Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 468 The Doom of Bing Liugou

Chapter 468 The Misfortune of Bingliugou ([-])

Lu Wa's words are very powerful, telling the real evidence that everyone has been wondering.

There must be a reason why Lu Daneng held the gun but didn't fire it.As Lu Wa said, Lu Daneng is not a cowardly and hesitant person, so there is only one reason why he didn't open it.

People only relax their guard in front of people they are familiar with. The reason why Lu Daneng held a weapon but did not resist at that time was because the demon that appeared in front of him was someone he knew.

After Lu Wazi answered Chen Zhi's question, he was obviously agitated and began to whimper and cry endlessly. Da Guo hurried to comfort him, and called his second sister-in-law in, and asked her to take Lu Wa out to play.

The second sister-in-law didn't know what happened just now, and she couldn't understand why some big men insisted on teasing a child, and made her cry, so she had to coax and persuade Lu Wa to go out, and her two The children went to hide and seek in the yard together.

After the child went out, Chen Zhi and the others began to discuss countermeasures.

Now the situation is very clear. If the person Lu Daneng saw before he died was someone he knew, then this person must be an acquaintance in the village. After his father died, Lu Wa has been living in the village head's house At home, his body smelled strongly of blood, which meant that the ogre was at the village head's house.In addition to what the second sister-in-law said, the various strange behaviors of the village chief during this period,

All the signs indicate that this man-eating monster is probably the village head of Bingliugou.

If this village was really infected, then the village chief may have mutated some time ago, but he didn’t change on the surface, and no one noticed him. After Lu Daneng died, he cut off the network cable and sent The villagers were trapped in the village and eaten one by one.

"Okay, let's stop thinking about it now, and don't hesitate anymore, there is still a child at the village chief's house!",
Fat Wei said as he took out his pistol, checked the chamber and said,
"Let me tell you, let's go meet the village chief now. If this old boy is really a mutant human, let's deal with it right away! One more minute will be a disaster."

What Fat Wei said is very reasonable. Indeed, they are on the way to carry out the task now, and they have no time to take care of these nosy things.But with such a big thing happening in the village right now, it cannot be ignored, so cutting the mess quickly is the best choice now.

When they were discussing in the house, the second sister-in-law had already opened the stove outside, started a fire and cooked, preparing to greet a group of people to eat and drink.

Da Guo told her not to be too busy, and asked her to take them to the village chief of Bingliugou first, and let the Tang family guys stay in the yard of the second sister-in-law's house to rest, and prepare to camp around at night.

Just in case, several people took their guys, loaded their guns, and followed the second sister-in-law to the village chief's house.

The road was very quiet, and there were no ghosts in the village. Although Da Guo often came and went in this village, he mainly dealt with Lu Daneng, and had little contact with the village head of Bingliugou. , this is the first time he went to the village chief's house.

Five people, Chen Zhi, Fat Wei, Lao Somersault, Da Guo, and Ji Ying, followed the second sister-in-law all the way to the east end of the village. After walking not far, they arrived in front of the village chief's courtyard.

The courtyard of this family is slightly larger than that of other families. There is a large stone mill in front of the door, and unground beans are scattered all over the place.

The adobe house in the yard was very dilapidated, with thick snow on the roof, and an iron chain was hung on the gate, which was tightly closed, and it was impossible to see whether there was anyone inside.

"Village Chief, the Tang family in the town is looking for you, come out and have a look!"

The second sister-in-law had a loud voice, shouting loudly while knocking on the door outside.

But after knocking for a long time, there was no sound at all.

At this time, Fat Wei was a little impatient, he walked over in three steps and two steps, smashed the door and shook it,
"Is there anyone~~~~~~~~~~, hurry up and open the door~~~~~~, otherwise we will smash the door in~~~~~~~~",
Pang Wei's shout was very loud, like thunder, and the sound echoed throughout the village.

At this time, I heard a rattling ~~~~~ from the back of the wooden door, someone opened the bolt, and the wooden door slowly opened a gap, revealing an old man's face inside.

The old man's face could not be seen clearly in the dark, but he could feel that he was very unfriendly. When he saw Pang Wei and the others standing outside, he immediately raised his eyebrows. At this time, he saw the second sister-in-law standing at the door again.

"I said the daughter-in-law of the second family. Didn't I say it all? Don't come out if you have nothing to do. It's too dangerous. Besides, who are these people? Why did you bring so many people from other villages here?"

"We are here to help, if you have anything to say, let's go in and talk!",
Fat Wei pushed open the door very bluntly, and broke in. The old man was stunned by the push, and stood at the door, only then did everyone see the old man's appearance clearly.

This old man looks to be in his 60s, but because of the hard life of the people in the mountains, his face looks older. His face is full of deep wrinkles, his eyebrows are thick and upright, his eyes are blood red, and he looks very vicious. It looks like a black-faced killer.

He was wearing a shiny cotton coat and trousers, with his hands in the cuffs, a leather belt tied around his waist, and a long whip hanging from it.

"Hey~~~~~~, who are you? How can you break into someone else's house?",
The old man reached out to pull Fat Wei, but he didn't. Chen Zhi and the others took the opportunity to follow into the house.

The house is not big, and the smell of burning charcoal is everywhere. The doors and windows are tightly closed, and the air is extremely bad. The room is very messy and very humid. There was an old lady in her 50s, who was peeling corn sticks on the kang, and was startled when she saw a group of people coming in.

"Hurry up and get out for me, or I won't be polite~~~~~~~~~",
As the old man said, he stretched out his hand to take a knife from the wall, and shouted at Chen Zhi and the others in a stern voice, as vicious as a ghost.

"Village chief, don't get angry. They are all from the Tang family in the town. They are here to save us. You don't know others, brother Da Guo, you should know them, right?"
Seeing that the atmosphere was not good, the second sister-in-law hurriedly smoothed things over, pointed at Da Guo who was standing beside her and said to the old man,

But Da Guo, who was standing next to him, had no blood on his face at this time. He frowned and stared straight at the knife in the old man's hand. The knife looked like a foreign product with a very sharp edge. It was the German saber that Da Guo gave Lu Daneng.

 Thank you for the reward: Wei Tuo 300; choose a day to run naked; giant soldiers; open mind;
(End of this chapter)

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