathered together to study coping strategies.

Lu Daneng thought at the time that this hunter was probably a man-eating monster, and this monster was lurking around the village, or even lurking inside the village.The current situation can no longer wait any longer. You must go to the town to find the Tang family for help, and then go to the police.

The villagers were all uneducated mountain people, and Lu Daneng made up his mind about everything, so everyone decided to let Lu Daneng take a few people over the mountains to the town to rescue soldiers the next day, and to catch the man-eating monsters in the village.

But something terrible happened that night.

Just the night before Lu Daneng was going to the town, Lu Daneng's family was attacked. At that time, both Lu Daneng and his wife were disemboweled and their internal organs were eaten clean. The son, Luwa, was not at home. The youngest son, who was just ten years old, escaped the accident because he was in the backyard.

Seeing the bloody reality in front of them, all the villagers panicked. They immediately put on guard in the village, but from that day on, the situation was out of control.

[Introduce a book "Factory", which is very popular, so there is no need to say too much. The story of the eunuch written is very interesting, and it is recommended to read. 】

 Thanks for the reward: Wei Tuo
(End of this chapter)

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