Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 489 Mountain Temple

Chapter 489 Mountain Temple ([-])
The Jurchen script on the spirit tablet is sealed with gold lacquer, and the handwriting is very ancient. It is the most primitive Jurchen script.

"My God",
Fat Wei looked at the spirit card and asked in surprise,
"I said Cheng Zi! The amount of information you revealed is a bit big! Could it be that you tell me now that the Qing Dynasty that ruled us for hundreds of years, the Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong are all descendants of this goddess? !

Isn't this too much? ",
"There is nothing suspenseful, this is simply the fact of being deified",
After Chen Zhi solemnly put the spirit tablet back on the shrine, he said to Fat Wei,

"The Aixinjueluo royal family in the Qing Dynasty actually claimed to be the descendants of the gods from the beginning to the end, but this legend is too old, there is no record of the age, so no one takes it seriously.

In fact, many historians know that the Jurchens were all gathered in the Changbai Mountain area at that time. Their origins are very complicated, with many diverse surnames mixed among them, and they are a hunting minority.

The civilization of the Jurchens was not well developed, and their tribes were very chaotic and inconsistent, and civil strife has continued since ancient times.But since the emergence of the family name of Aixinjueluo, the Jurchens have undergone earth-shaking changes. The surname Aixinjueluo has gradually established prestige among the Jurchens, and finally unified all the Jurchens. This behavior is very remarkable.

In the royal genealogy records of the Aixinjueluo family, such a myth and legend has always been recorded as the official history of the Manchu.

A long time ago, in the northeast of Changbai Mountain, there was a lake called Bull, which is now known as Tianchi Lake. The water in the lake is blue and cool, surrounded by undulating mountains, and the blue sky and white clouds reflected in it are very beautiful.

The beautiful scenery attracted three goddesses from Changbai Mountain to descend from the sky. They are the daughters of the gods. The three sisters are named Ngulun, Zhenggulun, and Fokulun, and Fokulun is the youngest of the three goddesses.

While the three sisters were playing and laughing in the lake, a condor flew from the east, holding a bright red fruit in its beak, and put it on the dress of Fokulun.

Fokulun picked up the brightly colored red fruit and couldn't put it down, so she took the red fruit into her mouth. Unexpectedly, the red fruit rolled into her stomach, and she became pregnant. No matter how much she chanted the spell, she couldn't fly back to the sky. The two goddesses had no choice but to abandon her and ascend to heaven.

Fokulun stayed by the lake and gave birth to a boy himself. The boy was strong and handsome. Fokulun named his son Bucuri Yongshun and gave his surname Aixinjueluo. , that is, the ancestor of Aixinjue Luo.

Fokulun has the divine power of foresight, and she said to her son: "It is God's will that I give birth to you. You are destined to be a king who can stabilize the country and rule the world. Go!".After Fukulun finished speaking, he flew into the air and returned to the heaven.

This is a myth recorded in the official history of the Manchu people, but the myth is always beautiful. We know that it is impossible to conceive after eating the fruit.So if we want to be realistic, this goddess probably fell in love with a human in Changbai Mountain at that time, and then gave birth to a child, but this child was not tolerated by her god family, so she was sent to the human world.

If you look up the history of the Manchus in detail, they have always recorded this myth in a clear way, but it has been a long time and no one believes it. Therefore, this history is well known and praised by all Manchus, but But no one believed it. "

Hearing what Chen Zhi said, Fat Wei also seemed to remember that he seemed to have heard this legend before, but there were too many legends of this type, and they were basically boasted by the emperors, so no one took it seriously.

At this time, Chen Zhi continued to say,

"Because there is no clear evidence for this mysterious history, it spreads more and more in people's mouths. There are more and more descendants of Aixinjueluo, and finally it becomes an open myth, and even many Aixinjueluo clansmen , do not believe that this history is true.

However, some scholars now specializing in the study of the Aixinjueluo family have discovered that the prosperity of the Aixinjueluo family is actually very sudden. They are actually the youngest group in the Changbai Mountain Jurchen tribe. Their ancestor Bukuliyong Shun was an outsider who married a local girl and had children.

Moreover, they have seen from some very old Aixinjueluo genealogy materials that this myth of the goddess' conception was not circulated at the beginning, and was locked into the family secret file, only the patriarch can read it. It can be seen that The history of this period was kept strictly confidential.Moreover, they deliberately blurred the concept that Fokulun is the daughter of God Chaoha Zhanye, and severed the blood relationship between them.

The reason for this is very simple. If the world knows that Goddess Fokulun is the daughter of Chao Ha Zhan Ye, then this bloody and terrifying Changbai Mountain God Chao Ha Zhan Ye is their grandfather and the source of their blood.

The blood of the Aixinjueluo family will not be so glorious, and the image of the Aixinjueluo family will become terrifying in people's minds.

Later, the Aixinjueluo people gained the power of the world. Their power was so powerful that they could tamper with the history and the history of the gods, so they secretly tampered with the past of the Chaoha Zhanye Mountain God and erased his bloody history. History, and then try to praise him, turning him into a kind-hearted old man, but not acknowledging this bloodline, which is indeed a smart way.

Therefore, for a long time in the past, the descendants of the Aixinjueluo clan have been worshiping the God of Chaoha Zhanye, and built the temple of the mountain god as magnificent as a palace. They were originally their ancestors, the real ancestors of the Qing royal family.

"My goodness..."

Fat Wei still can't believe what he just heard. He repeatedly looked at the statue in front of him, and then asked,

"If this is really the case... then it's been a matter of several lifetimes. Could it be that this goddess named Fokulun is still alive? Did he enter the village chief's dream and warn him to be careful of mutating humans?"

"Whether this goddess is still alive, I can't be sure now, but she must be the one who asked the dream to warn the village chief, and this goddess also knows who we are..."

Chen Zhi turned his head and took a meaningful look at the lifelike goddess statue, then said,

"I have a feeling that this goddess is very kind and benevolent. She is close to human beings and hopes to protect human beings. This is her nature, and the bloodline she left is not just Aixinjueluo.

If I guessed correctly, the adopted son taken in by the ancestors of the Tang family at that time was probably also her child, so this mountain temple has been abandoned for so long, and there are still people cleaning it.

The villagers in the mysterious village that Ning Bin told us are actually the descendants of this goddess. They have been worshiping the mountain god here for a long time and cleaning the temples of their ancestors.

 Thanks for the reward: I am Yi Xiaotian

  Thank you for the monthly ticket: Big White Rabbit's White; book friend 161-647; I am Yi Xiaotian 2 votes

(End of this chapter)

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