Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 488 Mountain Temple

Chapter 488 Mountain Temple ([-])
【Thank Dielian Beifeng for the rewards, thank you very much】

It was a pale-faced woman, wearing the Jurchen flag dress with clouded shoulders, and a gorgeous crown on her head, decorated with gold hairpins, jade bracelets, gemstones and pearls, very gorgeous.But the color of the clothes is obviously dull. If it weren't for the strong antiseptic fragrance from the ground, the cloth silk would have rotted into ashes long ago.

The woman's face was very calm. She closed her eyes slightly, as if she was asleep, and would open them at any time.

When Chen Zhi and Fat Wei saw this pale-faced woman, they couldn't help but tremble. They knew in their hearts that they had moved the stone that was pressed on the entrance by themselves just now, and the cracks at the entrance of the rock were all black. It must have been a long time since no one has been here, and the only ones who can appear under this temple in the deep mountains and wild ridges are female ghosts except for female corpses.

Chen Zhi and Pang Wei immediately drew out their knives, ready to meet the attack in front of them at any time.

But after waiting for a while, I found that although the woman in front of me was pale and scary under the searchlight, she was motionless, as if she was a human specimen.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei walked forward slowly with the searchlights on. When they approached the woman, they found that although the woman was very alive, she was absolutely lifeless.

Fat Wei has always been very courageous, he walked up to the woman and looked at it carefully for a while, finally as if he saw something, he touched the woman's face with his hands.

"Damn it! I said why is this girl so white, it turned out to be carved from white jade, but the carving is too real, but the living people are exactly the same, ordinary people can't tell the difference!",
Hearing what Fat Wei said, Chen Zhi also walked over to touch the stone statue. It was really cold to the touch, like jade. He was immediately amazed at this exquisite art. This is a simulated stone statue carved from white jade. It's really lifelike.

Chen Zhi had heard before that there used to be a mysterious royal craftsman among the Jurchen royal family. Their craftsmanship was natural and their handwork was extremely superb. Liancheng's jade can carve some important figures such as the emperor and empress dowager before they were alive, and even the fine hair on their faces can be depicted. The fake ones can be confused with the real ones, and then the stone statues can be enshrined in the ancestral hall and accepted by descendants.

It is said that Emperor Kangxi once carved such a simulated portrait for his grandmother, Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, who was lost when the rebels entered the palace.But it is said that because of the very small number of craftsmen with this skill, this craft was lost later.

Chen Zhi had always thought that this kind of statement was too exaggerated, and no matter how high-end the skills were, it was impossible to carve stones so that they could look like real people.

It was not until now that I saw Chen Zhi with my own eyes that I realized that there really is such an ingenious craftsmanship in this world, which can carve a piece of stubborn stone exactly like a human being, not to mention the pores on the human face, even the wrinkles on the skin are completely perfect. Simulation, which is beyond the reach of modern sculpture technology, is simply breathtaking.

While Chen Zhi was observing this simulated stone statue, Fat Wei had already walked back with a searchlight, and he found many very old picture scrolls behind him, as well as some small mountain god statues, which were tattered, from craftsmanship and paint Judging from the above, it is estimated that it was before the Zhou Dynasty or even earlier.

Chen Zhi walked over and carefully opened those ancient picture scrolls.

These picture scrolls are too old, but they are still well preserved. There are many images of the Changbai Mountain God, Chaoha Zhanye God, but these scrolls do not seem to depict him as a god, Chaoha Zhanye The god in the painting is even more ferocious and terrifying. On his waist hangs the head of a child, with blue-faced fangs and a mouth full of blood. He holds the corpse of a child in his hand and tramples on humans with both feet. He is so horrified that he dare not look directly. It looks more like a mountain ghost.

Chen Zhi continued to look at other scrolls, and found that there were many images of the three goddesses on these ancient scrolls. The difference from Chaoha Zhanye God is that these three goddesses are very beautiful. Their faces are kind and kind. Looking around and flying, there is a sharp contrast with the ferocious mountain gods. These three goddesses always appear together in the picture scroll. Their skirts are fluttering, flying and wandering in the mountains like angels, picking wild fruits, and playing in the morning dew. , and even bathed in the lake.

Fat Wei saw that Chen Zhi had been flipping through these ancient paintings, so he came over and shined a searchlight on the three goddesses on the screen and said,
"Who are these three girls? They are so beautiful! Why are you with this ghost-like mountain god?"

"This may be the three goddesses of Changbai Mountain, the daughter of the Changbai Mountain god Chaoha Zhanye...",
Chen Zhi's eyes carefully searched the screen, hoping to find some definite words or names to prove his identity.

"Who? That mountain god and his daughter...why don't they look the same as their father? Much more beautiful..."
Fat Wei said casually, and took out the folding bag that he always carried with him from his arms, walked towards the artificial stone statue, and reached out to pick off the jewels on it.

"Well! What do you want to do?",
Chen Zhi was startled when he saw Fat Wei's behavior, and stopped immediately.

"What else can I do? Touch the artifact... I'm the upright Lieutenant Mojin, and it would be insulting to my professionalism not to touch the artifact. Besides, it's just the two of us here, so why should we pretend... ...",
After Fat Wei finished speaking, he reached out and took off the bright gemstone hairpin on the stone statue.

"Don't move, that's a goddess, she may still be alive now, if you touch her things, you'll be in big trouble."

Chen Zhi hurriedly stopped Pang Wei, took a few quick steps to grab the hairpin from Pang Wei's hand, and put the jewelry back on the head of the stone statue.

"Goddess? You mean this stone statue is a statue of a goddess? Is it the goddess who entrusted the village chief with a dream? A real god..."
After hearing what Chen Zhi said, Fat Wei looked at the stone statue seriously from top to bottom.Looking carefully with the searchlight, I found that the goddess was sitting on a shrine. Small pearls and white gemstones are priceless. It can be seen that this woman's status is very noble.

Chen Zhi searched under the shrine with a searchlight, and there was indeed a spirit tablet there.

Chen Zhi stretched out his hand to take out the spirit tablet, only to see that the spirit tablet was made of very small, ancient sandalwood inlaid with gold, on which was inlaid a traditional treasure of the Manchu people - Dadongzhu.

A row of ancient Jurchen characters are engraved on the spirit tablet, which is as illegible as a dragon painting.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, Chen Zhi carefully distinguished the writing on the spirit tablet, and finally saw the name he expected.

"It's really her...",
Chen Zhi raised the spirit tablet and said to Fat Wei,

"She is the true ancestor of the Aixinjueluo clan of the Manchurian royal family, Fokulun"

 【Thank Dielian Beifeng for the rewards, thank you very much】

  Thanks for the reward: Wisdom Insect; I am Yi Xiaotian; Hi Hello 500;

  If you don’t have a nickname, change it so that the peacock knows who it is

(End of this chapter)

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