Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 495 Emergency Evacuation

Chapter 495 Emergency Evacuation ([-])
After hearing what Ji Ying said, everyone was a little bit sorry for the woman's reaction. Chen Zhi didn't say anything more at this time. He gave the final order to the team, asking everyone to immediately pull up the tents and pack up all the equipment and items, and buried the traces of the bonfire, dealt with everything within 15 minutes and set off, Ji Ying stayed here for everyone.

The guys of the Tang family became flustered for a while, they didn't know what happened, and some of them were about to go to sleep, and they were suddenly ordered to march in the middle of the night, which made them very puzzled.

Everyone hurriedly started to clean up the bonfire and cooking supplies on the ground, pulled out the tent that had just been set up, and put it back together on their backs. The guys moved very quickly and took care of everything within 15 minutes. Everyone Pack all the materials and line them up in two teams, with Da Guo and Pang Wei clearing the way ahead, and everyone walked quickly along the woods in an orderly manner.

Before walking out of the place where he camped just now, Chen Zhi looked back at Ji Ying, who was left in the distance, and saw Ji Ying standing in the snow with a long knife in her arms, her figure getting smaller and smaller in the strong wind, and finally I can't see clearly, it feels like leaving her alone in the dark, it seems a little cruel.

Fat Wei, on the other hand, sneered at everyone's behavior of abandoning Ji Ying. He was cursing and sarcasm all the way, saying that these men are all cowards, including himself. After being cut off by them later, I took the submachine gun and ran away first, and so on.

Da Guo also felt that this behavior was a bit useless, but the decisive commander this time was Chen Zhi. Since Chen Zhi had already given the death order, Da Guo couldn't say anything more.

They quickly walked to the forest in front of them and began to run in a row in the dense forest. The team was full of strong and healthy young people, only the old somersault was a little older. Now he is already exhausted, and the fatigue of the old man is unavoidable in the fast walking.In fact, Chen Zhi thought about leaving him in the village and waiting for them to come back, but the old somersault was very worried about Lord Bao on the mountain and insisted on going up the mountain. Moreover, the old somersault was calm and thoughtful, and he could often assist Chen Zhi in critical moments. Opinion, so in the end let him follow.

The cedar trees in this forest are very dense, and the ghost-claw-like branches are covered with frost. It feels like a knife cuts the face when it is hit.Everyone was desperately moving forward in the dark night, with several bloody cuts on their faces, and many people stumbled and fell into the snow cave. Da Guo immediately organized people to pull them up with ropes, and went back and forth several times. Fortunately, the guys selected this time are very capable and capable. If they go up the mountain according to the original team size, these people may all die.

They ran like this in the dark woods for about half an hour, and the wind in their ears became louder and louder. I don't know if it was because they were worried about Ji Ying. Chen Zhi gradually developed a kind of auditory hallucination. It seemed that he heard a lot of wailing voices coming along the wind, but after Chen Zhi shook his head and listened carefully, these voices disappeared again.

Chen Zhi looked back, and there was no shadow on the other side of the forest. At this time, Chen Zhi found that he was still very worried about Ji Ying.In fact, before going up the mountain, Chen Zhi had already estimated the strength of both sides. In his plan, he analyzed various conflict situations when he met the rebel warriors. Because the organization is currently short of personnel and internal collapse is at stake, Ghost Sword has been hit again. They were seriously injured, so Ji Ying could only be sent to support them by force.

Chen Zhi had asked Ji Ying more than once before, asking if her strength could handle this team, but Ji Ying's answer was always one sentence, "No problem".

But now that the matter is really at hand, Chen Zhi really has some doubts, no matter how powerful the red belt warrior is, whether he can deal with hundreds of blue belt warriors by himself.

But thinking about these things now is meaningless, Chen Zhi must take this team out, otherwise this group of people will become his biggest burden instead.

They ran forward in the forest at high speed, and Pang Wei followed closely behind Da Guo. When everyone was running dizzy in the dark, Pang Wei suddenly made a gesture to stop moving forward, and then shouted One sound,
Fat Wei stopped instantly after shouting, it didn’t matter if he stopped, the people behind bumped into him one by one, because they were moving too fast just now, now the whole team is crackling like dominoes Same, all fell on the snow.

"what are you doing?",
Da Guo beside him complained loudly and shouted at Pang Wei, pulling up the fallen man from the snow, everyone patted the snow dust on their bodies, looked at Pang Wei angrily,

"Why did you stop suddenly? Did you see a ghost?" Da Guo asked Fat Wei incomprehensibly.

Fat Wei gestured for everyone to stop talking, and then raised his ears to listen to the sounds in the forest, just like Ji Ying's just now. After two or three minutes, Da Guo became completely impatient.

"I said, what's wrong with all of you? You and that woman all have smooth ears?
Let me tell you, I have been hunting wild animals and chasing rabbit ears on this mountain since I was a child, and I am much smarter than you. Which guy in this team knows this mountain better than you, and none of us have heard that you can hear a ghost ball?Apart from the sound of the fucking wind, there is not even a bird chirping in this mountain. I said you should stop playing big cloves here, let's hurry up and move on!It's a long way to go over this mountain! ".

"No, there is sound~~~~~~~~, definitely there is sound~~~~~~",
After Fat Wei finished speaking, he turned to look at Chen Zhi,
"Chengzi, you should understand. We are too familiar with this voice. Listen to the voice in the wind, does it look like...",
After Chen Zhi heard what Fat Wei said, he also felt that something was wrong. He ordered the team not to move, then closed his eyes and listened carefully to the wind in his ears.

The sound of the wind sounded nothing special at first, but there was a swishing sound mixed in with the sound of the wind, as if something was speeding through the wind, and this sound was indeed very familiar.

This swish~~ sound approached them at an extremely fast speed, getting closer and closer, and was about to reach them soon.

Chen Zhi hurriedly turned his head to look, only to see a person in the dense forest behind him jumped into the air like a gust of wind, then flipped down from the air, and landed in front of Chen Zhi.

This figure was so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar.

It's a ghost knife.

 Thanks for the reward: 11122656788; smart insects;

(End of this chapter)

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