Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 476 The Doom of Bing Liugou

Chapter 476 The Misfortune of Bingliugou ([-])
Chen Zhi immediately understood that this kind of mutated human beings were different from the monsters they encountered in the past. Although they were very smart and could speak human language, they looked no different from humans, but they were no longer human beings. human beings.

They may talk to you, make the illusion of crying and laughing, and create traps to lure you into the game, but it does not mean that they want to communicate with humans. They have only one essential purpose in doing all this, and that is to prey.

In a sense, these mutated humans are quite barbaric, more like a group of well-developed zombies.

The second sister-in-law's left eye was blown on the roof, and the child kept bleeding, but she didn't feel any pain, and there was no angry expression. He lay on the roof, arched his body like a wild beast, and was ready attacked.

Chen Zhi hastily drew out the Divine Slaughter Knife, took a step back, and prepared himself for the fight.

At this moment, I saw the second sister-in-law staring at Chen Zhi for a while, then slowly moved her eyes away, and the remaining right eyeball was whirling around, quickly searching in Chen Zhi's team, that feeling was like To be in a chain, search for the weakest link.

Behind Chen Zhi was a thin guy who had been trembling since just now. He had been hiding behind Chen Zhi, struggling to face this horrifying scene. Just when Chen Zhi felt the danger signal,
"嗖~~~~" sound,
The second sister-in-law on the roof was like an arrow shot out, and rushed to the man behind Chen Zhi at an extremely fast speed. on the neck.

At the same time, Luwa and Gou'er also rushed out at a very fast speed, like a gust of wind, they each threw down a guy and bit their necks.

"Save people~~~~~~~~~",
Chen Zhi yelled, jumped to the side of the guy who was thrown down by the second sister-in-law, pressed down on the tip of Tushen's knife, pressed against the second sister-in-law's neck, and threw a hook back forcefully.


After this period of tempering, Chen Zhi's speed with the knife was already very fast. The second sister-in-law's throat was cut open by Chen Zhi, and her jaw immediately fell off, biting the buddy's mouth and letting go.

The second sister-in-law turned her head abruptly, her bloody face was facing Chen Zhi, under close contact, Chen Zhi saw that the pupil of the second sister-in-law's right eye had all dilated, and the whole eye was black, like a dead person.

The second sister-in-law's hands were like iron hooks, firmly grasping Chen Zhi's shoulders, and slamming them outwards forcefully, Chen Zhi was thrown out more than ten meters by the huge force.

After Chen Zhifei went out, he hurriedly rolled on the spot and stood up. When he went to see his second sister-in-law again, she had already left the guy, but the guy who was bitten by Lu Wa could no longer yell.

"Fuck you, you want to pick a soft persimmon, right? If you have the ability, come and find your fat grandpa~~~~~",
Fat Wei was the closest to the buddy Lu Wa bit, he jumped over, hooked Lu Wa's neck with a machete, and pulled back desperately, trying to tear Gou Wa off the buddy, but the child's strength It was too big, and Fat Wei took a lot of effort to forcefully remove his mouth.

But the guy below has already been bitten, his neck is covered with blood, and his body is shaking non-stop. If he is a step slower, he will die.

The dog also bit a guy, and the guy was twitching under the dog, bleeding everywhere, right in front of Da Guo.

It was the first time for Da Guo to encounter such a situation. He pointed his gun at the dog's head, and he gritted his teeth,
Seven shots in a row,
Those explosive bullets with great lethality all hit the dog's head, and the dog's head exploded immediately, blood gushed out, and the brains were scattered everywhere.

After the dog's head was gone, the body was still crawling quickly, which looked extremely frightening, but Da Guo had no bullets in his pistol at this time, just when the headless dog was about to pounce on Da Guo .

Chen Zhi rushed over in time, and cut the dog in half from the heart with the Tushen knife in his hand. The dog's body finally fell to the ground and stopped moving.

At this time, the second sister-in-law and Lu Wa also took this opportunity to jump back to the roof.

The momentary attack just now terrified the guys behind Chen Zhi. It was the first time they saw such a thing, and they didn't expect that mutant humans would be so fierce. Someone rushed to help the wounded guys hold the wound.

The others raised their pistols and gathered nervously behind Chen Zhi and Fat Wei, aiming at the second sister-in-law and Lu Wa on the roof.

The second sister-in-law and Lu Wa stood on the roof and looked at them. The bitter mountain wind was blowing the second sister-in-law's hair. The second sister-in-law's neck and mouth had been cut by Chen Zhi's knife. The blinded left eye was bloody, his hands were curled up like claws, and there was no expression on his face.

But Luwa looked at the dead dog's body on the ground, and at the leaking internal organs, there was a greedy look on her face, as if she wanted to eat it.

The second sister-in-law did not attack again, her eyeballs rolled extremely fast, and she looked at everyone stiffly. For some reason, Chen Zhi always felt that this mutated woman seemed to be smiling under her stiff face, as if she had been waiting What.

"Are you waiting for your two sons to come back?",
Chen Zhi fixed his eyes on the second sister-in-law's face, and asked suddenly,
"Since just now, your two children are not here. Did they go to the mountains to deliver the letter? Do you think it will be so easy?".

After the second sister-in-law on the roof heard Chen Zhi's words, her body froze suddenly, and she was obviously touched by Chen Zhi's words.

But Luwa next to her kept staring greedily at the dog's corpse, and then slowly turned his eyes to the hole opened by the second sister-in-law on the roof.

Just when everyone changed their minds, Luwa jumped out at an extremely fast speed and went into the hole on the roof.

"Not good~~~~~, he is small enough to get into the house, Uncle Jin and the others are in danger~~~~~",
Pang Wei shouted loudly,

at this time,

Suddenly a sharp knife light flashed, Lu Wa just got into half of the body, and suddenly stopped moving.

Luwa's heart was pierced by a long knife, and he was firmly nailed to the roof. The feeling was like meat being hit on a knife board.

Ji Ying jumped over from the darkness, threw the two corpses in her hands to the ground, and said to Chen Zhi,

"Reporting to the patriarch, the mutant who sent the letter has been caught, and I will deal with it.",
After hearing Ji Ying's words, everyone hurriedly looked at the two corpses on the ground.

I saw the two children of the second sister-in-law lying on the ground. The two corpses were bloody and mutilated, but their mutated fangs still shone coldly under the moonlight.

 Thank you for your concern. To be on the safe side, we will write out a chapter first and then go to the drip. The second update will be in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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