Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 492

Chapter 492
"It's you..."
Chen Zhi turned his head to look at Da Guo at this moment, said with a light smile,

"If I'm not mistaken, your relationship with Ning Bin is extraordinary, right? You don't look like he's just a capable guy, but your relationship with him seems to be closer."

Da Guo laughed loudly after hearing Chen Zhi's words. His face was flushed with cold, showing the bold expression of a pure Northeast person. He patted Chen Zhi's shoulder and said without hesitation,
"Brother Xiaozhi, you have good eyesight. In fact, I didn't want to hide it from you from the beginning to the end. The relationship between Brother Bin and I is indeed extraordinary. We are real brothers who live and die. I can take half of the Tang family's affairs. I know everything about the Tang family, including the map of the mysterious village handed down by the Tang family."

"So that's how it is. You are the second in charge of the Tang family. I'm sorry~~"

Chen Zhi looked at Da Guo with a smile, nodded politely, and continued,
"But forgive me for asking, when did your relationship with Brother Bin start? From what I know about Ning Bin, he doesn't seem like a person who is easy to trust others."

"Indeed, Brother Bin is cautious, but the relationship between me and Brother Bin is unbreakable~~~",
After Da Guo finished speaking, he took out his own cigarette from his arms, handed one to Chen Zhi, and then took out a lighter to light Chen Zhi.

"Before I joined the army, I was a gangster in the society, fighting with people all day long and nothing good. Later, I lived with Mr. Tang. At that time, I was not yet 16 years old, just a yellow-haired boy. Raindrops as big as rice grains can't fall on my head, and I have no status in the Tang family.

Brother Bin was still in the south at that time. He was a veritable talent, but his family was very difficult.Those old Master Tang have been sponsoring some needy students, including Brother Bin.

Later, Brother Bin was named on the gold list and became the number one student in the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province. This great joy brought disaster to his family..., that son of a son of a bitch, fuck it! "

When Da Guo said this, he spat forcefully on the ground, cursed and continued,
"You probably know what happened to their family at that time. The son of the township chief who pretended to be a bit of a bully wanted to dump a lot of bad money and use Brother Bin's student status to pretend to be the number one student in the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province to go to university. Damn, Brother Bin's mother died of a heart attack that made them feel so ashamed that year.

Brother Bin was just a child at that time, and he was beaten half to death for not being able to avenge himself, and finally he turned to the Tang family for help.Old Tang Lord was very loyal, he drew his sword to help, and took a few of us to the south to negotiate with the village head's family. Although he said that Brother Bin's mother died by himself, the responsibility lies with the village head's family, and the township head must give an explanation.

But the negotiations at that time were not going well. The son of the township chief was so fucking pretentious. He was full of obscenities, swearing at Old Tang and Brother Bin. He didn't care about a human life at all.

At that time, I was full of blood, and I was ready to fight against injustices. Seeing Brother Bin being (bullied) by the bears (bullyed) raised by those dog Bs made me angry, thinking that I am a minor, what can you do to me?You don’t need to shoot someone if you die, so I didn’t discuss it with Mr. Tang. Just at night, I took a knife and blocked that dog bastard in the alley, and made him. Gobi Mahler, that dog Bi Yang, I don't regret killing him now.

But now that I think about it, I was too impulsive at the time. The mayor was not easy to mess with, and it was the ground of the southerners. I was almost killed. Later, Mr. Tang paid a high price to settle this matter. .

After everything was over, Mr. Tang gathered Brother Bin and me together, and asked us to burn incense in front of him and swear to be brothers in life and death. Later, Brother Bin became the son-in-law of the Tang family. For us, let me help Brother Bin play this big game of the Tang family.

Now the Tang family is doing well in the Northeast, and it is more prosperous than before.Over the years, Brother Bin has managed and dispatched the Tang family's business in the open, but in the dark, I have been Brother Bin's eyes and arms. I have run through all the lines and piers of the Tang family, and sometimes I will do some dirty work...

After hearing what Da Guo said, Chen Zhi didn't say anything, but nodded lightly.In fact, along the way, Da Guo really didn't deliberately hide it. Chen Zhi had long discovered that this Da Guo had a big pattern. This is not an aura that can appear on a buddy. I am very sure that this kind of aura is not just pretending, it proves that he has a high status in front of Ning Bin on weekdays, and he has a lot of things to say.

Moreover, the mysterious village is the foundation of the Tang family for hundreds of years. For such an important matter, with Ning Bin's meticulous personality, he will not trust outsiders, and will definitely let a very reliable person act together with Chen Zhi, so this big Guo is Ning Bin. The most trusted person is equivalent to Ning Bin's clone.


Chen Zhi took a sip of the cigarette that Da Guo handed him. This kind of cigarette is made in Russia. It has a strong smell of tobacco leaves. It is very refreshing in the ice and snow. Chen Zhi slowly exhaled a smoke ring in the air, and then asked calmly .

"That map must have been memorized in your mind long ago. You have walked this road into the snow mountain many times, right? You are very familiar with the terrain here. This is not the first time you have been to this kind of place. Humans can do it."

"Yes! I have walked many times",
Da Guo answered very simply,

"The line in Mysterious Village has been around for hundreds of years, it is very important to the Tang family, we must not let it be broken in this generation.

Since the mysterious village lost contact with the Tang family, I have brought people here more than 20 times. I have searched for every mountain around here, but every time I have returned without success.

If you look at the map, you should have turned over the mountain in front of you to the mysterious village. The forest on that mountain is very dense. Every time we pass through the forest, there is a large expanse of white snow. The snow was as deep as a person, and there was nothing for hundreds of miles around.

I even had people rummage in the snow, dug deep down, and frostbitten several people because of this, but there was no sign of the village, it seemed that the village had never existed in this deep mountain .

I get really fucking skeptical sometimes..."

When Da Guo said this, he also blew a smoke ring in the air, looked up at the snowflakes floating in the sky and said,
"Actually, in the past few years, people from Mysterious Village have come to the Tang family for secret meetings. Those people wear big black cloaks and always appear suddenly in the middle of the night. All security systems can't detect them. Walking Sometimes, like a gust of wind, I can't even see a shadow in the darkness.

Sometimes I really f*ck doubt...whether this mysterious village that has been in contact with the Tang family for hundreds of years is already dead, those people come and go without a trace, let alone a bunch of f*cking people Ghost? "

 Thank you for the reward: 1000 for gorgeous slaughter; 500 for intelligent insects; 500 for youth should be presumptuous;


(End of this chapter)

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