Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 482

Chapter 482
[Special thanks, alBee's [-] grand prize is the book friend who built the building, the new leader, thank you at three o'clock tomorrow, I will sing a little song for you in the author's testimonial]

When the village chief said this, he picked up two peanuts and put them in his mouth, then knocked on the table with chopsticks, and said to Chen Zhi and the three of them in an extremely mysterious manner,
"Speaking of this fierce god, he should actually be regarded as a Manchu god. The Han people don't know much about it, but when it comes to his Manchu name, it is very noble. You may have heard of it. The emperors canonized it several times, the old god of shaking mountains in Changbai Mountain - Lord Chaoha Zhan."

"Super Hazhan Lord...",
Mentioning that this Chao Ha Zhan Lord is very famous, Chen Zhi immediately searched for this familiar name in his mind.

It is said that this deity called Chaoha Zhanye is the oldest and mysterious deity of the Manchu people. It is said that he made great military achievements in ancient times. He once defeated many demons and evil gods and blessed the safety of Changbai Mountain. The mountain god of Changbai Mountain is called Lord Taishan by the Manchus.

I don’t know why, the Manchu and Qing royal family respected this god very much, even to the point of obsession. Several generations of emperors in the Qing Dynasty had personally named this god as the God of Township in Changbai Mountain. Emperor Kangxi also visited Changbai Mountain to worship. Proclaim the splendor and greatness of this deity.

But in fact, the records of this god in Chinese history before the Qing Dynasty are quite vague, and there are very few legends about this god in the records of Chinese civilization.

Some modern scholars even believe that the origin of this deity is unknown, and that it was promoted by the Qing Dynasty in folklore, and that the characteristics of this deity are quite different from the Han culture in the Central Plains.Some scholars believe that this god is probably the original god worshiped by ancient shamanism, which can be traced back to prehistoric civilization as far as possible, and is the prototype of the religion of the grassland peoples.

Shamanism is an ancient and mysterious religion, which believes that people can communicate with the soul of gods, and gods have the ability to predict the future and guide their people through difficulties in the dark.These gods can maintain the growth order of nature, are good at predicting the future, and use divine dance to arouse the spirituality of all things. Therefore, shamans from ancient times to the present have always worn masks and used dance to communicate with the gods.

"I've also heard about this super Hazhan Lord...",
Da Guo nodded thoughtfully beside him and said,

"People who have lived in Changbai Mountain for a generation know this deity. They say that this old deity is a benevolent old man. He blesses the products here to be abundant and the people live and work in peace and contentment. It is said that the reason why there are so many treasures on Changbai Mountain is that it is rich in ginseng; venison and Ganoderma lucidum is all brought about by the cultivation of this old god, so people here have worshiped him for generations, such a kind old god, how can you say that he is a fierce god?"

After Da Guo finished speaking, he looked at the old village head with some puzzlement.

"Oh! This is a long story...",
The old village chief sighed heavily, with a look of fear appearing on his face. After drinking a glass of wine, he coughed lightly and said,
"Our village was originally a Manchu village, and most of the people living in the village were Manchus. Later, during the Cultural Revolution, everyone was afraid of being implicated and changed their surnames randomly. In the end, it was hard to tell whether they were Manchus.

But I heard from my grandfather that our Lu family was not originally surnamed Lu, but Luhan Baal. They are pure and pure Manchus who have lived here for generations. Moreover, since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, the imperial court has regularly sent people every year. Come to our house to study the matter of offering sacrifices to mountain gods. "

After the village chief finished speaking, he stopped drinking. He took out the old pipe on the kang, tapped it on the edge of the kang, lit the cigarette, and said in a very low voice,

"That was all 60 years ago, when I was young...

Because our Bingliugou is in a deep mountain ditch, we have never had contact with outsiders. It is a new thing for a person from another village to come to us all year round.

When I was four or five years old, I saw a few strange strangers coming to our village. They mysteriously discussed with my grandfather about offering sacrifices to the mountain gods.

I was too young at the time, and the adults didn’t shy away from me. I remember the man and my grandfather talking about offering tribute to boys and girls. Come and have a look and kowtow to the mountain god.I can still remember that the conversation of these outsiders was not ordinary, and they seemed unusual.

Later my grandpa went with them, and I secretly followed them out of curiosity. Unexpectedly, my grandpa caught me halfway and beat me up.

My grandfather told me at the time that the old mountain god Chaoha Zhanye was enshrined in this temple, the ancestor god of our Manchus. He told me not to tell anyone about this after I went down the mountain, otherwise I would be beheaded. .

Later, when I grew up, I never took this matter to heart again, and then I encountered the Cultural Revolution. It was the year when I just became the village head, the secretary of the brigade in the town came to talk to me, If you want me to take the lead in breaking the four olds and take the lead in meritorious service, that's what a young village cadre should look like.

I thought at the time, where can I find the Four Olds?At this time, I suddenly remembered the mountain temple on the mountain that my grandfather had mentioned.

I still vaguely remember that mountain road, so I really took a few people up the mountain to look for it. The few of us walked all day, looking all over the mountains and plains!In the end, I did find the old temple, but the place is too remote. If I hadn’t heard about it from my grandfather, I would never have been able to find it in my life.

I still remember the appearance of that temple, it was so magnificent!Like the Golden Luan Hall, the entrance is covered with golden curtains, shining golden, all of which are royal!

A few of us wanted to destroy the Four Olds at that time, and we didn't care about anything else, so we rushed in with knives, guns and sticks. I still remember the scene I saw when I entered the temple.

Oh my god~~~~~~~~, that mountain god looks really scary. It is a gold-plated mountain god statue. The same as before, those big glazed eyes stared at us, as if they were about to jump over and eat us raw.

How many of us were young then!He is also very courageous, what kind of mountain god does he care about!The leadership of the party is the most important thing, and the mountain god will be smashed into pieces with a few iron picks.

Only then did we see an altar under the mountain god, which seemed to be a big plate. We smashed the altar when we swung the pickaxe, and there was a big crack, and there seemed to be something vaguely inside.

I lit a torch, leaned over the gap and looked inside,
Oh my god~~~~~~~~, I almost scared my soul away at that time.

The altar was full of people, and all the piles were children's skeletons. "

 to: alBee
  Jiujiu, that sunny day is coming

  brother sitting by the river
  Where does the east wind blow that windmill?
  The broad bean flowers are fragrant and the wheat seedlings are fresh
  Windmill, windmill, sing along

  Brother, why don't you speak?
(End of this chapter)

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