Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 471 The Doom of Bing Liugou

Chapter 471 The Misfortune of Bingliugou ([-])

Chen Zhi took the dog's hand and walked back. The village head behind him stood there looking at them angrily. Chi and the others were very worried about taking the dog away, but he didn't act aggressively or attack.

Chen Zhi and the others took the dog all the way back to the second sister-in-law's house. After a while, the villagers who were watching just now also followed. They knew Da Guo very well. They were all very happy, and many men who were in charge of the family came to discuss the affairs of the village with Da Guo.

The villagers first told Da Guo in detail about the cannibalism incident that happened during this period, which was basically the same as what the second sister-in-law said.

In order to avoid this monster, everyone has been locked in the house for a long time, and we haven't seen each other for a long time. Some villagers found that some houses are no longer visible, and some houses have not been opened.

In the afternoon, Chen Zhi first asked Ji Ying to monitor the village head near the village head's house, pay close attention to his movements, and prevent him from doing things that would harm the villagers.Then Da Guo and Chen Zhi took guns and weapons in their hands, and led a few brave hunters in the village to search every house. No one came to open the door for a long time.

When everyone pried open the door together, they found that murders had indeed occurred in these private houses. The scene inside was too tragic. There were corpses lying horizontally, with frightened faces, both adults and children. Already eaten.

After the search, it was found that there were five families of the victims, all of whom were victims at home. No one in the family survived. The tiles on the roof were torn away, and the man-eating thing jumped in from the roof. The scene was horrible .

Since Da Guo and Chen Zhi's team came to the village, the villagers have gained confidence. The men in the village are bloody hunters. They are all angry when they see their fellow villagers being harmed like this. Excited, they searched everywhere in groups, trying to find that man-eating monster.

In order not to startle the snake, Chen Zhi and others did not reveal to the villagers that they suspected the village chief. They organized the villagers to transport the corpses out of the house, and then put everything in a house, waiting for later processing.

During this period of time, several dexterous Tang guys have already repaired the communication equipment. Since the materials they brought this time are very complete, and even a small generator, the communication network was restored quickly. They got in touch with the town over the hill.

Bingliugou was far away in the mountains, and the phone communication effect was very poor, but they could still hear Ning Bin's voice clearly.

Ning Bin was very happy to hear that Chen Zhi and Da Guo arrived in Bingliugou safely, and hurriedly asked about the situation and what happened here.

Da Guo reported to Ning Bin all the incidents of Bingliugou being attacked by mutant humans, and told him that more than 20 people had died here. I don't know, it's hard to cover up the situation, so I asked Ning Bin how to deal with these corpses.

Ning Bin told them that since so many people died in the village, this situation is beyond the scope of the Tang family's private affairs. He will use the Tang family's relationship above to seek help from special departments. There will be news.But Chen Zhi and the others don't need to take care of the matter of pacifying Bingliugou. Chen Zhi and the others just need to continue with their original plan, but now the mutant humans in the village must be caught immediately, otherwise the situation will become very bad. control.

What Ning Bin said was exactly the same as what Chen Zhi thought. It is not a trivial matter that so many people died in the village. We must ask for help from the government department. However, Chen Zhi and others must keep the matter of finding the mysterious village strictly confidential. If the mutant humans in the valley are not found, things in the mountains will be exposed, and they will have to worry about going forward. Therefore, tonight, the mutant humans in this ice flow ditch must be dealt with.

After Da Guo and the others brought the dog back to the second sister-in-law's house, they let their team set up camp near the yard of the second sister-in-law's house. A large group of people started to set up tents, set up a pot, and got busy. Lu Wa saw his brother After the dog came back, he was very happy, and all the children in the village were released. A group of children jumped up and down in the yard of the second sister-in-law.

The villagers in Bingliugou were very enthusiastic. A group of women volunteered to help cook in the yard of the second sister-in-law. The problem of food and drink for more than 100 people was a big project. Fortunately, there was a lot of food in Bingliugou, and everyone started chopping firewood. Lighting the fire, washing rice and cooking vegetables for dinner, a group of chattering women, and a group of children frolicking, the yard immediately became extremely noisy.

Amid the noise, the inner room of the second sister-in-law happened to be vacant. Chen Zhi, Da Guo, Pang Wei, and Lao Somersault all took this opportunity to enter the inner room to study the evening plan together.

"There must be something wrong with the village chief,"
Fat Wei spoke first among a group of people,
"Look at him, he looks like a bastard. He is not a good thing at first sight. He has a bad relationship with Lu Daneng. Why do you insist on holding on to his child? Look at when he handed over the child. There must be something tricky about that reluctance...

I suspect that he killed Lu Daneng at all, and then wanted to attack his children. I think he looks like a mutant human being, otherwise how could normal people look so fierce? If you want me to say, how many of us tonight Go and tie him up there, and see what his mother can mutate into. "

Fat Wei was talking here, while Old Somersault kept shaking his head beside him, he frowned and thought for a moment before saying.

"That's what I said, but none of us have ever seen what a mutant human looks like. Just pointing at the village chief and saying that he is a monster that eats people, we have no evidence! If they just don't admit it, how can we Do you have so much time to spend with him? Don't forget, the leopard is still alive or dead on the mountain!"

"Then what are you going to do? Should we still hire a lawyer and talk to him about the law?",
Fat Wei scratched his neck and said,

"Okay! Don't pretend to be intellectuals, we are not a court here? We still have to talk about his mother's evidence, whoever has time to talk to him about that shit, if you want me to talk, tie up that old boy first. Beat him first Don, see if he mutates or not."

"No! No!",
Da Guo immediately objected at the side,

"You don't know, there are a lot of people surnamed Lu in this village. After all, the village chief is also an old man in this village. The elders of the villagers, regardless of their seniority, Lu Daneng will call him uncle. You go there for no reason. The villagers must not just sit idly by if they are tied up and beaten, and there is no reason for this, otherwise it will cause conflicts.

Why!correct! ",
When Da Guo said this, he suddenly remembered something,
"When we saw the dog today, didn't the kid have something to say? He said that the village head is a ghost. It doesn't seem like he said it for no reason. Let's ask him later, and ask him what he saw. What is it that makes you think the village head is a ghost?"

[Thanks to Cucurbita 99 for the 6000 reward, thank you for posting on the wall]

 Thanks for the reward: 112656788; black smoke on the sea 500; choose another day to run naked

(End of this chapter)

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