Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 484

Chapter 484
"What are you doing?",
Chen Zhi was taken aback by Fat Wei, turned around and shook Fat Wei's hand away vigorously,

"Is there something wrong with you? What are you doing touching my face in the middle of the night? Are you sleepwalking? What are you doing?",
"No, no, I'm just touching your breath to see if you're asleep...".

Fat Wei's voice was very small, and he said in Chen Zhi's ear,

"I said Chengzi. I didn't finish talking at dinner just now. What kind of mountain temple are you going to see tomorrow? Don't you know what our situation is now? We only have 90 days left. The enchantment won't last long, and we have to go to the underworld!

Don't forget, until now, there is no evidence to tell us clearly whether there is a fire spirit stone in the underworld!It is possible that our trip this time is also a waste of time!How do you still have time to take care of the mountain god? ".

"Of course I know the current situation...",
Chen Zhi said to Fat Wei in a very low voice,

"Because of this, tomorrow we will go up the mountain with the village chief to find the mountain temple...,
Think carefully about everything that happened in Changbai Mountain, don't look at it separately, but look at everything together, when everything overlaps, some unnoticed details will be exposed After coming out, the context of many things became clear.

When we first came to Changbai Mountain, Ning Bin told us the legend of his ancestors of the Tang family, saying that their ancestors of the Tang family adopted an adopted son in the mountain. The identity of the adopted son was mysterious. The adopted son came from a woman in gorgeous clothes in the mountains. The woman said that the child was born by her illegitimately and was not tolerated by her family, so she gave it to the Tang family to be raised. Later, the adopted son returned to his mother when he became an adult.What does this remind you of?
There is also the dream of the old village head. He said that a goddess entered the dream and told him that there was going to be a big event in the village and could predict Lu Daneng's life and death. This again mentioned a gorgeously dressed woman.

Did it ever occur to you that these two gorgeously dressed women could be the same person? "

"You mean that this woman is actually a goddess in the mountains, and she gave birth to a child illegitimately, and that child is the adopted son of the ancestor of the Tang family, who is the ancestor of the mysterious village we are looking for?"

Fat Wei suddenly figured it out, but after thinking for a while, he asked,
"If there is such a goddess, who is she? Is she dead or alive now? How the hell can't even see a shadow?"

"I'm not sure if I'm dead or alive...",
Chen Zhi replied in a low voice,

"But judging from these signs, the family of this woman in Chinese clothes has lived in Changbai Mountain for a long time, which is very ancient. Looking at the history of Manchu mythology, I have to think of the looming goddess in Manchu mythology... ..."

"Okay you, you know the gods of the people...",
After hearing what Chen Zhi said, Fat Wei became more and more interested. He sat up and asked Chen Zhidao.

"But it's not right. Didn't you say that Chao Ha Zhan is a male god? Could it be that he has mutated into a female?"

"I'm not sure yet...",
Chen Zhi shook his head when he said this,
"These are just my conjectures, it's too early to say, and we'll know everything when we find the mountain temple tomorrow.

But if my guess is right, then we have found the origin of shamanism. Manchus have believed in shamanism for generations, and the most important ability in shamanism is the ability to sense nature and predict. Their wizards can rely on Dance communicates with nature and predicts good and bad.Their gods have supreme wisdom and know all the secrets of this world.

Just like what you said just now, our search for the Fire Spirit Stone has been too passive. Excavating the tomb of the gods is an extremely dangerous thing, and every time we suffer heavy losses, but we have no plans at all right now.

The Mingzhou will not be finished until at least next month, without the Mingzhou we can't go to the underworld, and it's useless to rush now.But even if we go to the underworld, we cannot be sure that there must be the fire spirit stone we are looking for in the underworld, but if there is no fire spirit stone in the underworld, then we have completely failed this time, and none of us can bear this responsibility.So now we must have accurate information that can guide us and tell us whether there are fire spirit stones in the underworld, which requires real predictive ability. "

"I understand, you want to find that goddess and ask her to show us the way, right?"
Fat Wei said suddenly, his voice was twice louder.

Chen Zhi immediately asked him to keep his voice down, and then continued,

"This is exactly what I thought, but now it's just my wishful thinking. Don't forget, we are now in Changbai Mountain, and the bronze gate you have been brooding about, that is, the entrance to the underworld, is also here. On the mountain. Everything that happens here has nothing to do with each other, we can't run around like headless chickens, we must be guided by divine power."

The mention of Bronze Gate Fat Wei felt a little uncomfortable, he lay on the kang and whispered,

"It's so fucking ridiculous, but I think it's very plausible! Go to bed early! We'll go up the mountain tomorrow, and we'll meet that old mountain god."

Fat Wei seemed very satisfied with Chen Zhi's answer just now, after turning over, soon there was a snoring sound.

And Chen Zhi had already gotten used to insomnia during this time, he silently recited the formula to promote sleep, and slowly fell asleep.

The kang in the mountain was scorching hot, which made Chen Zhi sleep very comfortably that night. When he woke up the next morning, he felt that all the joints in his body were opened, the blood flowed smoothly in his body, and his mind was very clear.

People in the mountains have always had the habit of getting up early. The village chief and his wife woke up at dawn, because the village chief's wife has always held grudges against Fat Wei. please.

Da Guo has always been worried about the team camping at the entrance of the village, so he went to inspect the situation early in the morning. Chen Zhi discussed with Da Guo, because the team at the bottom of the mountain needs someone to manage, this time, Da Guo doesn't need to follow Chen Zhi and the others up the mountain.Da Guo also happened to have the same meaning. Such a big thing happened yesterday, and the whole village is in a mess. Da Guo will take his buddies and villagers to tidy up the village today, and then get in touch with the town to clear up what happened last night. report to Ning Bin.

When breakfast was not ready, Chen Zhi walked around the yard, looking at the ground everywhere, and Ji Ying followed him all the time.

Chen Zhi remembered that the village chief mentioned that the fairy goddess in his dream had set up a spell in his house to prevent demons from entering.If this goddess really existed and cast spells here, there must be traces left here.

In the most inconspicuous place in the courtyard, Chen Zhi sealed a palm-sized barrier with airflow, then drew out a knife and cut his palm, dripping a drop of blood on the ground, then silently recited a few mantras, and gently blew After a while...

 Thank you for the reward: aa persistence 500; call you cheap;
  Two chapters, now start to code Chapter 3, ahem...

(End of this chapter)

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