Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 466 The Doom of Bing Liugou

Chapter 466 The Misfortune of Bingliugou ([-])

Seeing the bloody reality in front of them, all the villagers panicked. They immediately put on guard in the village, but from that day on, the situation was out of control.

From that day on, several households of the villagers were attacked by the monster one after another. This monster only moves at night, its whereabouts are very hidden, and there is no trace to be traced. Its caution and speed are by no means comparable to wild beasts.

This monster unscrupulously attacked the villagers like this, one family after another, one family after another, when he attacked each family, he slaughtered all the people in the house, leaving no one behind, he did not eat human flesh, but lived The method of gnawing people's internal organs is very cruel. The scene of the crime is often full of blood and blood, which is very bloody.

In less than half a month, nearly a hundred people in the village were killed.

The men in the village also ganged up to look for this demon everywhere, but they found that this demon was very smart. He had never left the village, but he was able to hide perfectly in the village without leaving any trace.Everyone even suspected that this demon might look like a human being, living with everyone in the village, but it could kill people at night.

After the bloody incidents continued, the villagers went crazy with terror. Everyone clamored to go to the town to find someone to help, and immediately called the Tang family in the town to ask the Tang family to send someone to rescue everyone.

But the village head told everyone that the communication equipment in the village has been broken, and now it is impossible to contact people outside. He has already sent people to the town to find someone, and asked everyone to wait in the village, and it should be soon. can have news.

But in the next few days, the village chief told everyone that the few people he sent to the town had never returned after entering the mountain, and the equipment of the communication network had broken down. Now everyone is trapped in this village. Now I can only find a way to catch this monster by myself. The village chief asked everyone to close the doors and windows of their homes and not to go out at night. He would take people out to patrol every night.

At this time, the villagers had already collapsed. Everyone was afraid that they would be the next one to be disembowelled, and they wanted to escape from the village in panic.

However, the village chief’s attitude was very tough at this time. He gathered all the villagers together to announce a strict ban, forbidding everyone to act alone, and strictly forbidding to escape from the village privately. Those who sneak out of the village will be punished according to the village regulations. down.

The village chief of Bingliugou is over 50 years old this year, and he is a grumpy person. He is also surnamed Lu, and he is in the same family as Lu Daneng. This person had some feuds with Lu Daneng before.Because since Lu Daneng gained prestige in the village, the villagers listened to Lu Daneng more and almost replaced him as the village head.

So everyone was rumoring in private that the village head had always hated Lu Daneng for stealing his limelight. After Lu Daneng's family suffered a disaster, the village head arrested Lu Daneng's two sons and made fun of him.Although everyone was anxious and full of doubts, no one dared to ask more questions due to the might of the village chief.

In this way, the demons in this village became more and more rampant. Everyone hid at home and dared not go out. Later, some people were attacked even during the day. Since then, no one was seen walking outside in the village. , Everyone hid at home.

The pigs, dogs and poultry in the village have been hunted down long ago. The whole village is as peaceful as death every day. Everyone stays at home and has nowhere to ask for help. Every day, they don’t know whether the neighbor next door is dead or alive. Same in hell.

When the second sister-in-law said this, she burst into tears with excitement.

"Brother Da Guo, it's a good thing you're here, I just recognized you when I saw you take off your hat in the crack of the door, otherwise I wouldn't dare to open the door.

You brought so many helpers this time, it seems that my children and I are saved!Hurry up and catch that man-eating monster!Our village has been ruined by this monster, and now I don’t even know if the people next door are dead or alive, woo woo woo~~~~~~~~~”

After the second sister-in-law finished speaking, she began to sob and cry again, and she couldn't hear the nagging words clearly.

"Okay, second sister-in-law, don't cry. Since I have come to this village, I can definitely take care of this matter. You have also seen that I brought so many people and so many guns. I will definitely be able to catch that demon , don’t worry! Take me to the village chief in a while, and I want to have a good chat with him.”

Da Guo comforted his second sister-in-law, stood up and opened the wooden door, and told the guys standing outside,
"A few of you, go to the network cable on the edge of the village to have a look, see how the communication equipment there is broken, whether it was broken by snow or man-made, and then come back and tell me!"

"it is good!",
The guys outside readily agreed, and they ran outside.

Da Guo comforted the second sister-in-law again, then distributed the chocolates he brought to the children, and finally called Chen Zhi and the others out.

There is a warehouse for sundries behind this yard, and there is no connection around it, so it is safer to talk.A few of them gathered here to discuss future plans.

"Everyone heard what happened just now, what do you think?"
Da Guo asked straight to the point,

After everyone heard Da Guo's question, they all thought about it for a while, then Fat Wei said,

"It seems that what Lu Wazi said is true, and basically consistent with what that woman said. According to what they said, the village head of Bingliugou has a big problem.

When encountering this kind of thing, you should go out and find someone to help, how can you lock everyone up and wait for the monster to eat?

And just like what the woman said just now, this man-eating monster may appear in the form of a human during the day, and it can't be seen on the surface. This seems to be the mutant human we are looking for, right? "

Chen Zhi took Fat Wei's words and said,

"Before Leopard Lord disappeared, he left information about mutant humans, saying that these mutant humans were originally humans. If you don’t come out, you’re even smarter than before.”

"That's more likely",
Fat Wei lit a cigarette at this time, and then distributed one to everyone, took a heavy puff in his mouth, exhaled a smoke ring and said,

"I'm just guessing.

You see if there is such a possibility, the village head is actually a fucking mutant human, he killed Lu Daneng first, and then lied to everyone that he had gone to the town to find someone, but in fact he did not send anyone Go, maybe the communication equipment was broken by the village chief himself.

So he sealed everyone in the village and forbade everyone to go out, so that this old boy could eat people everywhere at night. "

"It's very possible",
Chen Zhi nodded and said,

"I suspect that the village head is not because of what he did, but because Ji Ying told me that she found out...".

"Brother Guo, we found a broken communication network",
Tang guy who broke into the door suddenly interrupted Chen Zhi's words, and said loudly,
"We found a box containing communication equipment outside the village. The equipment was sabotaged, and the thing that cut off the power grid was a knife."

(End of this chapter)

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