Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 475 The Doom of Bing Liugou

Chapter 475 The Misfortune of Bingliugou ([-])

The faces of the second sister-in-law and the two children were stiff and cold under the moonlight. Da Guo and Fat Wei were all stupefied standing there, especially Da Guo. The old Luwa and the dog are now crawling on the roof like animals, their tongues can be more than ten centimeters long, and their mouths are full of blood. It is really terrifying.

The scene in front of him was beyond description. Chen Zhi stood at the front of the team, looked at the three mutant humans on the roof, and secretly gritted his teeth.

His mind was full of the matter of going to the deep mountains to rescue Lord Bao, and he underestimated the situation in this village.He should have noticed a long time ago that if a widow living alone with two children at home, it is absolutely impossible to open the door to strangers easily, even if she is familiar with Da Guo, it is impossible, let alone in the period when demons are rampant , unless she is a monster herself.

The reason why Lu Daneng was killed without firing a single shot was because the person who killed him at that time was his son. No one survived after being attacked by monsters, and Lu Daneng's family was no exception. It is impossible for a child less than ten years old to escape by chance, unless he is a demon himself.

After Lu Daneng was killed, Lu Wa and Gou'er were placed in the village chief's house. They killed the messengers sent by the village chief in the mountains, and then piled them into the village chief's kang. Predating the villagers, on the one hand, is to satisfy their hunger, and on the other hand, they want to use this village as a breeding ground to maintain a long-term food chain and feed the deep mountains.

The deep mountain should be the place where these mutated humans gather. They have already discovered and detected the strength of Chen Zhi's team since Chen Zhi's team entered the mountain.So they sent Lu Wa out to gain Da Guo's trust first as a child, and then the second sister-in-law and Gou'er cooperated to naturally transfer the target of Chen Zhi and others to the village chief.

Their purpose now seems very clear, that is to use Chen Zhi and the others to enter the village, let the villagers relax their vigilance, lure the whole village out, and then when Chen Zhi and the others go to deal with the village chief, they will take the whole village people transported away.

Although they didn't know what method they were going to use to transport so many villagers, they had already started to act. Fortunately, Chen Zhi and the others came back in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Chen Zhi used the airflow to focus on the eyes, and carefully looked at the aura behind Luwa and Gou'er. It was an adult aura with a very mature color, which meant that although the two children were children in body, , but in fact their thinking is close to that of people in their 50s and [-]s, and their thinking ability is very developed.

"Damn it, you ghost widow, you're acting too fucking like it, why didn't Oscar let you accept the award? I said why you are so enthusiastic after busy work, so you are drugging our people Oh, mother~~~~~, say, where have all our people gone?",
Fat Wei picked up the machine gun, pointed it at the face of the second sister-in-law, and cursed loudly. It was the first time for everyone to see mutant humans, and they didn't know the depth of their abilities. They happened to use Fat Wei's loud language attack to observe them Reaction.

Under the leadership of Fat Wei, everyone drew out their guns and aimed at the roof.

After hearing Pang Wei's voice, the second sister-in-law leaned over and took a look at Pang Wei. Her face was stiff, and she couldn't see any emotions or thoughts, as if she couldn't understand.

This kind of reaction was very strange. The second sister-in-law stared blankly at Fat Wei, then suddenly looked at Chen Zhi, her eyes rolled, then she quickly lowered her head, and together with Lu Wa and Gou'er, they desperately picked up the clothes on the house. The tiles came, and with the sound of them picking the tiles, there seemed to be figures flickering in the dark windows of the house, but no sound came out.

"Damn it, ghost girls, you're courting death~~~~~~"

Fat Wei roared, raised his machine gun and was about to shoot at the roof, but Chen Zhi pushed down the barrel.

Chen Zhi quickly glanced at the second sister-in-law who was desperately picking up the tiles on the roof, then looked at the dark windows of the house, and shouted loudly into the windows,

"Uncle Jin~~~~~~~, are you in there? How are you doing now? Who is with you?",
Following Chen Zhi's shout, the surroundings immediately became quiet. Fat Wei and Da Guo wondered why Chen Zhi shouted at the black window, because from the outside, the house was empty, and it was not certain that someone was hiding inside. .

Unexpectedly, after a while, the voice of the old somersault came from the window,

"Dazhi, I'm inside! The guys from the Tang family are with me too, we're in no danger now. After I found out that the wine had been drugged, I quietly gathered all the guys from the Tang family into the room, and then turned around I saw that and the girl changed her face, and we couldn't go out after that, and the villagers didn't know where they got them.

Dazhi, be careful~~~~~, that girl is very powerful~~~~~~~~~~~"

The old somersault seemed to realize that it was pointless to hide any longer, and shouted at the top of his lungs in the house.

After hearing the voice of the old somersault, a stone in Chen Zhi's heart fell to the ground, and he shouted to the room,
"Uncle Jin, don't come out inside!",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he pulled out the kitty from his waist. The kitten is a long-range sniper pistol, very good at long-range shooting.

Chen Zhi aimed at the left eye of the second sister-in-law on the roof, and said in a calm voice,

"Don't move~~~~~~",
In this silent late night, although Chen Zhi's voice was not high, it was very clear, and the distance on the roof could be heard clearly.

But the second sister-in-law and the two children on the roof didn't seem to hear Chen Zhi's words at all, and continued to grab the tiles on the roof desperately.

The tiles on the roof of the village house were not very thick, and they were quickly scratched off, exposing the yellow mud on the roof.

At this time, the second sister-in-law raised her arm and poked it violently.

"Crack~~~~~~" sounded,
The thick yellow mud slab was actually poked open. This kind of strength is unimaginable for ordinary people. It can be seen that the power of this mutated woman has completely surpassed that of human beings.

Chen Zhi held the gun steadily and aimed at the second sister-in-law on the roof, just when she wanted to stretch her arm into the house.

Chen Zhi's finger pulled the trigger,
With a gunshot, a bullet flew out and hit the second sister-in-law's left eye very accurately.The second sister-in-law's left eye burst open immediately, the eye socket was cracked, and blood gushed out.

She stopped there and didn't move.

The second sister-in-law didn't cry out because she was injured. She squatted there for a long time, letting the blood from her eyes slowly flow on the tiles, and then like a robot, she turned her head little by little, looking at Chen Zhi.

The second sister-in-law's throat squirmed, and she made a strange sound. She lay on the roof with her limbs, and made an attacking posture like a wild beast.

Chen Zhi immediately understood that this kind of mutated human beings were different from the monsters they had encountered before. Although they were smart, could speak human language, and looked exactly like humans, they were no longer human beings. up.

 Thanks for the reward: Brother Qingshi; book friend 161-668; another flying saucer; 112656788; 500 for changing his life; Xiaobin egg;
  The viral flu is extremely serious, the lungs are about to be coughed out, and vomiting blood spells out a chapter, don't scold me, let me recuperate, and continue to update tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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