Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 485

Chapter 485

[In order to thank the lord Albee for the [-] reward, add a new chapter]

In the most inconspicuous place in the courtyard, Chen Zhi sealed a palm-sized barrier with airflow, then drew out a knife and cut his palm, dripping a drop of blood on the ground, silently chanted a few mantras, and gently blew one time……


The ground vibrated slightly, and the tremor was so slight that you couldn't feel it if you didn't pay attention.

At this moment, Chen Zhi saw that the ground in this palm-sized barrier had turned bright red, and this red color spread rapidly to the surroundings, soon completely surrounding the village chief's yard.

On this piece of bright red land, many small spells are densely arranged, forming a yellow pattern, tightly wrapping the whole yard inside, all the spells are deeply embedded in the ground, enough to It is more than 3 inches deep, and those spells are not divine scripts, they look more like the most primitive Jurchen scripts, and the whole land is bright red, very bright.

Chen Zhi stood up and put away the barrier. The bright red spells disappeared after being blown by the wind, and the yard returned to its original adopted son.

"It seems that this goddess really existed, and she once cast a spell to seal this place. She wants to save the villagers here, so it's much easier...",
Thinking silently in Chen Zhi's mind, he stood up and calmly patted the dust off his body, and went back to the new house with Ji Ying.

Breakfast was ready, and the village chief's wife cooked steaming two-rice porridge for everyone, and added a few thick noodle buns and tea eggs. Everyone ate very sweetly.

After eating a simple breakfast at the village chief's house, everyone put on their heavy cotton clothes and prepared to go up the mountain.

In order to resist the wind and snow on the mountain and to look normal, both Chen Zhi and Fat Wei wore thick coats and cotton hats over their overalls.Ji Ying was still wearing the short padded jacket he wore when he came here, with the knife behind his back, looking very neat.

The old village chief was dressed like a mountain sculpture. It seems that he had killed many big beasts when he was young, and left a lot of good fur. He wore a thick fur coat sewn by himself, and wore a cap on his head. The fur earmuffs covered the entire face, holding two old shotguns in his hands, and Lu Daneng's saber and long whip pinned to his waist, looking very majestic.

The old village head has not been to the snow mountain for many years, because the hunters have seen him getting old in the past few years, and they are afraid that his legs and feet will be inconvenient. Every time there is a hunting activity in the village, they don’t call him, which makes him very depressed. .This time, Chen Zhi asked him to help lead the way, which made the village chief feel very proud that his sword is still young and still useful.

In this way, after the four of them rectified, they started to head up the mountain.

He followed the old village chief all the way up the mountain from the back of the village. It was a small path that few people walked, and he met no one along the way.

After turning over a small hill, they entered the back mountain. Soon, they walked into a vast white world, and all they saw in their eyes was the endless white snow and glaciers.

The snow-capped mountains of Changbai Mountain are not a joke. This is a snow-capped mountain with complex regions.Typical characteristics of ancient glaciers, the continuity of the mountains is not good, each area has its own characteristics, and it is very difficult and dangerous. There are all kinds of mortar holes, ice cirques, and bottomless ice wells. It is difficult to distinguish the front and rear directions of the cliff. If there is no familiar person to guide the way, it is easy to get lost.

Although the old village chief was getting old, he walked very fast, which was related to his life in the Daxue Mountain all the year round. He walked at the forefront this way, without even breathing, and quickly walked into the deep mountain.But the more we walked forward, the more difficult it became. Later, the thick snow covered our thighs, and the road was very difficult.And the mountain was very quiet, except for the sound of the wind, there was not even a sound of flying birds. In the end, only the sound of four people panting, as if they were the only ones left in the whole world.

After about three hours of trekking, the old village head took them up a snow slope, which was very large, and the old village head took them for a long time on the snow slope, and finally stopped.

Both Chen Zhi and Fat Wei looked at the old village head's reaction in surprise, and finally saw him shaking his head non-stop, with a very depressed expression on his face, knowing that he probably couldn't find his way.

"Damn it, this is really weird. I remember it clearly. I can see the mountain temple after crossing this snowy slope. Why can't I see it now? Sigh... It seems that I am really old ".

After all, the old village head is an elderly person. After climbing the mountain road for so long, he was a little powerless. His old face showed the tiredness of an old man. He sighed heavily and sat on the snow, posing to Chen Zhi and others. He waved his hand to signal everyone to rest for a while.

Seeing that the old village head was depressed, Pang Wei felt a little sorry, so he immediately handed over the flagon filled with liquor, and said flatteringly,
"I said, old man, you are not old! Look at how fast you are walking! We are almost unable to catch up with you. I think your body is very strong, even stronger than a boy in his 20s!" ,
The village head was really happy when he heard what Fat Wei said. He proudly picked up the jug and took a sip of the soju and said,

"What is this? Tell you, when I was young, I was a good hunter in the village. That boy Lu Daneng is much worse than when I was young. Hehe, I will definitely find that temple after I rest for a while. I remember clearly that the temple is near here, and it was shining golden in the snow at that time, it was dazzling..."

Fat Wei was talking to the old village chief on the snowy ground, while Chen Zhi walked to the hillside, took out the folding binoculars in his treasure bag and looked ahead.

This snow slope is a large area, the sky is covered with whiteness, and the dividing line can't be seen clearly. If there is no old village chief to guide the way, they will never find it here.

The landform here looks very inconspicuous, and there is no place to remember. The whole mountain slope is covered by white snow very flat, only a few black rocks are exposed on the snow surface, and the strange shapes are frozen and covered with frost. The white snow scene in front of you is endless.

Chen Zhi looked around with the binoculars, but he didn't see anything like a building. It seemed that this road was really wrong, and Chen Zhi was in despair.Suddenly, a ray of sunlight shone down, and in the valley at the front, a pale yellow mist rose up, surrounded by fairy air, like a fairyland, and the scenery was very beautiful.

"If you tell me that there are gods in the place ahead, I will definitely believe it..."

At some point, Fat Wei stood beside Chen Zhi, looking forward with a telescope, and said with emotion,

"Oh~~~, this snow mountain is really beautiful~~~~~~, the scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, really..., hey?"

Fat Wei's voice stopped suddenly, and he looked forward for a long time with a telescope, then patted Chen Zhi and said,
"Cheng Zi, what do you see over there? Is it that fucking mountain temple?"


After hearing what Fat Wei said, Chen Zhi immediately raised his binoculars and looked in the direction Fat Wei pointed.
"I saw that in a white valley in front of me, the golden light irradiated by the sun was very dazzling. A golden ancient building exposed its roof in the valley."

 Thanks for the reward: Monarch Devil

(End of this chapter)

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