Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 473 The Doom of Bing Liugou

Chapter 473 The Misfortune of Bingliugou ([-])

After everything was discussed, everyone started to prepare for the night's action. Just like what Da Guo said just now, going to the village head's house to arrest people is not a joke, and they don't know anything about mutant humans. So you have to be extra careful, you have to wait until it gets dark to make a sudden attack before you can decide the outcome with one move.

After a while, the yard of the second sister-in-law's house was filled with the aroma of rice and vegetables. The men in the mountains used to go hunting in the mountains, and each family had a lot of delicacies and dried meat. The work was quick, and after a while, a large banquet of mountain delicacies was ready outside.

Because there are too many villagers and the Tang family's folks, it is impossible to sit here, and the yard is too cold, so everyone had to move long tables and benches from each family, and set up a bonfire near the yard. After coming up, everyone gathered in the yard to eat, and it seemed not so cold when there were more people.

The villagers have been locked up at home for too long. After Chen Zhi and the others came, their suppressed mood finally relaxed, as if they had been amnesty, and they were really excited.

Everyone gathered in the yard of the second sister-in-law's house to have a feast, like drinking a wedding wine. Outsiders are the guests of the whole village. This is the custom of Bingliugou, and there is a habit of drinking strong alcohol in the mountain village. The high-grade liquor brewed in the village came, and everyone quickly got into the mood after changing glasses.

Because Chen Zhi and the others had something on their minds, they didn't drink at all, that is, they dealt with it casually and ate some simple meals.

In private, Da Guo strictly ordered the guys in the Tang family not to drink alcohol, otherwise they would be severely punished to prevent them from getting drunk at night.

In this way, everyone ate the banquet in the mountains in joy. The wine here was really pure and strong. After a while, the villagers had already drunk too much. , the scene was extremely lively.

When it was past eight o'clock in the evening, the villagers on the table were already drunk, and I don't know if they had such a good time on weekdays. In short, their appearance after drinking was very exaggerated.

The sky in the mountains was already dark early, but now the surrounding area is completely dark. Except for the bustle in the second sister-in-law’s yard, other places are quiet. The moon in the sky is very bright tonight, hanging in the night sky like a bright lamp .

"Didn't these mountain people say that they wanted to welcome us? How did they drink themselves like this? They don't have the capacity to drink at all, and they get drunk like this after drinking a little. If the man-eating monsters come out at this time, they will They are not like pigs waiting to be slaughtered, they all have to be eaten."

Fat Wei looked at the villagers who drank into mud, and shook his head helplessly,
"It doesn't matter if they are drunk, it will save trouble, let's go!",
As Da Guo said, he touched the gun on his back, and then gestured to the guys, and a group of people walked out of the yard together.

This kind of thing is not a group battle, and there are too many people to make things wrong. Just in case, they left the old somersault and most of the Tang family's buddies with the second sister-in-law, and then Chen Zhi, Fat Wei, and Da Guo took the More than 20 guys walked to the village head's house together.

The banquet held at the second sister-in-law's house just now has gathered all the people in the village. Along the way, Chen Zhi and the others couldn't even see a single person. The village inside the mountain was pitch-black. The surrounding houses and trees are all so dark that you can't see clearly, everything is eerily quiet, and there seems to be ghosts hiding in the darkness on both sides of the village road.

When they walked all the way to the vicinity of the village head's house, they found that the flames and figures behind them were completely invisible, and everything around here was silent, as if there were only Chen Zhi and the others left in the world.

Chen Zhi and the others led the guys towards the gate of the village chief's house. The fence in the yard was not closed, but the gate of the house was still tightly closed. There was no movement inside. It looked like an abandoned house that no one lived in. .

When Chen Zhi frowned slightly, Ji Ying gently floated down from the roof like a gust of wind, and landed beside Chen Zhi.

"Did they go out this day?",
Chen Zhi asked Ji Yingdao in a very low voice,

Ji Ying shook her head lightly.

"They stayed in the house all day and never went out, and no one came in to find them."

"it is good!",
Chen Zhi nodded slightly, then winked at Fat Wei next to him.

Fat Wei couldn't bear it anymore, he walked forward quickly, kicked the wooden door with a bang, and shouted loudly towards the inside,
"Come out! Mutated old man, don't pretend, show what you have! Fatty, I want to see what you mutant humans look like, and how better you are compared to those zombies."

After Fat Wei shouted, he rushed in one step, and everyone rushed into the room with him.

There was no one in the front hall of the house, and the surroundings were pitch black, but the door of the inner room was ajar.

Fat Wei kicked open the door of the inner room and stepped in. Just as he walked into the inner room, his head was blocked by a gun.

Fat Wei was shocked, and looked to the right, only to see the vicious face of the village chief appearing in the darkness. It looked extremely fierce, like a ghost. head, said viciously,

"Don't move, take another step forward, and I'll blow your head off."

"Damn, it's really a mutant human!"

The sudden attack did not frighten Pang Wei, Pang Wei quickly turned his head to the side, dodged the muzzle of the gun, and then pressed down the muzzle of the old man's gun, and kicked him when he flew up. On the village chief's stomach, the village chief staggered and fell to the ground. Fat Wei immediately rushed forward and held the village chief down.

"Hey! You old man, you are quite stubborn. You dare to hit me with a shotgun. I am the ancestor who took care of you monsters. Just your two actions are far worse than the zongzi in the tomb."

The village head was pinned down by Fat Wei and couldn't move, but he was screaming desperately.

"Bandits~~~~~, you bandits and bandits, come quickly~~~~~~, help~~~~~~, bandits are here to rob you~~~~~~~~".

Facing the scene in front of him, Chen Zhi suddenly froze, and his mind instantly became chaotic like a boiling pot.

Seeing this, the old lady on the kang was so frightened that she almost fainted, and jumped to the ground to save the village chief, yelling.

At this time, Da Guo rushed to the earth kang with a stride, lifted the bedding on the kang at once, picked up an iron pick and smashed it on the earth kang. It was not strong. After Da Guo smashed it hard twice, a big hole was opened in the top of the kang, and many corpses were exposed under the hole.

 Thanks for the reward: choose a day to run naked; cute
(End of this chapter)

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