Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 470 The Doom of Bing Liugou

Chapter 470 The Misfortune of Bingliugou ([-])

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, the surrounding villagers were no longer as irritable as before. They put down the shovels in their hands. Some women poked their heads out of the house and walked into the crowd. Everyone whispered to each other. They all felt that what Chen Zhi said just now was reasonable.

"Well, since everyone has no opinion, let's call out Lu Daneng's child and let the child decide for himself!"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he turned his head and said to the village chief,

"The folks are watching here now, we didn't bully you, I have made everything clear just now, now you bring Lu Daneng's son Gou'er out!

We asked him face to face if he wanted to live with you or go back with Da Guo.If the child says he wants to stay with you, we will leave immediately without further ado, what do you think? "

Facing Chen Zhi's questioning, the village head's expression became extremely ugly at this moment. He stared fiercely at Chen Zhi, and his eyes with cataracts whirled around and looked at him. The surrounding villagers looked at Chen Zhi again, with vicious expressions as if they wanted to eat Chen Zhi.

But at this time, the surrounding villagers were no longer what they were just now. From the expressions of the villagers, it can be seen that everyone's heart has been biased towards Chen Zhi and the others. Everyone has long doubted the behavior of the village chief before, but now they are more certain Despite this suspicion, everyone was watching and waiting for the village chief to express his opinion.

The village chief stood motionless in the middle of the yard at this moment, with a dark face and said nothing, and pretended not to hear Chen Zhi's questioning, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

At this time, the wife of the village chief came out of the house. The old lady was black and fat, with gray hair all over her head. He shouted at Chen Zhi and the others,
"Okay! Let the child speak for himself! But if the child doesn't want to go with you, you have to send Lu Wa back. After all, Lu Daneng is the nephew of my old man's family. If he dies, the child should Let us take it, it makes sense.

But if the child is willing to go with you, we don't force it, our old couple is too tired to take care of the child, so you can take it away..."

After the old lady finished speaking, she dragged a ten-year-old child out of the house.

This child looks very similar to Lu Wa, with a small face flushed with cold, and a pair of big eyes, but it seems as if he has been frightened, he opened his big eyes in fear, and said a word trembling all over his body Can't tell.

Seeing the behavior of the old lady, the village chief immediately went into a rage, cursing viciously,
"Dead old woman, do you want to die? Who told you to take the child out, take it in quickly! Otherwise, I will kill you tonight."

"and many more!"

Da Guo suddenly yelled, walked over quickly, and said to the child,
"Dog, do you remember me? I am your uncle Guo, the one who often went to drink with your father. Your brother is with me now! You can follow me too, and I will take you to town... ...",
Da Guo said in his mouth, stretching out his hand to pull the dog's little hand,
But the dog hid back, looked at Da Guo with startled eyes, and then turned back to look at the village chief, as if he was very afraid of the village chief.

"Dog, are you willing to go with your uncle Guo? Hurry up and say something!",
The second sister-in-law reacted very quickly, she quickly walked up to the dog, bent down and said,

"Your brother and your two little brothers are waiting for you at my house! We also have the brown sugar cubes that your uncle Guo brought from the city. They are delicious. Come quickly!"

The second aunt said, she was going to hug the dog,
At this moment, Gou'er looked at the village chief with a look of fear on his face, pointed at the village chief's face, and said tremblingly,

"He, he, he is a ghost..."

Before the dog finished speaking, he cried out with a wow~~~~~, and then he couldn't control it, crying with snot and tears.

"Little brat, what are you talking about? Why am I a ghost? Did I treat you badly or something?",
Seeing the dog's attitude towards him, the village chief suddenly became angry from embarrassment. He went up and grabbed the dog's small arm, and cursed loudly,

"The child is scared by you people from other villages, and you don't know what to say. Come in with me! Let your fourth grandma make steamed buns for you at night."

But just as the village chief's hand touched the dog's arm, the child burst into tears as if touched by a ghost.

Following the child's cries, everyone turned their eyes to the village chief with suspicious expressions, including the men holding sticks just now, their eyes also hesitated at this time.

"Okay, now the child's meaning is very clear. He is afraid of living in your house, especially you, so he should go with us!",
Chen Zhi's voice was as calm as possible, and then he looked at the village head's dark little room with taboo.

"What are you talking about? This child didn't say anything, so why did he go with you? What's the use of being a godbrother who kowtows later, who knows what you will do with the child? I don't feel relieved if I put it in your hands...".

As the village chief said, he grabbed the dog by the arm and dragged him into the hut.

The dog's face immediately turned blue with fright, his red eyebrows were knit together, and he was crying so hard that he was about to die.

Just when the village chief was about to pull the dog into the house, he suddenly stopped. Behind him, a cold muzzle of a gun pressed against his temple.

He looked back in horror, and saw Chen Zhi standing behind him, pointing a gun to his head, and said in a very low voice,

"I took this child, but we will meet soon",
The village head was overwhelmed by Chen Zhi's sudden posture, and unconsciously let go of the dog's hand.

Chen Zhi grabbed the dog, looked back at the village head's face, turned around and led the child back.

The surrounding villagers witnessed all this process, and no one came out to intervene. People from the Tang family have been in the village frequently over the years. It is obvious to all that most of the villagers have a good impression of Da Guo and the Tang family.

The villagers looked at the village chief who was standing there in a daze, and whispered to each other, but no one stepped forward.

Chen Zhi and the others walked back with the children like this, while Fat Wei and Da Guo walked at the back with their guns in hand, ready to deal with possible attacks from behind.

At this time, Ji Ying came to Chen Zhi's side and whispered in Chen Zhi's ear,

"Our guess is correct. The house is full of bloody smell. If my feeling is correct, there are corpses under the kang."

 Thanks for the reward: Cucurbit Baby 99, 6000 rewards, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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