Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 474: The Doom of Bing Liugou

Chapter 474 The Doom of Bingliugou ([-])

There were as many as five or six corpses, lying there in a mess. The complexion of the corpses was gray, and the appearance of each death was extremely tragic. The stomachs had been dug open, and the internal organs could not be seen. Screwed together below, it looks startling.

After seeing these corpses, Pang Wei became even more angry, and shouted loudly at the old village chief who was under him,

"Old man, take a look at these corpses, what else do you have to say now? You cannibalistic monster, you won't say that these corpses ran to the bottom of your kang at night, right?"

The village chief turned his face to look at the corpses in the kang, his expression was even more surprised than Pang Wei's. He opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time, then shouted loudly at the corpses.

"This..., what's going on here? These people are all people I sent out of the village to the town to ask for help! I've been waiting for them for so long but there is no news. Why did they all die here? Why are the bodies still piled up? What about under the kang at my house?
What the hell is going on, what the hell is going on? "

After the old village chief finished speaking, he tried his best to stand up, but Fat Wei pressed so tightly that he couldn't stand up no matter how hard he writhed.

At this time, after seeing this scene, the village head's wife seemed to be frightened crazy, and desperately pushed open a small window next to her, and shouted for help outside.

"Is there anyone~~~~~~, come and help me~~~~~~ My house has a thief, and my house is haunted!"

The old lady leaned out of the window and shouted loudly, but there was no one outside,

Only then did Chen Zhi realize that there was a small window that had been closed all along next to the kang in the inner room.This small window is less than one meter wide, and it is very inconspicuous, close to the village road outside. It is estimated that they closed the small window with wooden strips to prevent the danger from the outside.

The wooden slats on this small window are neatly nailed and densely packed. If you don't pay attention, you can't find it at all.

And when Chen Zhi looked at the neatly arranged wooden slats nailed to the window, his mind burst like a burst.
Shouted loudly to Da Guo and Fat Wei.

"Oops, it's time to tune the tiger away from the mountain, Uncle Jin and the others are in danger, come back with me~~~~~~~~",
Before Fat Wei and the others could react, Chen Zhi had already turned around and stepped out of the door, and ran frantically towards the second sister-in-law's house. Ji Ying followed closely behind him.

Chen Zhi was running, his mind was spinning wildly,

He thought this matter was simple at first, it was not simply a matter of a mutated human being, it was a well-planned predation operation.

Those wooden slats that seal the windows are carefully processed and carefully nailed to the windows, which takes a lot of energy. If the village chief himself is a mutant human, he doesn't need to waste energy to seal his windows like this. The level, even if it is pretending, this level is too exaggerated.

Moreover, using a long-barreled gun to resist Fat Wei is a defensive behavior with a lot of loopholes. There is no need for mutant humans to do that in the dark, they only need to attack directly in the dark.

This village head is simply an ordinary human being. They have been misled from the beginning to the end, just like they knew that there were mutant humans in this mountain before they came to this mountain. They are a powerful team, so they preconceived and made the illusion to guide them, the mutant humans are actually...

Chen Zhi was running crazily in front, and Fat Wei and Da Guo had followed up behind him. Fat Wei was out of breath and shouted to Chen Zhi,
"Cheng Zi, why did you suddenly go crazy? We have found the body, are you still afraid that the old man will deny it? Why are you running away suddenly at this time? Could it be..., can we still arrest the wrong person?"

Chen Zhi ran desperately and didn't have time to answer Fat Wei's question, so he said to Ji Ying next to him,
"The time is running out, you go and guard the road leading into the mountain from Bingliugou, and if you see anyone entering the mountain to report the news, shoot them to death! Then come back immediately to help!",
Ji Ying agreed blankly, and then disappeared by Chen Zhi's side like a shadow.

At this time, Chen Zhi said to Fat Wei and Da Guo who were catching up behind him,
"We have been misled from the beginning. These mutated humans are really smart. He even took the initiative to come to us. We have been led by him. Now Uncle Jin and the villagers are in danger. Run, go back now Come in a hurry”

"You said that the village chief is not a mutant human? Who is the real mutant human? Who is it?",
Fat Wei and Da Guo led more than 20 buddies and ran out of breath beside Cheng Zhi. Fat Wei was at a loss at this time, and asked puzzledly while running.

"It's not that anyone is a mutant human being, but that several of them are mutants. Their goal is the villagers of this village. They use us to lure all the villagers out. Don't ask, run, and Uncle Jin and the villagers will come later." I can't keep it..."
When the two heard what Chen Zhi said, they didn't ask any more questions. The three of them had good physical strength, so they ran back like a gust of wind, and soon ran back to the yard of the second sister-in-law's house.

The second sister-in-law's yard was still brightly lit, and the people in the big yard had disappeared, and the cups, dishes and dishes on the banquet were still there, as if people had just left the banquet.There are many broken dishes on the ground, and there are traces of dragging on the ground. It seems that all the villagers here have been dragged away in the time just now.

The surroundings were quiet, filled with a strange and eerie atmosphere, and everyone walked across the yard to the second sister-in-law's house.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the roof in front. This sound was very strange, unlike any other sound. If I had to describe it, it was like an insect flapping its wings when it was angry. Provocative sound.

Chen Zhi followed the sound and looked forward, and found that the second sister-in-law's house was dark, the door was locked from the inside, the door was tightly closed, and there was no light in the house.But under the moonlight, one can still see the figures inside, it seems that many people are hiding inside and trembling.

And on the roof, there were a few black shadows, Chen Zhi and others looked carefully, and saw the second sister-in-law, Lu Wa and the dog, stretching out their tongues, crawling on the roof like animals, smiling but not smiling Looking at Chen Zhi and the others, he showed his white teeth. Under the moonlight, that weird smile was terrifying beyond description.

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(End of this chapter)

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