Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 491 Entering the Snow Mountain

Chapter 491 Entering the Snow Mountain

In the morning of the next day, the sun in the snow-capped mountains radiated warm and soft light, which shone warmly on Chen Zhi and the others. The old village chief said that this was a good omen, indicating that those who entered the mountain wished to be able to Reach, find what he wants.

Thanks to Chen Zhi's instructions last night, the 37 elite men selected got enough sleep, and appeared in front of the gate full of energy early in the morning, ready to set off.

Da Guo selected the supplies in the team last night. After the staff has been streamlined, he can't bring too many things, and the road to the snow-capped mountains is difficult, so it is reasonable to pack as lightly as possible.After selection, they brought the most elite weapons in the team, a submachine gun and a pistol, and two long-range shooting guns, which are very powerful at critical moments.At the same time, Da Guo also brought a wireless device to facilitate contact with Bingliugou at any time.

After getting everything ready, they started heading up the mountain. It was just six o'clock in the morning.

Since the old village chief took them to the mountain temple yesterday, Chen Zhi already knew where the intersection into the mountain was, and he and Da Guo asked the old village chief to plan the route in the mountain last night. I have memorized it by heart, but the most important route is the map of the mysterious village that Ning Bin drew for him in Chen Zhi's mind.

Chen Zhi did not take the road to the mountain temple this time, but chose another more direct and steep road. This road leads directly to the mysterious village. Although the road is very rough, it is the only way they must pass.

Before entering the deep mountain, Chen Zhi mentally prepared that this mountain road must be rough and difficult, but he never thought that it would be so difficult.

The day before they left was smooth, but by the time they walked the next day, the road was already very dangerous.This road is a primitive mountain road, no one walks at all, the ruggedness of the mountain is indescribable, and the ice and snow are frozen, and it will slide down the snow mountain if you are not careful.Everyone walked and stopped in the snow-capped mountains, and camped in the snow at night, which was very difficult.

By the morning of the fourth day, the sky was full of snowflakes. The ground and the sky here were all white, so it was impossible to tell whether it was snowing or the wind blowing the snow foam on the ground.But the temperature in the mountains dropped suddenly, and the snow wind was like a knife, blowing on people's faces with burning pain, everyone's snow-proof clothing began to become thinner, except for Chen Zhi and Fat Wei who had work clothes to protect their bodies, everyone had a kind of Freezing feeling.

Going forward, the snow on the ground is so thick that it is impossible to walk at all. It is all thanks to Da Guo leading the people to clear the way ahead. Da Guo is very experienced in traveling in the mountains, and he has no opinion on Chen Zhi's route all the time. Chen Zhi Wherever Zhi said to go, he made a way there, as if he also had that map in his mind.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone was surrounded by a white world, with snowflakes all over the sky, and landmarks such as trees or rocks could not be seen clearly. At this time, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and the team was blown away. At this time, Da Guo looked at the sky, then at the surrounding snow, and said to Chen Zhi,
"Brother Xiaozhi, why don't you come here today! There may be a strong wind this day, and you can't rush on the snowy mountain, and it will be dangerous if you go up."

Seeing Chen Zhi nod his head, Da Guo waved his hand back, and everyone stopped.Climbing the snowy mountain all the way was exhausting. Everyone threw the snowproof equipment on the snow, sat on it to rest, and ate the dry food they carried.Chen Zhixuan has a good eye for people, and the 37 elite guys he chose are indeed very capable. They are very familiar with the mountains, and they paved the way with Da Guo along the way. They are quick and very powerful.

They finally chose to camp and rest on the slope of a short mountain. Although the place is covered with snow, they can see some sparse cedar forests. Although there are few in number, the cedars grow very thick and can shelter from the wind and snow. , to facilitate their stationing.

Da Guo looked out through the binoculars, then pointed to a large piece of sparse woods in front of him, and said to Chen Zhi,
"The area in front must have been a dense cedar forest hundreds of years ago. In ancient times, it was different from modern times. If villages were built in the mountains, they would usually use local materials. You can see that this large forest is obviously much less than the front. The forest is denser as it goes forward, and the cedars here are so thick that they are all old wood. This forest must have been felled by people hundreds of years ago, which proves that there must have been an ancient project ahead, and the scale of the project is still large. Little deal, it seems that we are heading in the right direction, we are not far from that mysterious village."

When Chen Zhi heard Da Guo mentioned the mysterious village, he smiled slightly, looked at Da Guo,
"It seems~~, you know about that mysterious village..."

Da Guo was taken aback when he heard Chen Zhi's words, then suddenly smiled,
"I've heard Brother Bin say it before, but I don't know much about it. The guys in the team don't know much about it. Now if they say too much, they will get scared. Let's not talk about it~~~~.


Da Guo held up the binoculars and continued to look forward.

"I estimated the number of trees felled here, and I guess the size of the village is not small! If it doesn't work, it's not an ordinary village."

Chen Zhi nodded slightly in agreement.

In fact, Chen Zhi was also curious before. Is it possible that a village can hide in the deep mountains for so long?Even if the intrusion of the outside world is not mentioned, it is difficult to hide the village in the satellite GPS, but it has not been discovered for such a long time, which shows that this village is by no means simple or backward, and even has modern Unseen forces in the world.

Da Guo has been looking ahead with a telescope and asked,

"There are more than a dozen peaks in the mountains here. I just saw them with a telescope on the top of the mountain. From here, there is a white snowy road. There is no direction at all, and there is no shadow of the village. What should we do next? How to go?"

Chen Zhi smiled when he heard Da Guo's question, and then said boldly,
"Brother Ning Bin gave me a map. The mysterious village is just behind the forest. Just climb over this mountain. If we can't see the village with our naked eyes, it proves that the village must have some way to hide itself .But we have an accurate map, we will definitely find it, it just takes a little more time.

But you..."
Chen Zhi turned his head to look at Da Guo at this moment, said with a light smile,

"If I'm not mistaken, your relationship with Ning Bin is extraordinary, right?"

 Thanks for the reward: Wisdom Insects
(End of this chapter)

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