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Chapter 104 Who Eats Who?

Chapter 104 Who Eats Who?
"What's that?" Yue asked curiously, "If it's fake, wouldn't Shen Mengjun see it?"

Lou Qi said: "Has anyone seen the real thousand-year-old chalcedony? I haven't seen it either. But isn't there a rumor? It's milky white and foggy. If you want, I can make it for you now."

"Tune it out?" Yue heard the meaning in her words, and couldn't help but said in surprise: "You don't mean to say that the stone marrow was artificially tuned out?"

"I'm not saying that the thousand-year-old stone marrow is blended out, but that those obtained by Shen Mengjun are artificially blended." Lou Qi said: "That thing can actually be called a kind of poison. After taking it, you will become hyperactive and your strength will change. Big, the pain has weakened, and it feels like it’s a lot stronger, but the medicinal properties are volatile, and it will recover after volatilization, and it’s just hurting the body.”

She always used some words that they had never heard before, but after savoring carefully, she felt that the word was used very well, like volatile or something, and with their IQ, they could understand it.

Shen Sha pondered for a while, and said: "Someone deliberately created a fake millennium stone marrow."

"That's right." Lou Qi nodded and said, "I guess, this matter was planned a long time ago, a fake one was transferred out, and if someone got it, everyone's attention would be focused on that person, mistakenly thinking that the Millennium Stone The marrow has already been obtained, so there will be no more looking for the ice cave, no more looking for the stone marrow. This person must be desperately looking for the ice cave during this time."

Speaking of which, this man is quite smart. This is to tune the tiger away from the mountain, but the number of tigers he tuned is hundreds, and he is quite courageous.But this person also offended her indirectly, and because of his scheme, he also cheated her, so at this moment, Lou Qi is determined to get the thousand-year-old stone marrow.Just like what Shen Sha said, with her nature, if she can't get it, it will be ruined, and she will never let that thing fall into the hands of those who offended her.

She is such a petty and vengeful person.

"That is to say, during the three days when you were hunted down, someone was quietly looking for the real millennium stone marrow, and you helped him lure everyone away." Yue raised his eyebrows, looking at Taking a look at Shen Sha, he saw that the aura of their master was almost as strong as the ice field.

That person, no matter who it is, has offended these two people, so please yourself.

However, if he touches her, she will wait for her head to move!

Lou Qi laughed, "There is one more thing, the fake millennium stone marrow is no longer on Shen Mengjun's body."

Yuedao: "This is for sure. This is in the Eastern Qing Dynasty. It is impossible for Prince Yu and Dong Shiwen to keep that thing." The reason is to let the two brothers fight first.But he didn't expect that it turned out to be fake.

"No," Lou Qi said, "They were pecked by geese, and you are also the same. Tell me, how is Jing Yao?"

"Jing Yao? A brainless woman." Yue said with a bit of contempt.In fact, it was the first time they saw Bixianshan Jingyao on the road before, but seeing her nympho and brainless look, they felt that they had no interest in taking another look.

Shen Sha shook his head: "Who? I haven't seen it."

Lou Qi: "."

Moon Guard: "."

Master, you are strong.He fell in love with you at first sight, yet you forgot about him within a few days and even said you hadn't seen it!Lou Qi couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for Jing Yao.

This is only for Yue. "You think she has no brains, but under the eyes of Prince Yu and Dong Shiwen, she took away the fake thousand-year-old stone marrow from her senior sister Shen Mengjun, and let Prince Yu speak in person , used his own two dark guards to escort him back to Bixian Mountain."

"What?" Yue was taken aback, he couldn't see Jing Yao's scheming and skill at all.

"So, learn, buddy. In this world, the deepest hidden thing is always the human heart." Lou Qi said: "Also, the proficiency of kung fu is not the same as the ability to touch things."

"What about this?" Yue was very interested: "Are you talking empty-handed?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lou Qi had already spread out his hand in front of him, in the palm of his hand, a cloud pattern jade pendant was lying quietly.Yue Wei looked down subconsciously, and there was only a hollow web left on his waist.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "How did you do it?" Obviously, he didn't see her move at all, and he didn't feel anything.

Lou Qi shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, what you said is empty-handed."

But she didn't want to say any more, which made Yue helpless, and Shen Sha's face was already dark.I want her to rest early, and I haven't finished talking.Shen Dadijun instantly transformed into the head of the family.

"go to bed!"

Moon rolled away immediately.

This night, although it was in the ice field, Lou Qi slept very well, he didn't feel cold at all, but felt extremely warm.After waking up from Shen Sha's arms, she had expressed her composure now, but seeing the faint shadows under his eyes, she couldn't help being taken aback. "You didn't sleep well, did you?"

Shen Sha didn't speak, but hugged her and sat up, took the cloak covering her body and motioned her to put it on.

Lou Qi stood up and tidied her clothes in wonder, and put on the cloak, and suddenly found something, before sleeping, she felt that he could not help but move his hands up and down, his big hands would poke into her clothes, and sometimes they would do something like that He rubbed against her by himself, making her body hot and sleepless, but last night he was so honest that he didn't touch her at all, adding to the warmth of the night.
Looking at his back as he strode away, Lou Qi pursed his lips in joy.Could it be that he wanted her to have a good night's sleep, so he didn't sleep the whole night and kept using his internal energy to warm her up?

The guards had already prepared the breakfast, of course it was impossible to have a lot of fish and meat, and it didn’t taste like much. The rice they brought was just boiled some snow water and soaked with a little seasoning. It wasn’t very tasty, but compared to Lou Qi’s before Three days was so much better.

"Master, shall we continue to search for the ice cave?"

"Well." Not only looking for the ice cave, but also looking for that person, or those people.Any woman who dares to frame him will come to see him one by one.

But what they didn't expect was that it suddenly snowed heavily that day.

It was only here on the ice field that Lou Qi really felt what a goose-feather snow is. A large number of snowflakes fell one after another, as if returning to the embrace of the ice field. In half a day, the ice field was covered with a thick layer of snow.This makes it even more difficult to find the ice cave.

Moreover, on this large ice sheet, they could not find a place to shelter from the snow, and there was no way to bring many things with them at that time.

"Let's go over there." Lou Qi suddenly pointed to a distant mountain while walking through the snow.It took them a few days to see a closer mountain.

"Will there be an ice cave?" asked Light.

They all led their horses, but the snow was so thick that it was very strenuous to travel like this.

Lou Qi had black lines on his face, "How do I know? But if there are mountains, the chance will always be higher, because there is a higher possibility of caves."


Shen Sha continued to believe her without any reason.

When they rushed all the way down the mountain, another day passed.It's just that this mountain is much taller and bigger than what they saw from a distance. There are many rocks on the mountain and thick snow, but when they look up, they can vaguely see a touch of green on the top of the mountain.Maybe it's a patch of grass, maybe a few trees, anyway, after a few days of whiteness before them, a little green can cheer them up.

It was night, and the wind was very biting.

"Although it's snowing today, it seems to be colder than the previous few days." A guard patted the snow on his knees.

"Yeah, and, why do I feel that the closer I get to this mountain, the colder it gets?" Another guard shook his head, shaking off the snow.

The first thing for Lou Qi to do is to check whether the mountain is snow-capped or not. If it is a snow-capped mountain, it is still dangerous, so he cannot stay overnight here.Fortunately, it wasn't. There didn't seem to be much snow piled up on the mountain before. Judging from the thickness of the snow on the slope, it should have accumulated all day after it fell today.

"Let's spend the night at the foot of the mountain tonight, and climb the mountain in the morning." Shen Sha said, looking at the sky.

The guards immediately began to prepare the camp.


"What sound?" Chen Shi suddenly stopped what he was doing and pricked up his ears to listen.

"How can there be any sound?" Lou Xin didn't hear it.

Shen Sha frowned: "Wolf."

Lou Qi jumped up: "I finally met a wolf!"

Shen Sha was speechless: "You seem to be very excited?" The snow wolves in the ice field are ferocious, and their cold resistance is much better than them. Moreover, there is a lack of food in this ice field. It is estimated that every snow wolf is hungry. A fierce fight, if it can be avoided, it will definitely be avoided, but who is as excited as her.

"Hey, it doesn't matter who eats who."

The mutton chops she carried back yesterday were distributed among the guards last night. Today, after eating bread and soaking in snow water for a whole day, she misses the taste of meat again. It’s just right, just right, to give it to her. Quenching.

Everyone was speechless.

Lou Qi said confidently: "You guys can't understand the purpose of being a foodie."

"Let me remind you, Lou Qi, if the snow wolves come to a dozen or so, we can still eat them, maybe hundreds of them, and you won't have time to escape by then, it depends on how you eat them." Yue Wei said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large pile of snow fell on the mountain above everyone's heads, and then several wolf howls sounded very close to their heads.


Lou Ting's expression changed when he heard the sound, and he glared at Yuewei and said, "Lord Yuewei, you are such a crow's mouth!"

As she said that, she immediately turned her head and shouted to the guards: "Prepare the torches!"

"Quick, light the fire."

Above his head, a black shadow pounced heavily, Shen Sha raised his head, and saw a pair of green eyes shining with sharp claws, clawing towards his head.


Lou Qi just wanted to tell him to avoid it quickly, but saw that he couldn't dodge it, he pulled himself up and charged towards the snow wolf.


"Master once killed eighteen wild wolves by himself!" Yue said beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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