Chapter 111
Is she recommending herself as a concubine?
Yue and the others were immediately furious.

The identity of the imperial concubine, even Lou Qi and the others were worried that her background would not be able to overcome her, but who is this woman?People from southern Xinjiang were already out of their scope of consideration, not to mention they came from the Snake Flower Sect, a notorious gang that the righteous world regards as dirty and lowly trash!These women don't know how many men they have been in love with, and they are even more slutty than women in brothels. How could it be possible for such a woman to enter the Nine Heavens Palace?

"The witch is shameless!"

"Whimsical! What qualifications does the Snake Flower Sect have to run for my imperial concubine?" The guards were furious.

But Banruohua continued to smile coquettishly, she looked at the guard who scolded the most fiercely, a little green flashed in her eyes, and the guard's scolding became quieter, looking at her eyes, All of a sudden it turned into confusion.

"Brother, you are also good-looking. Although you are not as good as your emperor, but I still have so many sisters under my command. If they don't compete with me for the emperor, why don't they just accompany you?"

The women beside her also put on smiles at the same time, smiled and hooked their fingers at the guard: "Handsome brother, come here quickly, so many of us sisters will accompany you together."

Lou Xin was about to say don't do this with them, when he saw that the guard next to him really stared, walked past him, and swayed towards those women.

It was really swaying, with frivolous steps and a weak look, as if he was fascinated by beauty and had forgotten who he was.

Chen Shi stretched out his hand to pull him: "Wang Dong!"

But the guard named Wang Dong turned a deaf ear and continued walking towards those women.

Shen Sha's eyes were cold, and with a wave of his arms, a gust of wind swept towards the women of the Snake Flower Sect with endless murderous intent.Their complexions all changed, and they couldn't keep the charming smile on their faces anymore, they jumped in embarrassment and wanted to avoid it, but the Prajna flower was the first to bear the brunt and could not be avoided, so they had to grit their teeth and slapped it out to block it. block.

"Out of control."

Shen Sha flicked her finger again, and the finger blasted away, hitting Banruohua's palm, and with a pop, a blood hole was shot out of her palm!Her slender and white hands became bloody and bloody in an instant.

"Ah!" Banruohua screamed, her face turned pale immediately, she raised her eyes to look at Shen Sha, gritted her teeth and said, "The Emperor Poyu is so cruel!"

Wang Dong fell to the ground with a thump, Chen Shi and the others immediately pulled him back, but his eyes were still straight, looking at the women of the Snake Flower Sect.

"Nanjiang, it's really annoying." Yuewei said angrily coldly, they have too many strange tricks, it's hard to guard against, and they are all low tricks!Even in front of so many of them, they can be recruited by their people.

Dong Shiyu and Bei Furong also came to their side. They greeted Shen Sha, and Shen Sha responded indifferently. They knew that his personality was like this, but they didn't take it seriously.But Dong Shiwen, who was beside Dong Shiyu, had a look of anger in his eyes.

Before he and Lou Qi ruined his tent, he hadn't settled yet, but now he is forced to be in the same camp as them temporarily?

But no one knew that these Jianghu people dared to collude with people from southern Xinjiang and Xijiang, and attacked them Dongqing and Beicang. If they didn't line up with Shen Sha for a while, they wouldn't be sure to win against each other.

"Broken Territory Monarch, we meet again."

With one hand behind his waist, Xi Changli held onto a black hole Xiao with the other. He took two steps forward and glanced at Xi Changyi who was outside the circle.

Xi Changyi looked at Shen Sha with a slightly complicated expression, and hurriedly asked, "Dijun, where is Miss Lou?"

This sound almost asked the questions in the hearts of many people present, including Yue, Chen Shi and others.

"What's with you?"

When a group of people were waiting for an answer, Shen Sha said something coldly.

Xi Changyi froze, but the woman next to him asked again with a trace of fear and pretended to be calm: "Please tell us, the emperor, where Miss Lou is going. I need Miss Lou's help in an urgent matter!"

This time, Shen Sha simply didn't bother to answer, glanced at everyone present, and casually said: "I don't care what you do, but whoever comes will die."

After speaking, he waved his sleeves and turned around, walking back from the ruined hole.

At this time, Lou Qi should have completed the fusion, right?
Yue Yi waved his hand and led all the guards to follow.

Everyone else looked at each other in blank dismay, and it took a moment for someone to curse: "Damn it, I heard that the Poyu Emperor is ruthless, but now it seems that what is ruthless is clearly arrogant!"

"Yo, Your Highness Prince Yu, Your Highness Second Highness, Your Highness Princess Beicang, even the three of you, Shen Sha didn't pay attention to them. Seeing how pitiful you are, we won't fight anymore."

One of the men laughed.

Dong Shiwen's face was livid, Bei Furong didn't speak, and Dong Shiyu was still smiling.

"The emperor has such a temper."

Xi Changli snorted and said, "Prince Yu really has a good temper, and he can still help Shen Sha speak like this, but it's a pity that he doesn't appreciate it."

When they didn't pay attention, Xi Changyi had already led the woman beside him to chase in the direction where Shen Sha and the others left just now. When Dong Shiyu found out, the figures of the two had disappeared at the entrance.

"Prince Li, those two are also from Xijiang just now, right? You heard what the emperor said just now, are you not afraid that they will follow in like this and risk their lives?" Dong Shiyu asked with a slight smile.

Xi Changli gritted his teeth a bit, that brother is really brave enough to take such a risk for the sake of a female slave. "Follow him."

"What else do you two have to talk about? Are you still looking for the thousand-year-old stone marrow? Why, you were beaten to death just now, and now there are fewer people who break the domain, so you don't play anymore?"

"Flower Master, how are you?" The people of the Snake Flower Sect surrounded Banruohua. Just now, Banruohua's palm was injured, and they immediately helped her to the side. Knowing what kind of secret medicine they used, her complexion has returned to normal, and her expression doesn't look like she has suffered such a big injury on her hand.

"It's okay." Banruohua stood up, walked to Xi Changli's side, and said to him: "Prince Li, I think we can continue to cooperate. Shen Sha is so cruel that he almost crippled my hand as soon as he made a move. We wait I won't be merciful to him in a while."

"Oh, after listening to Miss Ban, do you really want to catch up and find Dijun's trouble?" Bei Furong asked coldly.

Banruohua glanced at her, and immediately smiled: "I don't want to trouble him, but I have a habit of good-looking men, that is, I have to taste him by any means. I’m really interested in the location, I’m not going to show mercy, I just want to find a way to tie him to my bed. Why, does Your Royal Highness want to try again? I went to Poyu and lived in it before. Haven't you tried to climb Shen Sha's bed for many days?"

"You!" Bei Furong's jade face turned cold, she flicked her sleeves and stopped talking to her, she just felt that talking to this kind of woman really lowered her status.

"Let's not talk nonsense, this time I heard that Shen Sha brought the woman named Lou Qi here, and I heard that the woman was also cunning and cunning, she didn't show up just now, did she already get the thousand-year-old stone marrow? No, Shen Sha just came here to delay time, so that she can fuse the thousand-year-old stone marrow!" A man said in a rough voice.

If Lou Qi wants to come here, he will definitely give him a thumbs up, you guessed it right, brother.

But no one wants to believe that he inadvertently guessed right, the reason is——
"How is it possible? Even if Shen Sha looks at that woman differently, I heard that she is just her maid."

Bei Furong said: "That's right, Lou Qi is his maid, Shen Sha's four guards all call her by her first name, if she has a special status, how dare they do that."

"So," Dong Shiwen said, "I don't enjoy such a good thing as thousand-year-old stone marrow, but I gave it to a maid, a woman. Do you think it is possible? Shen Sha is not stupid! How good is a woman? , she is only a woman after all, I don’t know how long I will get tired of playing.”

The women all glanced at him, disgusted by his words, but they had actually adapted to the environment, even if they were disgusted, they still felt that what he said was reasonable.As for the men, it makes more sense. Who would give such a good thing to one of their maids?
"Also, when we met Yuewei, they seemed to have been wandering in this ice cave for two or three days, but they seemed to have gained nothing, which means that the thousand-year-old stone marrow should be Shen Sha's current ice cave. It’s only possible to find out if we go there, they are afraid that we will follow suit, so they threaten us with words.”

Dong Shiwen said with reason.

"What the second prince said makes sense, so who are we now?"

"Such a good thing, why should Shen Sha belong to him alone? Let's go in together, each according to his own ability, whoever finds it first will get it, what do you think?"

Dong Shiwen's proposal was approved by everyone, "That's right, everyone depends on their own abilities, why should Shen Sha refuse to go alone if he refuses to go? This ice cave doesn't belong to him!"

"Let's go, let's go, let's go. I don't think there is any need to look for other places. They have been here for three days, and they must have looked for other places."

"Let's go and find them."

Everyone was agitated, and they all decided to ignore Shen Sha's words just now, but no one acted first.

Finally, Xi Changli glanced at Dong Shiyu and Bei Furong provocatively, "His Royal Highness, Your Highness Princess, or how many of us will go first?" I don't believe it, given their identities, and the ability to join forces , Shen Sha can kill as he pleases.

"Prince, Prince Li is right. You guys have the highest status here, so let's take the lead." Dong Shiwen's tone was sour that anyone could hear.He is also the prince of the Eastern Qing Dynasty, but these people always focus on a prince when they talk about it. Where do they put him?

"That's okay, Dijun and Yu still have some kind of friendship." Dong Shiyu smiled and walked in first.

(End of this chapter)

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