Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 496 Ghost Sword

Chapter 496 Ghost Sword
"Knife, why are you here?",
Fat Wei was very pleasantly surprised when he saw the ghost knife, and he was about to walk over with a loud exclamation.

Chen Zhi stopped Fat Wei with a loud voice, released thousands of fine airflows from his body, and vigilantly surrounded Ghost Knife in case of accidents, and then used the airflow to his eyes to look at the aura behind Ghostdao.

Even an impostor who pretends to be the most resembling, the aura cannot be disguised. When Chen Zhi saw this ghost knife that suddenly fell from the sky, he had to be more prepared, and use his eyes to see the aura of the ghost knife to confirm his identity.

The aura of the ghost knife is the same as before, but it is slightly weaker. It seems that the ghost body is still seriously injured and is still recovering, but this is indeed a fake ghost knife.

"Knife, is your injury healed?"

Chen Zhi withdrew all the air currents, took a few steps forward and asked,

When they were in the tomb of the Drought God, under the raging fire from the mouth of the Drought God, the left arm of the Ghost Knife was completely melted. The appearance of the Ghost Knife was very tragic at that time, and the entire right arm was burned, leaving only carbon black bones.

If faced with the level of modern medicine, the arm of the ghost knife would undoubtedly be useless, and it is estimated that he will be disabled in his next life, but the witch doctor organized is very good. The ancient medical skills can drive away decay and bring new life, and bring the dead back to life.

During these days in the organization, witch doctors used ancient witchcraft in the secret room to restore the flesh on Ghost Knife's left arm, reorganize human muscle tissue, and regenerate new fat. This is a very difficult and long process.

So during the time when Chen Zhi was in the Xiqi King City, although he knew that the ghost knife was healing in a secret room in the organization, he had never seen the ghost knife. He had inquired about the recovery cycle of the ghost knife. In terms of time, Ghost Knife should still be undergoing deep treatment, and it is absolutely impossible to appear here.

"I'm fine, I'm here to help you..."
Ghost Saber's voice was still indifferent and flat, from the surface it could not be seen that he was seriously injured, but Chen Zhi felt that his aura was a little soft.

Chen Zhi looked at Ghost Knife's injured left arm, and soon found that although the left arm was covered by clothes, it was obviously much thinner than usual.Chen Zhi's brows tightened. He knew that the flesh on Ghost Saber's arm hadn't fully grown at all, and there must be some reason for its appearance this time.

"You boy, finally you are willing to come to us, I thought you ran away to hide while healing!",
Fat Wei was very happy when he saw Ghost Knife coming, and slapped Ghost Knife's left arm with a slap. Ghost Knife's arm immediately became energized. He took two steps back, without a trace of emotion on his face, and said calmly,
"The rest of the way, I will walk with you",
"it is good!",
Chen Zhi nodded silently, then turned his head and said to Da Guo and the others who were looking at them,
"keep going!".

Under Chen Zhi's order, the team continued to move forward. The Tang family had never seen a ghost knife before, and they were amazed at his ability to turn down from the air, but judging from Chen Zhi and Fat Wei's attitude towards him, they knew He must be a friend who came to help, so no one doubted him, and everyone was still moving forward quickly.

Chen Zhi pulled Ghost Dao and Pang Wei to the very edge of the team, seeing that everyone was on their way and no one was paying attention to them, so Chen Zhi asked Ghost Dao in a low voice,

"What happened to you? Why did you rush over so reluctantly?"

"Yeah! Your arm hasn't recovered yet! When I touched you just now, you were so painful. You can't fight at all in this situation. Why do you have to force it?",
Fat Wei was also asking Ghost Dao at the side. Fat Wei was always smarter than he looked, and he had sensed Ghost Dao's current physical condition from the reaction of Ghost Dao at the beginning.

"Could it be that something happened to Xiqi King City?" Chen Zhi asked with a frown as he looked at Ghost Saber silently.

Ghost Knife looked left and right vigilantly, then lowered his voice and said to Chen Zhi and Fat Wei,
"I didn't get permission from the leader when I came out this time, I left the organization without authorization."

Chen Zhi was very surprised when he heard Ghost Knife's words. He even wondered if it came from Ghost Knife's mouth. If there is anything that is the biggest characteristic of Ghost Knife, it is his adherence to the organization's beliefs.

Chen Zhi knew that the royal family of the Ji family in the organization had very strict management over the warriors, and warriors were not allowed to leave the organization without the order of the leader. His behavior is not like the character of Ghost Saber.

"Let's take a step to speak",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he grabbed Ghost Dao and Pang Wei to stay at the back of the line, then walked sideways into the forest to prevent the sound from leaking out.

"What happened? How could you leave Xiqi King City at this time? Could it be..."
Chen Zhi seemed to realize something after uttering these words, and continued to ask,

"Are you for those rebellious warriors?"


Ghost Saber didn't seem to hide what Chen Zhi and Fat Wei meant, and replied affirmatively,

"These rebellious blue-ribbon warriors are the most skilled fighters in the organization. They have been trained and grown up with me. They have violated the organization's discipline by leaving the organization this time, but they are not guilty of death. But if they attack the Jiang clan Long, if the nature changes, they will become traitors, and the organization's punishment for traitors is very clear.

All traitors, kill without mercy~~~~~,

I came this time to prevent them from committing the great crime of treason. Once they attack you, there is no turning back. "

"Why did they rebel? Is it because of the promotion to the red belt?",
Chen Zhi thought of that Fu Ye Wanda again, and remembered how simple and cruel his reason for rebellion was, the thinking of these warriors was really incomprehensible.

Ghost Knife frowned, covered his left arm and replied,
"The samurai's pursuit of the highest honor is beyond your comprehension. It is the pursuit of all samurai's life to be promoted to a great warrior with a red belt, but this kind of honor cannot be given by anyone. I once told you that all wrists The straps are all self-color changing, which I've seen first hand.

But many samurai died without getting this honor all their lives. Some blue-belt samurai were very good, but they never broke through the last barrier of martial arts. In desperation, they began to doubt the organization. The honor is awarded to the warrior with the surname Ji.

So under Anbu's secret attraction, some excellent blue-ribbon warriors began to defect, and old warriors like Fu Ye Wanda also betrayed the organization. At the same time, they were also exiled by the organization and had no more honor.

Although Anbu has been secretly recruiting samurai, it has never dared to appear in the organization's field of vision, let alone actively attack the organization.But Anbu seems to have stored enough power now, and suddenly attacked, and secretly instigated an important blue-belt warrior.

Under the leadership of this blue belt, more than 100 outstanding blue belt warriors rebelled collectively.

Most of these people grew up with me and lived and died together. They are my comrades-in-arms. I must prevent them from rebelling and take them back. I must not let them die without dignity. "

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(End of this chapter)

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