Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 497 Fallen Warrior

Chapter 497 Fallen Warrior
"This promotion system organized by you is really fucking cheating."
Fat Wei was a little annoyed when he heard Ghost Dao's words next to him, and couldn't help cursing,
"He just wants to be promoted to a professional title! Then give him a promotion. You push him to this point. The rabbit bites when he is in a hurry! Isn't it just a broken wristband? In the wholesale market, ten yuan can Criticize [-], just because of this little thing that drives people to rebel, boring or not, if you want me to say that you warriors are fucking stubborn, your heads are like Yumu Gada, Dead through..."

"This is about our warriors, you don't understand, don't talk nonsense...",
After hearing these words of Fat Wei, Ghost Sword seemed a little unhappy, shook his head and stopped talking.

Chen Zhi already had a general understanding of the situation at this time, and he continued to ask Ghost Sword Dao,
"Those warriors are now chasing us. Ji Ying was left by me to resist them. Did you meet Ji Ying when you came here just now?"

"No, but Ji Ying may have rushed to nothing."
Ghost Knife glanced at the darkness behind, and replied,
"I followed you all the way here, and I saw traces of rebel warriors, but I found that these warriors are not the same as before. They seem to have been invaded by some kind of evil. Their movements are very strange, and their human nature has changed. Less, but the body has become more swift and agile than before, these warriors are familiar with our organization's tracking technique, deliberately made a false appearance for Ji Ying to find out, and then diverted the tiger away from the mountain, with the final goal of attacking the Jiang clan chief."

"What about Ji Ying? Is it okay for her to stay there by herself?"

Chen Zhi regretted leaving Ji Ying there, and now he couldn't contact her.

"She's fine, don't worry",
Ghost Saber seemed to have great confidence in Ji Ying's strength, so he paused and said,

"And Ji Ying is different from me. She is very cold and will not show mercy to traitors. We must leave this forest immediately, otherwise those rebel warriors may appear in the forest at any time. Once encountered, these people will be in danger. ".

After hearing what Ghost Knife said, Chen Zhi replied crisply, there is no need to say anything more when the matter has developed to this point, the most urgent thing now is to get out of here as soon as possible.

Chen Zhi Ghost Dao and Pang Wei quickly followed the team, and told Da Guo to let the team speed up and move forward at full speed, and everyone ran out of the forest with all their strength.

I don't know if it's human psychology or the wind. Chen Zhi can always hear the wind in his ears mixed with wailing, and he chases them all the way, just like the ghosts in this mountain who are seeking their lives.

They ran quickly in the woods, and ran tirelessly for five or six hours. When they finally ran out of the dense forest, they saw a corner of the sun in the sky outside the forest, and the east was slightly white. , the sky has begun to light up.

"Damn it! I can't run anymore. I just ran like a donkey all night in the mountains without letting anyone breathe. This job is really a fucking job..."

Fat Wei complained loudly and ran out of the woods. Just as he uttered a sentence, he couldn't stand firmly on his feet. A grunt rolled into the snow cave outside the woods, and suddenly an unknown heart arose. In the snow cave, father~mother~ loudly Scolded up.

Da Guo and the fellows of the Tang family were exhausted all the way, especially the old somersault who was completely strong on the way. Now he is leaning against a tree, his face is pale and he keeps breathing, and his eyes are slack. Apparently, he couldn't move even a step.

The wind in the woods was still howling, the inside was full of darkness, and no pursuers were seen.

"Brother Xiaozhi, is this information unreliable?"
Da Guolian panted and asked Chen Zhi, and said with an ugly face,

"Our brothers ran like crazy in the woods all night. This is not hide and seek! Where is the pursuer that the girl said? I can't put it bluntly...she can't be in Are you fooling us? This mountain is empty and icy and snowy, where did the pursuers come from, could it be heavenly soldiers and generals?"

"Heavenly Soldiers and Generals?",
Fat Wei climbed up desperately from the snow cave, followed by Da Guo's words

"If the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals are his mother's good, I'm afraid it's some evil spirits and wild ghosts. We ran all the way like his mother's rabbits, and we don't know who to hide from! Why don't we just pick up the guy, Give him a good time...".

"Everyone take a rest where you are, and don't be impatient."
Chen Zhi told everyone that the marathon just now was exhausting enough. He also supported the tree to breathe for a while, and then looked to the front.

Sure enough, as Da Guo said, after leaving this forest, there is a large expanse of white snow ahead.

This is a boundless white snow, not even half a tree or half a rock can be seen on the snow, it is spread on the ground like a big white cloth, and the sky is illuminated.

The area of ​​this snow field is extremely vast, and the field of vision is very good. Looking forward from here, it is endless, and there is no shadow of anything. The mysterious village is indeed out of sight.

But on this empty snow field, for some reason, Chen Zhi felt a very strong ability, which gave Chen Zhi an invisible pressure.

Ghost Dao had been standing behind Chen Zhi just now. After he stretched out his hand to pull Pang Wei out of the snow cave, he took a few steps forward and jumped into the snow. His eyes were staring ahead, as if he was watching something.

Suddenly, Ghost Knife's eyebrows were tightly locked together, and after listening to the wind carefully, he turned around and shouted,
"There is an ambush! Go back quickly~~~~~~",
After Ghost Knife shouted this sentence, he jumped in front of Chen Zhi like lightning, and shouted at everyone,

"Go back to the woods~~~~~"

"What the hell is going on here? You come in and out for a while, are you looking for pleasure?"

Fat Wei just crawled out of the snow cave, he didn't know what to do after hearing what Ghost Dao said, he rolled and crawled to get his gun.

The others were also in a hurry after hearing Ghost Knife's words. The guys quickly got up from the ground, picked up the equipment and didn't know where to go, and the old man struggled to stand up while holding the tree several times.


At this moment, a shining silver line flew out of the air, heading straight towards Chen Zhi's face at such a fast speed that the naked eye couldn't keep up with it.

But before reaching ten meters in front of Chen Zhi, the silver thread was bounced back by Ghost Saber's knife, and it was only when the bullet fell on the ground that it was clear that the silver thread was a silver needle.

At this moment, Ghost Knife raised the long knife, jumped into the air, and fell lightly into the snow, shouting loudly to the vast white snow ahead,
"Fu Yelie, I know it's you, come out!",
After Ghost Saber yelled, the voice echoed in the snow ahead for a long time, and there was no movement in the vast white snow.

But after dozens of seconds, the white snow on the ground vibrated slightly, kicking off a layer of snow waves and pushing forward.

Many white figures bounced out of the snow like springs, and in an instant, the snow was full of figures.

Standing in front of these white figures was a man wearing a shattered mask. That man was holding a red-gold long knife in his hand. The wristband exposed by his wrist was dripping with blood, dyeing the original dark blue Blood red.

[The next chapter is exciting, you must read it, and it will be published as soon as possible]

  Thanks for the monthly ticket: fell into the grave robbery pit; darkgrey; small deletion points; unread emails;
(End of this chapter)

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