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Chapter 110 The Snake Flower Cult

Chapter 110 The Snake Flower Cult

In fact, Shen Sha didn't care much about whether she got this credit or not. In fact, he always believed that as long as he brought her by his side, she would always have many opportunities to make meritorious deeds, so this one is not bad.

The ice cave was very quiet, although there seemed to be water flowing in the pool, but it was silent, no sound from outside could be heard inside, and he didn't know if Yue had brought someone in.

After a while, Shen Sha also felt that the energy in his body was getting stronger and stronger, so he had to close his eyes and concentrate on guiding that energy to merge with his original internal force.

There is no sun and moon in the cave, and the two of them don't know how long they have been sitting for this fusion.

The energy of this millennium stone marrow is much stronger than they imagined.When Shen Sha completely fused the energy, let out a long breath of foul air and opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that Lou Qi, who was sitting beside him, was covered with a thin layer of hair from hair to every finger. Transparent frost, even her long eyelashes and eyebrows were covered with a thin layer of frost, which made her look like a frost person, but it made her skin white and bright, with a very Exquisite beauty.

But she still had her eyes closed tightly, her breathing was extremely thin and long, and she felt that she was in a kind of perfect cultivation.

Shen Sha didn't disturb her and stood up lightly, only then did he realize that his body was also covered with frost.How long have they been meditating?

With a little effort, the thin snow and ice on his body melted instantly. Although the clothes had no chance to warm themselves, under such deep internal force, the clothes that had just been soaked in the melted frost dried instantly again.And with this exercise, Shen Sha found that the internal force in his body had become much deeper!Majestic as the sea, endless feeling!

He only took a small sip and got such a harvest, so he didn't know what happened to Lou Qi!
At this time, when he heard the faint sound of fighting, he immediately frowned slightly.Did someone find this place?The fighting sound was getting closer and closer, as if someone was fighting and retreating this way.

Fearing that they would affect Lou Qi when they called, Shen Sha took another look at Lou Qi, but didn't see him move, the figure was already a hundred steps away in the blink of an eye.

It wasn't like this when he came here before, but now all the eighteen entrances have been destroyed, leaving only a large pile of ice caves. There's a big entrance to the ice slag, and here's where he's standing now.There used to be many ice shoots, icicles and icefalls outside, but now it is just a huge cave with piles of ice and snow everywhere, as if something has completely twisted the inside of it.

There were seven or eight snow wolf corpses in front of him, and he recognized that one of them was the wolf king.But, how could the wolf king die here?Didn't Yue and the others lure it away from those poisonous bees?
With a slight sway of his body, he was already standing on a pile of huge ice chips. At this moment, he saw the two sides fighting fiercely on the other side.To Shen Sha's surprise, one of them turned out to be Dong Shiyu and Bei Furong!And Yue and the guards were obviously on their side, but even so, they were still retreating steadily!

The enemy against them was obviously a group of people. Among them, he saw Xi Changli. Xi Changli and the few guards he brought were not bad at skills, but it was Yue and the others who put pressure on them. Seven or eight women in green clothes embroidered with snake patterns, extremely coquettish.The dresses of those women are very revealing, the small half of the tight top reveals a small waist, a red flower is painted on the side of the belly button, and the skirt on the lower body is almost transparent, just like a piece of tulle. The clean legs were exposed between them.

This kind of attire is almost the same as that of the go-go dancers that some men like to see, but these women are obviously not those dancers who only dance coquettishly.Their eyebrows and eyes are full of evil spirits, and there is a colorful little snake wrapped around their wrists, either red, green, black and white, or bright yellow.

Those little snakes hissed and spit snake letters, held their heads up, as if they were looking for every opportunity to rush out and give their opponent a fatal kiss.

The Snake Flower Sect in southern Xinjiang.

This Snake Flower Sect is all women, all of them are vicious and murderous without blinking an eye. Although they are famous in the world, they are notorious.Most people don't like Southern Border, and the Snake Flower Sect is one of the gangs most hated by righteous people in Southern Border.Why do righteous people hate it? That is because some men in the martial arts world like the Snake Flower Cult very much, because the women in the Snake Flower Cult regard chastity as a joke. If they like you, they can have a fight with you anytime, anywhere Dew marriage.

Standing side by side with the Snake Flower Cultists are a dozen rough men in different clothes. Most of the weapons in their hands are heavy, such as broadswords, spears, and double hammers. It's not particularly high, but this style of play is also frightening, somewhat scruples.

In addition, there are some men and women who seem to be temporarily grouped together. They come from various factions and their kung fu is not the same, but they are all masters.

And in the outer circle of the battlefield, Shen Sha also saw a familiar face.Xi Changyi, standing beside him was a woman, about eighteen or nineteen, as beautiful as a plum.She was nervously clutching Xi Changyi's sleeve tightly, as if she was trying to persuade him not to join, not to do anything.

This woman
Shen Sha's eyes flashed suddenly, just in time to see a poisonous snake in the hand of a Snake Flower Sect woman shooting out soundlessly, the target was right at the back of Lou Xin's neck.

With a flick of his finger, a finger shot out quickly, hitting the head of the poisonous snake, only a slight sound was heard, the snake's head exploded, and the rest of the snake's body fell to the ground, twisting several times Only then did it stand still.


When the guard found Shen Sha, he immediately cried out in great surprise.

And this sound also made the two sides who had been beating in the dark stopped, and at the same time they turned their heads to look at Shen Sha.

Standing on a pile of snow-white ice shards, Shen Sha, dressed in black clothes and with an indifferent face, was like Lord Yan, with a chilling coldness.

"Shen Sha, the emperor who broke the domain?"

A woman from the Snake Flower Sect took two steps, and her face, which was originally full of evil spirits, suddenly slowed down, like a flower blooming. For a moment, the sinister face seemed to change, beautiful and moving.And her body is considered the best among these women, with large breasts, thin waist, long straight legs, she is a stunner.

Seeing her looking at Shen Sha with a smile on her face, the Great Princess Bei Furong of Beicang gritted her teeth and cursed shamelessly inwardly.Dong Shiyu turned his head to look at her, and gave her a comforting smile. Bei Furong's heart calmed down a little, and she also looked at Shen Sha.I don't know if it was her illusion, she always felt that the Shen Sha she saw this time was different from before, but if she was asked to tell what was different, she felt that she couldn't tell.

Maybe it's because the breath in that body has become more concentrated, maybe it's because there is a kind of concern in his eyes that he didn't have before?


Moon was also relieved to see him.As soon as Shen Sha raised his hand, they immediately retreated to his side.

There was no movement of Shen Sha, his body fluttered down, and floated down the ice mountain.Looking at the people with different expressions in front of him, he said coldly to the woman: "You don't deserve to be called my emperor's name."

When Bei Furong heard this, she immediately felt relieved.This vicious bitch was unable to seduce Prince Yu before, but now she turns to Shen Sha, but Shen Sha is not Dong Shiyu, even when she refuses, she is very gentle. Shen Sha never gives face to anyone, whether you are You're not a woman, no matter how beautiful you are.

No, there was a woman who was treated differently by him!Lou Qi!What about that woman?
Bei Furong looked around, but did not see Lou Qi.All of them had received a message before that the thousand-year-old stone marrow was produced in the ice cave in the belly of the snow mountain. Someone had already found that snow mountain, so they all rushed over here.

Although Dong Shiyu was full of doubts, because he knew that Shen Mengjun had obtained the thousand-year-old stone marrow, and although he later found out that it was no longer on her body, could it be that there are still two thousand-year-old stone marrows in this ice field?No matter what, the information is not true or false, but you have to come to check it out. What if it is true?

And when they came, they found that there were quite a lot of people coming, but the people who broke the domain were just about to enter the cave, and Shen Sha and Lou Qi disappeared without a trace.Dong Shiyu guessed that they had entered the cave first, so he followed in immediately, and the others naturally followed, but they were afraid that there were too few things and each party had selfish motives. After some fighting, Yue and Prince Dongqing Yu Standing in the same team with Bei Furong, after all, they had gone to Poyu before to congratulate Shen Sha on choosing a concubine, although in the end not only Bei Furong failed to stay as the imperial concubine, but even the emperor did not choose a woman.

There is Lou Qi, which is not counted now.

Bei Furong gave a man wearing a hood beside her a wink, and the man stepped back quietly, letting the crowd block his figure.

His hands stretched out from the cloak, they were pale and pale, without a trace of blood, the nails were extremely long, also the color of dead white, and there was a trace of black deep between the nails.

He inserted his hands into the ice layer on the ground, visible to the naked eye, since thin black strands in his nails flowed into the ice layer like water, and then rushed out towards the front at an extremely fast speed, and soon Without a trace.

The man stood up, no longer hiding his figure.

But at this moment, Dong Shiyu seemed to glance over unintentionally, and the man's heart skipped a beat.But Dong Shiyu didn't do anything.

The woman of the Snake Flower Sect who was treated so coldly by Shen Sha didn't seem to be angry, but smiled again, and when the smile floated up, her eyes rolled, with a strange style. Crazy, all of a sudden showing eager and greedy eyes, and a rough man involuntarily raised his hand to wipe his saliva, which made the companion beside him laugh.

"I've heard that the Poyu emperors are as handsome as gods, and now I see it." The woman smiled coquettishly and said, "Little girl Banruohua, I couldn't make it to the God's Concubine Selection Ceremony last time, this time I'm asking for a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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