Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 490 Ready to go

Chapter 490 Ready to go
[Thank you Shengshi Liren for the rewards, and when I stopped updating, many book friends gave rewards and support, touched! 】

"I rely on his ancestor of the heavenly king, so it's his mother's fault, this is too f*cking~~~~~~~~"

After listening to Chen Zhi's words, Fat Wei was surprised at first, and then became excited.
"If the grandchildren of BJ Liulichang who claim to be the children of the Eight Banners know about this, it will be a big surprise. Otherwise, it is no wonder that Aixinjueluo has ruled our Central Plains for so many years. It turns out that he is serious They are the descendants of the gods. Although the god of the mountain is not good enough, but the mother of the gods is very beautiful~~~~.

I used to wonder how we Han people were invaded by the Manchus, and why those people named Aixinjueluo were so brave and good at fighting. "

"The current Aixinjueluo bloodline has been fused several times, and it is no longer pure, and there are many political factors mixed in, and their original true colors are very little...",
Chen Zhi shook his head and said, then turned his head to look at the artificial stone statue, looked at the lifelike face seriously,
"The glory of Aixinjue Luoshi has passed, but the goddess Fokulun is still here. She is a real god. She has the most primitive magic of shamanism-the ability to predict. She is too important to us now. It is us. The key to the success of all subsequent actions.

If according to the information left by Lord Bao, the mysterious village in the mountain is another descendant of this goddess, then the mysterious village is likely to have suffered serious mutation infection, so the The goddess entrusted a dream to the old village chief, but she was actually asking us for help.

But what I don't understand now is, if this goddess cares so much about her offspring and has such supernatural power, why doesn't she show up? ".

"The reason is so simple that I can figure it out..."
When Fat Wei heard what Chen Zhi said, he looked at the statue and sneered.
"We have always heard that gods appear, but we have never heard that gods can conjure dreams. Only ghosts can conjure dreams... Let's not think too much about her. This goddess can conjure dreams to the old village chief. , and even changed your appearance in a dream, who knows what her intentions are? Besides, the upper layer of her statue is filled with the corpses of virgins, isn't this too evil?
I think this already dead, what the old village chief saw in his dream is a fucking female ghost..."

Chen Zhi interrupted Fat Wei's words, then frowned, looked at the lifelike goddess statue next to him with taboo, and looked at those slightly closed eyes, as if they were about to open at any time.

"Okay, what the hell is it? Let's go up quickly! Otherwise, the village head above will think that something happened to us down there, and the old man will pee his pants in a panic...".

Fat Wei avoided looking at the statue, patted Chen Zhi on the shoulder, and pointed to the exit.

"Okay, wait a minute",
Chen Zhi nodded, and then flipped through the picture scrolls in the back room for a while. Some ancient shaman artifacts looked very evil, but Chen Zhi didn't move. After picking for a while, he finally took a scroll and wrote The picture scroll full of ancient Jurchen texts was carried in my arms,
Ever since he knew that the goddess Fokulun was the ancestor of the Aixinjueluo family, Pangwei was no longer interested in the jewels on the stone statue, and he didn't even want to take a look at the goddess statue. The two returned directly from the original path, walked around The corpses of children all over the ground got out from the cracks in the rocks.

When they showed their heads through the gap, the old village head was watching from the top with a light on. He was so happy when he saw them coming out. It was the first time for the village head to experience such a ghost thing. He was afraid that Chen Zhi and Fat Wei would appear below. Things have been tense for a long time.Fortunately, Ji Ying has been staying here and never left.

After they left the mountain temple, they followed the old village head back along the original mountain road. Along the way, the old village head kept repeatedly asking what was under the gap.

Fat Wei frightened him and said that the ghosts of boys and girls were all down there, and they escaped from below after going through five trials and killing six generals, but those little ghosts are still following them, and they may not run away at any time When he came out, the old village head was so frightened that he walked fast all the way.

The journey back was very smooth, but Chen Zhi didn't say a word all the way, he was always planning the specific things to go up the mountain in his mind, and the face of the goddess kept appearing in front of his eyes.

Everything happened so urgently during this period. In fact, Chen Zhi has been led by these unexpected incidents, but the situation is imminent, the time is very limited, and the heavy mission on his body does not allow them to make any mistakes, so Chen Zhi Zhi must now find this goddess and seek her help, whether she is dead or alive.

When they returned to the village from the mountain, the sky was getting dark. It was already dark in the mountain, and many houses in the village had already turned on their lights.

Bingliugou has returned to its former appearance.Many villagers walked back and forth in the village. The blood stains left by the mutated humans yesterday had been cleaned up. Some women gathered at the village chief's house to help prepare dinner for the benefactors in the village.

Da Guo and the others were very busy this day. They first restored the facilities in the village, and then got in touch with Ning Bin in the town.

Now the matter in Bingliugou is no small matter. The upper-level department has sent special personnel to deal with it secretly. Ning Bin will soon accompany the personnel from the secret department to Bingliugou. In order to prevent the inconvenient meeting with government personnel, Ning Bin suggested Chen Zhi and others set off early and handed over all the follow-up work in Bingliugou to Ning Bin.

During the time when Chen Zhi and the others went up the mountain, the corpses in the village head's house had been cleaned up, and the heated kang had been rebuilt. Too many people died in Bingliugou during this period, and everyone was very nervous, but the villagers There was still a tinge of excitement surviving, and everyone was reluctant to go home, and they all got together.

The dinner was still as lively as the night before. The village head set up a big tent outside his courtyard, and the Tang family's folks and villagers ate there, while Chen Zhi and Da Guo ate inside the village head's house.

The villagers talked about these dark days together, and they were all excited and grateful to Da Guo and Chen Zhi's team, but thinking of the last time because they were greedy for drinking and were almost sent to the mountain by the mutant second sister-in-law for food, everyone has a long memory this time, who I dare not drink anymore.

During dinner, Chen Zhi and Da Guo re-selected the guys from the Tang family. After the accident last night, Chen Zhi had seen the quality of these guys, and some courageous people were selected in the team Continue to follow them up the mountain together, and the others will stay in the ice flow ditch to wait for orders.

Ever since the death of the parrot and others in the Tomb of the Fox God, Chen Zhi's character has become more compulsively cautious. He has to make rigorous plans for all possible situations and accidents.

Chen Zhi knew that when carrying out tasks, a large number of people is indeed a strength, but at the same time it is also a burden. When borrowing the strength of these people, he also bears the responsibility to protect the lives of these people.

Therefore, in team combat, the accuracy of personnel is more important than the number, and this team is borrowed from Ning Bin, so there must be no mistakes. Chen Zhi deduced all the situations that may happen after going up the mountain. , there is no room for him to make mistakes.

They finally selected 37 guys in the team. These guys are very courageous, calm and not flustered, and have actual combat experience.

Chen Zhi called them in and had an in-depth chat with each of them. Then Da Guo explained the importance of this mission to the Tang family and promised their future on behalf of Ning Bin.

In the end, Chen Zhi told these guys that he would go to rest immediately after eating tonight, and prepare to go up the mountain at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

[After the blood recovery is complete, no one is allowed to disturb my heart again]


  Thank you everyone for still supporting me when I was out of updates, I will always walk with you and never leave
(End of this chapter)

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