Your heart is free

Chapter 105 Snow Wolf Crazy

Chapter 105 Snow Wolf Crazy
"When did this happen?"

"When the master was only 16 years old."

The image of a young man killing a wolf alone and fighting in blood appeared in Lou Qi's mind. When the image turned, it turned to the front of his eyes again. Shen Sha, who was dressed in black clothes, was grabbing the pounced snow wolf with one hand. The snow wolf was really Being caught by him, before he could react, Shen Sha swung his arm and slammed its body against the rock on the mountain wall.


The snow wolf let out a scream and then a puff, and was smashed headfirst onto the rock, its brains burst out and blood spurted out.Shen Sha grabbed the wolf's corpse and stood on the hillside with a vicious look. In front of him, several snow wolves were staring at him closely, but they didn't dare to move for a moment.The wolf carcass and the smell of blood in his hands made them instinctively afraid, and his own evil spirit also made them find this human being very dangerous.

Lou Qi opened her eyes wide, and felt that such a Shen Sha was really handsome, super handsome, making her heart pound wildly, what kind of gentleman, what kind of gentleness, all go to hell, such a tough she is even more Like it!like!
At this moment, Shen Sha dropped the wolf carcass in his hand, and it landed right next to Chen Shi's feet, "Put it away." Chen Shi immediately put the snow wolf aside and buried it with a pile of snow.

Lou Qi was puzzled: "Why did you put it away?"

Chen Shi looked over with a smile: "The emperor said that the fastest running wolf has the best meat."

As if answering his words, Shen Sha glanced at her, and said indifferently: "The other end is for you."

Lou Qi was stunned.

Dare to prepare dinner for her, just because she just said that she wants to eat roast wolf meat!Ahhh, how could she like this man's romantic way so much!like!

"Master, kill another one, and I'll roast it for you tonight!" She immediately jumped up and waved her fists to cheer him on.

The moon guard has a black line.

"Okay." Shen Sha didn't think she was being funny, the meat she grilled was delicious, so naturally she grilled it for him, and with her around, he liked to eat the things she baked by hand.

But when they were about to watch Shen Sha kill the wolf, snowflakes kicked and kicked on the mountainside, and it seemed that thousands of troops rushed down. When they looked closely, there were countless heads full of snowflakes in the sky. The snow-white snow wolf is galloping down!Those open wolf mouths, sharp fangs, and shining eyes rushed towards them down the mountain with boundless wolf and killing intent.The first to bear the brunt of course was Shen Sha standing on the hillside.

"Master Yuewei, you super crow mouth!"

Lou Qi was dumbfounded, cursed fiercely, and yelled at Shen Sha on the mountain: "Master, run, run quickly."

Yue Yi patted his forehead, "Master never runs away."

"What a broken habit!" Lou Qi saw that Shen Sha really didn't run away, but rushed towards the pack of wolves, his tall body seemed to be submerged in a sea of ​​snow-white wolves instantly.

"Everyone, come on!"

Yue drew out her long sword, lightly tapped her foot, and flew towards the hillside. With a swipe of the sword tip, it pierced the throat of a flying snow wolf, and the snow wolf fell down heavily.

The others also drew their long swords, and with a stroke of luck, eighteen figures also rushed towards the wolves.

However, as soon as he went up the mountain, Lou Qi realized something was wrong!

No, it's not Shen Sha's broken habit, it's not that he doesn't run, but it's too late to run!As soon as they went up the mountain, they realized that snow wolves appeared one after another on the snow-colored hillside. They couldn't see clearly from below. They thought it was a large piece of snow, but they didn't expect it to be a large number of snow wolves!

How to run like this, how to run!The group of snow wolves on the mountain rushed down wildly, but those below the mountain seemed to be ambushing soldiers to cut off their retreat!Shen Sha's retreat had already been blocked.There are countless hungry wolves in the front and back, in the front, back, left, and right.

The snow-white fur gave them the best protection, but when they all approached, those green wolf eyes shining with greed and hunger made people extremely frightened.

Since he strayed into the pack of wolves and couldn't escape, there was only one way: kill, kill, kill, kill!

"Kill!" Yuewei ordered.

For a moment, the hillside was filled with swords, swords, and wolves howling.

The ice and snow are flying, and the killing intent is surging.

They are all good at martial arts, and they are all brave enough, but there are too many snow wolves, too many.The snow wolves seem to have been hungry for half a century. Now meeting these people is like seeing fresh and hot food. They are flying and jumping, and the human breath stimulates their appetite and beast-sex. The wolf just wanted to tear them apart one by one by instinct, bit their throats, and gnawed viciously!
Howling one after another, the snow wolves rushed towards them one after another. As soon as they were caught by those sharp claws, their clothes were torn, and their bodies were bruised and bruised!The sharp wolf teeth will bite up when they get the chance, and as long as they are bitten, they will ruthlessly tear out a large piece of meat.

They killed many snow wolves, but they couldn't scare off these green-eyed snow wolves.


Chen Shiyijian stabbed the head of a snow wolf that was flying up, and kicked it away fiercely. As soon as the snow wolf fell down, dozens of snow wolves rushed straight away. At the same time, more than a dozen wolf mouths bit its corpse and tore it fiercely. Almost instantly, the snow wolf's corpse was torn out a large piece of flesh, exposing the skeleton inside.

They are so hungry that they even eat their own companions!
The smell of blood and flesh drove them even crazier.

But Lou Qi and the others found that there were so many snow wolves that seemed to be endless to kill. They were not tired, more like they were endless. They rushed over wave after wave, but their arms were sore from killing them.

"No, master, going on like this is not an option." Yue Chen shouted.

The sun had completely set, and the sky was getting dark. They had been fighting for half an hour, but there were still so many of these snow wolves, so many!
"Their wolf leaders haven't come out yet!" Lou Qi cried out suddenly, "No, something's wrong, and there should be many wolves that haven't come out yet!"

At this time, a guard also yelled timidly: "This is Mount Wolf!"

Wolf Mountain is a wolf mountain where snow wolves gather!They are like a bunch of meat that broke in!How can it not stimulate them.

Lou Qi was drenched in sweat, and the non-stop fighting for half an hour also made her hands sore, the smell of blood became heavier and heavier, and the smell of wolves became stronger and stronger. They were all stained with wolf blood, and there were several guards. The speed and movement have been affected by fatigue, and there are many injuries on his body.

It's not that they didn't think of retreating before, but they didn't expect that when they came up, it was already impossible to retreat.The wolves had already surrounded them, especially the way down the mountain, and when they found it, they were already going higher and higher, and now they were halfway up the mountain.

Along the way, blood stained the hillside.

Under such circumstances, it was discovered that the wolf hadn't appeared, which inevitably made Lou Qi feel shocked.It stands to reason that in such a large pack of wolves, there must be a head wolf. Wolves are very united animals. They will obey the command of the head wolf. will not change.

Now that so many wolves are dead, where is that wolf?Also, why are there so many snow wolves gathered here?Even if there really is a wolf den here
Lou Qi was taken aback for a moment, as if something flashed through his mind, the wolf den
puff!A blood arrow shot over and sprayed on her cloak, dyeing her cloak red, half of a huge snow wolf's head was chopped off, and the wolf carcass fell heavily at her feet.

"Damn it, how dare you be in a daze at this moment!" An angry scold sounded in her ears, and one hand had already wrapped her waist tightly and pulled her back.Shen Sha's chest was filled with anger, and he wanted to beat her up.

With so many wolves fighting, she was actually distracted, she was in a daze!If he hadn't seen it, a wolf would have bitten off her throat just now!

"Shen Sha, I."

"I'll carry you." When he was angry, he thought she was tired, and while speaking, he was about to throw her on his back, just like he had fought with her on his back so many times before, and at the same time, the other hand was A sword swung out, and the sword energy pierced a hungry neck.

"No, no, I mean, I get it, these wolves are guarding the wolf den!" Lou Qi broke free, and continued to kill wolves with him, and said anxiously: "The wolf den here It must not be an ordinary wolf den, with so many wolves, there will be a huge cave!" It snows all year round on the ice field, there is no jungle here, snow wolves must have their own den, and since this is a big mountain, there are so many Wolf, there must be a huge cave.

They killed so many wolves, the blood of wolves was spilled all over the mountains, and the corpses of wolves were piled up everywhere, but they didn't even have the slightest intention of retreating, and the head wolf hadn't come out yet. Does this mean that there is something they must guard!And their alpha wolf is guarding that thing in the cave every inch of it!In the cave, being guarded, what could it be?
Just guessing like this, she couldn't help but feel excited!

Her words were raised in excitement, and everyone heard them. Some people didn't understand what she was talking about in the wolf den. Could it be that instead of running away, they wanted to find the wolf den and hide in it?

But there are also those who understand in seconds, such as Shen Sha, such as Yue.

"You help me fight a bloody road!" Lou Qi gritted her teeth and said, "I'm going up the mountain!" She went to the top of the mountain, and saw a piece of greenery there before, she wondered if there might be an entrance to an ice cave there !

"Okay!" Shen Sha didn't talk nonsense, and stretched out his hand to her, "Come up!"

He didn't say much, but Lou Qi immediately understood what he meant. Immediately, she tipped her toes, vacated her body, and stepped on his palm. sent out.

Lou Qi's body was like a swallow, flying lightly over them and a large group of wolves, Shen Sha's inner strength was deep, this blow was enough to send her several feet away.

"Kill!" Yuewei yelled violently, rushed over, blocked the direction of going up the mountain, and kicked the rushing wolf down hard.

All the guards tried their best to gather in this direction, they wanted to stop them, stop these wolves, and prevent them from chasing Lou Qi again.

Shen Sha raised her eyes and looked up. On the mountain, slender figures were rising and falling, and they were quickly climbing to the top of the mountain. Occasionally, one or two snow wolves would pounce on her. The life of a snow wolf.

With a cold expression on his face, he drew his attention back and continued, continuing to kill wolves!
In fact, Lou Qi had already softened his hands, no one could resist such an endless fight, not to mention they had been driving for a day in the heavy snow before that!
(End of this chapter)

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