Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 469 The Doom of Bing Liugou

Chapter 469 The Misfortune of Bingliugou ([-])

When Da Guo saw the knife in the village head's hand, his face became extremely ugly. His suspicion of the village head became more certain in his heart. His brows were erected, his eyes were wide open, and he was tightly holding the pistol at his waist. , as if it could rush over at any time.

"Lu Daneng's son, where is Er Gouer? I came to take him away. His father was my brother who knelt on the ground when he was alive. His father is dead. I will take care of his son."
Da Guo's voice is very tough, merciless, it sounds a sense of fear.

The village chief was slightly taken aback when he saw Da Guo's expression, his dark and fierce face became even more ferocious. In the dark room, the old man really looked like a living ghost.

The village head pulled out Lu Daneng's saber, and yelled loudly at Da Guo,
"You want to take the child away, you are dreaming. What on earth are you here for? You don't have to deal with the affairs of our village. Why don't you come here to scare us mountain people? I have never seen anything in my life, old man. Get out!"

The two of them were in a stalemate here, while Ji Ying on the side quickly walked around the room, glanced into the inner room, stared at the kang where the old lady was sitting for a while, then turned her head and nodded to everyone .

Ji Ying's signal gave everyone certain information, and everyone's nerves immediately tensed up.

"Hey~~~, old man, do you want to play tricks with us, let you see who is better than whom?",
At this time, Pang Wei also showed his guy, stood in front of the old man, and shouted loudly at the village chief,
"Tell you, if you are sensible, hand over the child quickly, otherwise you will also see that we are not vegetarians, and I will chop it into twists for you at any time."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he took a step forward with a gun, and several people surrounded the village chief.

In this situation, the village head was very calm, he did not show panic or fear, and looked at Da Guo viciously.

"I've seen you before, and I know you're from the Tang family. I've sent several people to the mountain to seek help from the Tang family, but I haven't heard from the Tang family..."

"That's really strange",
Da Guo immediately took the words of the village chief and said,

"I just came from the town, and I didn't hear that you sent people there! And we found out just now that the telephone line has been cut, and you used the knife in your hand. It seems that you have done a good job of deceiving the world. Okay!"

The village chief was taken aback when he heard Da Guo's words, looked at the knife in his hand, and immediately blushed as if he had been stabbed, and roared loudly,
"Put your mother's bullshit, cut off or not, that broken phone box is a trick to deceive people, how can people talk here, people on the other side of the mountain can hear it, this is all the city people's magic trick, It is these demons that attract demons.

Our village has always been doing well, but it was Lu Daneng, a short-lived ghost who pretended to be brave. He said every day that he wanted to learn from the people in the city, and then went to work as a comprador for the Tang family. All these disasters were caused by him. What about dealing with demons!The results of it?He himself died in the hands of the monster, he was killed without even firing a single shot, he is really a wimp..."

The village chief cursed loudly, his face was full of dissatisfaction with Lu Daneng,
"It seems that you are really prejudiced against Lu Daneng! Then why did you adopt his child?",
Chen Zhi had been observing the expression of the village chief, and said with a light smile,

At this time, Da Guo was already very emotional. He loaded the gun, took a few steps forward towards the head of the village chief, and said coldly,
"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, let me ask you again, where is the child?"

The village chief's face changed completely at this time, the corners of his mouth were pressed down, and his face was red and swollen due to anger. The old man's eyeballs were a little whitish, as if he had cataracts. He looked around Several people in the room finally set their eyes on Chen Zhi.

He seemed to think that Chen Zhi was a little gentler than others, so he said to Chen Zhi with a serious voice,
"This child is from our village. You don't need outsiders to intervene in the affairs of our village. If you want to break in, I'm not afraid of you."

After the village chief finished speaking, he quickly took out the whip from his waist, and while Pangwei was not paying attention, he jumped into the yard with one step, and flicked his right hand like the sky, with a bang~~~~~~~, a clear whip sound echoed in the yard. It sounded like a thunderbolt in the sky.

Immediately, the doors of all the earthen houses in the village were opened, and many men came out of the houses, holding picks and sticks in their hands, and slowly surrounded the village chief's yard.


The old somersault immediately walked behind Chen Zhi to remind him,
"The people in this mountain village are different from other places. Their thinking is very simple and they are very united. They have no concept of the rule of law and do things regardless of the consequences.

If the village chief gave an order at this time, saying that we are here to snatch the children, then these villagers will come and fight us desperately. There will be casualties in conflicts, and we will be very passive at that time.So now we have to solve the problem quickly, find a way to get the child back, and consider other long-term plans.”

After the words of the old somersault were quickly finished in Chen Zhi's ear, Chen Zhi turned his mind a little bit, and then walked to the middle of the yard, at this time the villagers had already gathered around.

These villagers have been in panic during this period of time. Their emotions are very unstable, anxious and irritable.

"Everyone, don't get excited, we are sent by the Tang family in the town to help everyone."

When Chen Zhi came up, he reported the name of the Tang family first, in order to stabilize the mood of the villagers.

"We already know what happened in the village recently. We are here this time to catch this man-eating monster and keep everyone safe. Don't worry!"

After saying this, Chen Zhi saw that the expressions on the faces of the villagers had softened a lot, and they put down the shovel in their hands. Chen Zhi then continued,

"Everyone knows that Lu Daneng in the village is dead, and his eldest son, Lu Wa, ran out today to find his father's brother, Da Guo."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he pointed to Da Guo who was standing beside him, and continued,

"The relationship between Lu Daneng and Da Guo before his death is probably known to all the villagers. Now that the child has no father, it is human nature to want to be with his dry uncle.

During this period of time, we stayed in the village to deal with everyone's affairs, and set up a village near the second sister-in-law's house. The child is safe with us. This matter is reasonable, but the village head does not approve.

So be it now!We will let the child choose for himself now, where he wants to live depends on his own wishes, folks, do you think it will work? "


(End of this chapter)

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