Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 483 Chao Ha Zhan Ye

Chapter 483 Chao Ha Zhan Lord ([-])

Chen Zhi had actually heard what the old village chief said about the mountain god, but it was all inaccurate information.

Chen Zhi once saw in an overseas database on the Internet that a few years ago, some shaman scholars living in the United States provided some historical materials and evidence to prove that the origin of the royal blood of the Qing Dynasty was actually very unclear, and Their religion is also very mystical.

Everyone knows that the predecessor of the Manchus was the Jurchen tribe, which originated in the Changbai Mountain area. This can be said to be the hometown of the Manchus, and this old mountain god of Changbai Mountain called Chaoha Zhanye has a very high status in the beliefs of the Manchus.

However, the materials provided by these overseas scholars prove that before the Han Dynasty, Changbai Mountain was a place where ethnic minorities lived together, and this mountain god had been widely circulated in Changbai Mountain. His status is not noble, and it is not as sacred as it is said now.On the contrary, this god is very cruel and violent. He devours human beings, is irritable, and often brings disasters to people. To the people of Changbai Mountain, he is more like a demon. The anger of this mountain god, people at that time offered virgins and virgins to it every year in exchange for peace.

But after the Manchus entered the customs and the Qing Dynasty ruled the Central Plains, the identity of the Changbai Mountain God was inexplicably sanctified, and many records of the disgraceful legends about this Chaoha Zhan Lord were erased, and It was wiped very low-key, without any traces, leaving only positive materials praising him, which is something that only the royal family can do.

However, some precious ancient materials are still preserved. Now in the hands of a private collector in the United States, there is still a stereotyped New Year picture from the Jin Dynasty. With fangs and claws, his face is extremely ferocious, and he is devouring children with his bloody mouth, which is very cruel.

There are too many complicated things recently, so Chen Zhi no longer likes to talk around the corners. He asked the old village chief directly,

"Village chief, do you mean to suspect that the people who came to see your grandfather at that time were actually descendants of the Manchu royal family. They came here every year for a long time before the founding of the People's Republic of China, or during the entire Qing Dynasty. In this village, rituals are held to worship the gods, and boys and girls are used to sacrifice to the mountain god. This matter is absolutely confidential. Your family has participated in it, but now this sacrifice has stopped after the founding of the country. The mountain god The temple is also abandoned, so no one else knows, right?",
The old village chief also answered very simply, he nodded to Chen Zhi in the affirmative, and then said seriously,

"The place where the temple was built is really remote, and the temple looks strange. I have seen a few temples, but none of them are like that. Surrounded by the vast expanse of white snow, that mountain temple is magnificently built!
But at that time, a few of us didn't take a closer look, but we were frightened when we saw the bones of those boys, and then ran back.

So many years have passed, and those old brothers back then are gone. Looking back now, that place is a bit evil~~~~ By the way, one of the old brothers who went to that temple with me is Lu Daneng’s Dad, he just passed away last year..."

"It turned out to be like this...",
After Chen Zhi heard this sentence, he looked at the village head in surprise, then calmed down, nodded slightly and asked the old village head,

"I know it all! Let me ask you something old. If you were asked to find that mountain temple now, would you still be able to find it?"

"Wait~~~~~Wait~~~~~~~~, what did you just say?",
When Fat Wei heard Chen Zhi's words were wrong, he immediately interrupted Chen Zhi and shouted,

"I said Chengzi..., have you forgotten what we are here for? Now we still have so much time to meddle in our own business? It's nothing more than a dream of the old man. I don't know if it's true or not. What do you want? Go and have a look. Why do you still want to avenge those boys and girls? Don’t you know what’s going on with us now? Master Bao is still alive or dead on the mountain! And we still have to... ",
Fat Wei swallowed at this point, looked at Da Guo and the village chief who were drinking next to him, and continued,

"Have you forgotten our ultimate goal? How many days do we have in total to make you toss like this?"

"I am not wasting time, but saving time. These seemingly unrelated things are actually inextricably linked. I suspect that there is a secret hidden in this mountain temple. This secret can help us A big favor. So I have to go up the mountain to have a look tomorrow, otherwise we will be very passive in the future."

Chen Zhi's tone was very firm, and it seemed that there was no room for negotiation. He turned around and continued to ask the old village chief,

"It's been so many years, you old man should still remember that road? How long will it take to get from here to the mountain temple?"

"Remember, of course I remember, I'm not talking nonsense..."
The old village head was very concerned about what Fat Wei said just now that he was dreaming, so he stubbornly blew on his beard and said,

"Although I am old, my memory is very good. We searched for a day and a night in the mountains before we found that temple. I will remember that road until I die. If I go there now, my old man promises , you can come back in the evening if you leave in the morning, and there is no problem going back and forth one day..."

"it is good!",
When Chen Zhi heard what the old village chief said, he put down his chopsticks and decided,
"Then I will trouble you to get old tomorrow. Our team will be rested in the village for a day. A few of us will follow you to the mountain to see what the mountain god looks like."

After Chen Zhi made this decision, Fat Wei and Da Guo looked at each other, both a little puzzled, but they didn't say anything more.

The village head was very excited, and was very happy that Chen Zhizhi trusted him. After drinking a little wine together for a while, they fell asleep.

The heated kangs in the new houses here are very narrow, but there are many rooms, so there is no need for everyone to squeeze together.

Fat Wei and Chen Zhi lived together on the kang of this house, Da Guo lived in the main room with the village chief, and Ji Ying lived in the innermost room with the village chief's wife.

The heated kang was very hot and very comfortable. After a day of fatigue, everyone was very tired and soon fell asleep.

However, Chen Zhi's thoughts were heavy all the time. He lay still on the kang but did not fall asleep. He put all the things together in his mind, and then cleared up the context of the matter little by little.

At this time, he found that Fat Wei beside him was leaning towards him little by little, and gently stretched his hand towards Chen Zhi, to touch Chen Zhi's face...


  Thank you again for the new leader, albee's [-] reward, today is the third update

(End of this chapter)

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