Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 494 Emergency Evacuation

Chapter 494 Emergency Evacuation

[Yesterday’s distance and time calculation was wrong, it has been changed]

"Really? Isn't this too mysterious?
Sister Ji Ying, how did you see it from so far away?Why can't I see ghost hairs except for a large piece of white snow? ",
Fat Wei walked over from behind. He and Da Guo were somersaulting just now. Seeing Chen Zhi's reaction, he knew that something happened ahead, and immediately followed with a weapon.

Da Guo is a typical Northeast guy with a bit of machismo. He usually doesn't know the warriors of the organization, and he is deeply suspicious of what Ji Ying said just now.

"Did you say that if there are pursuers ahead, there will be pursuers? I have traveled through mountains and ridges for more than ten years, and the things in the mountains can't be hidden from me. We didn't even meet a ghost along the way. Could it be that a team popped out of the sky? ?”

"Don't say that, if the girl says it's dangerous, it's really possible..."

The old somersault said beside him that he had done many missions with Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao, and he knew how powerful these red-belt warriors were, and their insight ability was already close to that of ghosts and gods.

These warriors are very sensitive to distant dangers and are good at tracking and locating. Ghost Saber once sensed an ambush in the distance from the vibration of the ground, and could even sense the number of people. So if Ji Ying now says that there is a team attacking ahead Come on, the old somersault is convinced of this.

Ji Ying walked another distance, put herself in the middle of the vast snow field, knelt down and touched the surface of the snow with her hands, then stood up, closed her eyes, remained motionless, and both ears stood up, as if Listening to the wind from all directions.

After about 5 minutes like this, Ji Ying opened her eyes, turned around and said affirmatively to Chen Zhi,
"There are probably more than 100 of them, and they move very quickly, but they don't know we are here now. If they know, they will run quickly and appear in front of us soon. Judging from their movement habits, it should be It's those people..."

Chen Zhi nodded to Ji Ying, but didn't let her continue.

Chen Zhi knew who the "those people" Ji Ying was talking about?In fact, from the moment he went up the mountain, Chen Zhi knew that the enemies he faced this time were not just mutant humans, but the truly terrifying enemies, those rebellious blue-belt warriors.

These warriors have received rigorous training in the organization, and their abilities are very powerful. The combined strength of more than 100 blue-belt warriors is unimaginable.

For an organization that has survived for thousands of years, the organization's management mechanism has already been rigorous enough to be impeccable. It can be seen from Ghost Saber that the loyalty of the warriors to the organization has become a kind of belief, and it is a belief in themselves. Affirmation of value.But within such a powerful organization, a large-scale blue-ribbon warrior mutiny took place, which itself is hard to imagine.

But this also proves that the reasons for these blue ribbons to rebel must be very strong. These warriors who are connected with the blood of the Ji family can betray the royal family and give up their beliefs. This is not something that temptations such as money can do.

I don't know why, when thinking of those rebellious warriors, Fu Ye Wanda, who fought against the ghost knife in the fox cave, came to Chen Zhi's mind. With regret, he later died under the knife of Ghost Saber. His face that was not afraid of life and death often appeared in Chen Zhi's mind.

"We must get out of here immediately",
Chen Zhi turned his head and said loudly to Da Guo and the others,
"They only have an hour to get here. We have to keep a distance from them during this time. Now we have to break out of camp immediately, go into the forest ahead, and cross the mountain in front overnight...".

"Is it necessary to do this?",
Da Guo had some resistance to Chen Zhi's order, and felt that Chen Zhi's reaction was a little too aggressive.
"This Changbai Snow Mountain is not an ordinary mountain. This mountain has spirituality. It is very taboo for a group of people to drive on the mountain overnight. Besides, even if there are pursuers ahead, we are not necessarily at a disadvantage. There are more than 100 people on the other side. But we have so many weapons in our hands, if we ambush them in the woods, the chances of winning are actually great. And this woman... ",
After Da Guo finished speaking, he squinted at Ji Ying with disdain on his face.
"Is what she said must be accurate? Why don't I believe that I can know the situation ten miles away from here, don't you pretend to be mysterious? Let me tell you, let's hide in the woods and see the situation..."

Chen Zhi did not let Da Guo continue, and ordered in an unquestionable tone,

"We must leave here immediately. Those people are very difficult to mess with. If we meet them, it will be bad. Our team members will become a burden, including you and me. We must immediately pull the team into the woods and turn over overnight. Otherwise, there would be no possibility of surviving this mountain.”

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he loudly ordered the guys behind him to set up camp immediately.

"Patriarch, you go first, I will stay here and wait for them",
Ji Ying's voice suddenly sounded behind Chen Zhi. Her voice was still calm and gentle, and it sounded soft and weak in the strong wind.

"I said sister, what are you talking about? You let a group of us old men run away first, and leave you here as a woman to feed the wolves?"

Fat Wei's self-esteem seemed to have been greatly impacted, and he opened his eyes and said to Chen Zhi,
"Tell you, whoever you like will run away. Anyway, if my fat man doesn't run away, I will stay here with a submachine gun and die. Damn!"

Da Guo agreed with Fat Wei's words very much, and also expressed that he would stay, but the old somersault beside him remained silent.

Chen Zhi glanced at Ji Ying again, seeing her pale face in the wind and snow, feeling a little unbearable in his heart.

To be honest, although Ji Ying is a red belt warrior, Chen Zhi has never really seen Ji Ying's strength.

But Chen Zhi had heard from Ghost Saber before that Ji Ying's strength was not inferior to his in terms of comprehensive ability.But Ghost Saber is famous for its speed, while Ji Ying is famous for its strength and cruelty.From this point of view, Ji Ying should be better than Ghost Saber, but the word tough can't be associated with this calm woman now.

However, Chen Zhi understands that the red belt warriors in the organization are by no means in vain, and the nickname of female Hades will not fall from the sky, maybe this woman's strength really doesn't match her appearance.

"Can you stay here by yourself?",
Chen Zhi looked at the woman in front of him in the wind and snow, whose black hair was blown wildly by the strong wind, and asked,
"They have more than 100 people, and you are just one person".

After Ji Ying heard Chen Zhi's words, she looked at Chen Zhi's face and smiled, her bright red lips were like a drop of blood falling on the white snow.

"Patriarch, please rest assured, I can do it alone."

 Thanks for the reward: Wisdom Insects
(End of this chapter)

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