Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 487 Mountain Temple

Chapter 487 Mountain Temple ([-])
"No way! Is there anyone else in this barren mountain besides ghosts? How could there be people here..."
Pang Wei didn't quite believe it, carefully flipped through the incense ash in the censer in his hand, there was indeed some residual incense in it, the body of the incense was very complete and not very old.

"It's likely that this place has been worshiped and cleaned all the time, but you don't know it.

Back then you smashed the statues and left, but those who often came to the temple to worship and sweep them restored the statues of the mountain gods. These people can’t come from outside, they should live in the deep mountains, maybe..., They still live here. "

Chen Zhi said silently at the side, from the beginning just now, he discovered that the location of this mountain temple is too special, it completely matches the map He Ning Bin gave him, if he keeps walking forward, he will arrive in a few days That mysterious village.

But the old village chief didn't understand Chen Zhi's words. He looked at Chen Zhi with a puzzled expression on his face.

"These are not important, where is the altar full of corpses you mentioned?",
After Chen Zhi looked around, he asked the old village head.

This sentence reminded the old village chief, he hurriedly looked around the temple, looking for the memory here decades ago, finally he pointed to the back of the mountain statue and said,
"I remember that when we smashed the statue, a room was exposed behind it. There was a round altar on the ground with a big gap in it. The corpses of those children were piled inside the altar. "

After the old village chief finished speaking, Chen Zhi and Fat Wei looked at the statue carefully, only to see that the statue blocked the front tightly, and there was no secret door around, so they had to grope around the body of the statue, hoping to Find an entrance that leads inside.

Finally, they found a gap under the corner of the mountain statue's clothes. The gap was about one meter long, and it was dark inside. Fat Wei poked inside with a lighter and found that there seemed to be a space inside, so Fat Wei Turning sideways, he got in through the gap first.

"Come in! It's quite big inside!",
After looking around with the lighter lit inside, Fat Wei yelled.

So Chen Zhi, Ji Ying, and the village chief got in through the gap one by one.

After entering, they found that there was indeed a large inner room, and the surrounding area was completely dark, with no ventilation or light at all.

The searchlights on their overalls will come in handy at this time, both Chen Zhi and Fat Wei took off their coats, turn on the searchlights on your headset, and illuminate the entire inner room.

Seeing these high-tech products made the old village head very horrified. He followed the team all the time, not daring to move or talk nonsense.

This is not a big inner room. Some extremely ancient Jurchen inscriptions are carved on the surrounding walls, and some large shamanic masks and magic tools are hung, but the difference from the outside is that the magic tools here are very old. It seems that there is still the spirituality of shamanism on it, which makes people feel a kind of inexplicable fear and pressure.

There is no trace of gold and silver decoration in the whole room, it is very dark and low-key,

Sure enough, there was a round altar on the ground, but the altar was pressed by a large square stone, so the situation on the altar could not be seen.

Chen Zhi and Pang Wei each carried one side of the stone, and it took a lot of effort to lift the stone down from the altar.

After the stone was lifted away, there was indeed a large gap on the altar. The gap was more than one meter long, and the fracture had turned black, and the inside was so dark that it was hard to see clearly.

Chen Zhi lay on the gap, turned on the searchlight and shone in. When he saw the things inside, his heart skipped a beat.

The bottom of the gap is very dark, and the depth cannot be seen clearly. It seems to be a natural big rock, like a naturally formed rock crack, but on both sides of the crack, there are many small bones neatly placed. These bones are all dressed in Jurchen clothes. The dresses are all the bones of three or four-year-old children in terms of size.

"It seems that in this mountain temple, boys and girls are really sacrificed to the gods..."
Fat Wei lay beside Chen Zhi with the searchlight on, looked down, turned his head and said to the old village chief,
"I said, old man, your ancestors did a lot of immoral things with the emperor of the Qing Dynasty! You can sacrifice to the gods! Why did you take such a child to live sacrifices? Isn't this a bit outrageous! The lives of our common people You can't do that when it's not worth the money..."

"Hi! It's been a long time ago. I don't know what my ancestors did. How can I control so much!",
The old village chief didn't dare to look down from above, so he turned his face away and said.

Chen Zhi turned on the searchlight and kept shining down there. He soon discovered that there seemed to be several rows of stone stairs lined up in the dark place at the bottom. Although they couldn't see clearly, there were obvious traces of artificial excavation there.

"There seems to be a passage below here, and there must be something else below...",
Chen Zhi turned on the searchlight and said,
Hearing what Chen Zhi said, Fat Wei looked down with the searchlight and said after a long time,
"Look at it, there should be a ground floor below here. This kind of ground floor is often seen in the homes of the people in the past. It is to build a basement under the house above, and put some valuables or gold, silver and jewelry. , but they threw the bodies of these children in this place, which is really incomprehensible.

"Let's go down and have a look! Maybe there's a hidden cave here!",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, his body leaned down, the gap was not big, just enough for a person to walk through.

The village chief was determined not to go down, and Chen Zhi was afraid that there would be other changes above, so he left Ji Ying to accompany the village chief to watch the wind, while he tied a rope with Fat Wei and slipped in through the gap .

Although Chen Zhi is used to seeing dead people now, so many corpses of children around him still make him very uncomfortable.

He and Pang Wei carefully spared the children's bones, walked to the darkest place at the bottom, and found that there was indeed a section of artificial steps, leading all the way down, leading to a dark underground cave.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei turned on the searchlights and carefully walked down the stone ladder. When they reached the end of the stone ladder, a stone room appeared in front of them.But it's very dark here, and the air is filled with a thick scent mixed with a strange smell of spices.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei scanned the wall and floor tiles with searchlights, and found that compared with the temple above, the stone chamber below is more like the most primitive temple, shrouded in an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, and the smell here is It's weird, the ground and walls are all carved with old white jade, densely carved with Jurchen mantras, pure white and crystal clear, it seems to be an inviolable holy place.

They turned on the light and walked a few steps inside, when they suddenly saw a white thing swaying under the light in front of them, which seemed to be a figure.

After so many things before, Chen Zhi and Fat Wei no longer have any fear.

They grabbed their weapons and used searchlights to shine directly on the shadow, but what they saw still shocked them.

In the darkness in front of them, there was a woman with pale face and gorgeous clothes, sitting in front of them.

 Thanks for the reward: I am Yi Xiaotian; Hi Hello 500; Wisdom Insect; Calabash Baby 99;

(End of this chapter)

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