Chapter 115

As for the so-called Qingjiang Fish King, she really didn't know it, nor had she heard of it.But at least one thing she was sure of, she must have slept for a long time, otherwise she would not have reached the waterway, because as far as she knew, there would be no water until it was far away from the ice sheet.

At this time, she was a little speechless to herself, that she could sleep so well.

"Master, come down and meet him for a while!"

A man over here said in a low voice, the sect master agreed, and the man tapped his toes, and the boat sank accordingly, and then, the man taller and swept towards the bow of the ship.

Lou Qi was very pleasantly surprised by her hearing ability now, because she could judge their movements based on the various subtle sounds outside. Although she didn't see them, she wouldn't be blind. This feeling is really good up.She knew that her current qinggong must have improved a lot, because qinggong relies on internal strength to support it.

There was a bang, as if the weapons of the two had collided, and one of the weapons should be hollow, not a sword or a sword.

Before she could finish thinking, someone fell into the water with a plop, and then the Qingjiang fish king laughed again: "Oh, I am so anxious to get into the water, but I don't want to go into the water yet, why don't I Just let those little guys in the water play with you."

As soon as the words fell, I heard the man before screaming, followed by the sound of splashing water.

A scene seemed to float before Lou Qi's eyes, the man was flopping about in the water, some fish or something in the water were biting around him.In fact, it was true, but what she didn't see was that a large circle of blood quickly spread around the man, dyeing the water surface red.

The sound of someone gasping outside the box made Lou Qi curious. She really wanted to see what was going on outside. Anyway, she wanted to test how far her internal strength could reach now, so she simply bit it. Gritting his teeth, his two fingers formed a sword, he gathered [-]% of his internal force to his fingertips, and stabbed towards the wall of the box!
A muffled sound.

Lou Qi opened his eyes wide.

Then she pierced the iron box with her fingers!And her fingers didn't hurt or cut at all!

Her inner strength is so strong now!

Lou Qi was overjoyed immediately.In this way, there is no fear that you will not be able to get out of this iron box, you can get out in minutes, okay?It may be because everyone's attention was focused on the Qingjiang Fish King, so Lou Qi pierced a few more holes in a row, making a window five centimeters long and one finger wide. No one found out.

This angle is just right, she can see the bow of the ship, but because there are several men in black suits standing in front, it is difficult for others to find this long window.

She saw the Qingjiang fish king standing at the bow.

In fact, she didn't understand why it was called the Qingjiang Fish King. It sounded like there was a river in this place called Qingjiang, and this person was the king of Qingjiang, with particularly good water quality?

Although there is a saying that the enemy of an enemy is a friend, this sentence is not applicable at all times, so Lou Qi naturally does not regard this Qingjiang Fish King as his way.

Wait and see.

This boat is not big, it can accommodate about ten people, but the river she can see from this angle is very open, and the waves are not small. Now that the wind is blowing, the waves beat the bow of the boat, stirring up There was a splash of water, and some of it splashed on the Qingjiang Fish King, and his clothes were wet, but he didn't care at all.

Qingjiang Yuwang is still very young as she guessed just now, he looks about 26 or seven years old, he is not handsome, but he is not ugly, his complexion is darker than ordinary people, he is wearing a dark blue dress, his hair is She combed a bun, and on that hair band was a shell that glistened in the sun.

It's quite a fancy decoration.

And his figure is very slender, his bones are a bit slender than ordinary men, Lou Qi noticed that his fingers are also very slender.Such a person should have an advantage when entering the water.

The hall master was white-faced and beardless, and looked unusually handsome, wearing a water-blue brocade robe, about 32 or so in age.

Lou Qi also saw a patch of red on the surface of the river, the corpse must have drifted away.

Lou Qi didn't see what killed the man before, but she could guess from the sound that the man was not thrown overboard after death, because after the sound of falling into the water, there were splashes and screams.

There is something in the water.She narrowed her eyes slightly, but she couldn't see into the water from this angle.

"It seems that this person's water skills are not very good. Is there anyone else who wants to compete?"

"Qingjiang Fish King, you are really despicable! You actually brought Qingjiang's piranhas here!"

"How can this be called despicable? These little guys want to follow me around, what's wrong? Come on, go into the water and play with them!" As soon as Qingjiang Fish King finished speaking, the man rushed over like lightning, his hands With a flick of a long pipe inside, green things like water plants were thrown out, and these people were actually very afraid of the water plants, and they all avoided it.

But the aquatic plants seem to have life and eyes, chasing people and running, parading in mid-air like a green snake, meandering and snaking, it makes people feel creepy.

One person couldn't avoid it and was entangled by that thing. Qingjiang Yuwang was so excited that his eyes lit up, he laughed, and slapped the other man in black who rushed forward, and said, "Come on, Come and feed my life-killing grass!"

Life-killing grass!
Lou Qi's face suddenly changed slightly.

It turned out that this green thing that looked like water plants and small snakes was the life-killing grass!
She once heard about this kind of thing from the old Taoist. It is a kind of strange grass that grows in the deep sea. The scary thing about this kind of aquatic grass is that once it wraps around the body of an animal or human, it will keep shrinking and tightening until
At this time, the face of the man in black was already blue, and the death-killing grass was deeply entangled, strangling his clothes, and embedded in his flesh, and continued to tighten until he was strangled. A deep ditch came out, blood kept coming out, and the ditch got deeper and deeper. With a bang, the upper part of the man's body fell off, and the incision was abnormally smooth. Life cut off!
Everyone felt chills when they saw this scene, even Lou Qi felt a little uncomfortable.At that time, when the old man mentioned the life-killing grass to her, he didn't describe what the life-killing grass looked like, maybe he thought she would never encounter this kind of thing, because he said that the deep-sea life-killing grass is extremely rare, and it needs to be produced in a kind of Bamboo fish can only survive inside the carcass, which is difficult to see.

So, the thin tube-shaped thing held by Qingjiang Fish King is the bamboo tube fish?According to the old Taoist, it is said that the meat of bamboo tube fish is very delicious, but when it dies, its body will harden quickly, and the internal organs inside the body will rot and be washed away by water, leaving only a layer of skin and flesh. Empty tube, and the hardness of this layer of flesh after hardening is so strong that ordinary knives cannot cut it.Only such bamboo tube fish carcasses can make the life-killing grass survive.

The reason why the life-killing grass is said to be rare is because it grows extremely slowly. It is said that it takes decades to grow a finger-length life-killing grass, and the one that Qingjiang Yuwang now has seems to be at least two. meters long, it would take hundreds of years to grow!

No wonder these people's faces changed drastically when they saw the life-killing grass. They should have heard of the power of the life-killing grass.And seeing this scene now, it is even more chilling in my heart.

"Good guy, it really makes people like it." The Qingjiang Fish King laughed loudly: "To tell the truth, brothers, I just got this thing not long ago, and this is the first time to try it out. Well, the effect is good, not bad, hahaha !"

"Use fire!"

Hall Master Hua gritted his teeth and shouted, I heard that Suomingcao is afraid of fire, afraid of fire!

But as soon as he finished speaking, the Qingjiang Fish King let out a yo, jumped into the river, and disappeared immediately.This time, the people on board tensed up even more, unable to relax at all!Qingjiang Fish King is the overlord in the water!He is even more terrifying in the water now!Who knows when it will come out from which side!

But when they were all looking around nervously, Lou Qi had a bad premonition in her heart. She always believed in her intuition, and immediately stretched out her hand to slap the entire lid of the iron box, and then the whole People followed and rushed out.As soon as she jumped out, the box was entangled in the life-slinging weed, dragged into the water, splashed with a bang, and then sank quickly.

Lou Qi landed lightly on the stern of the boat, and Hall Master Hua's expression changed again. "You, why did you wake up?" Didn't you convince Meng Sansheng?After Meng Sansheng took it, no one could wake up without sleeping for three days and three nights!No matter how strong this person's martial arts is, it's the same!But how did this woman wake up?Moreover, when Meng Sansheng just woke up, his whole body was weak, and it took at least one stick of incense to recover. This woman hadn't moved at all in the box before, but now she came out as if nothing had happened, and she seemed to be in good spirits!
If she knew what he was thinking, Lou Qi would probably tell him that she was in good spirits, she slept so well before that!Completely fused with the thousand-year-old stone marrow, and then slept beautifully for a long time, can the spirit not be good?No wonder!
"Shut up." Lou Qi glanced at him sideways, but her mind was on the surroundings, she was sure now that Qingjiang Fish King was definitely not friendly to her.Qingjiang Yuwang is more difficult to deal with than the hall master who wants to catch her. She naturally puts her mind on the other party first. At this time, the hall master here must not be distracted to catch her first.


But although there is no way to distract her to catch her, Hall Master Hua may not have been treated so rudely before, so Lou Qi shut up and made him half dead with anger.

Just as he was about to fly towards her, he saw Lou Qi staring at his back. He immediately shivered, but his reaction was fast enough. He immediately stretched out his hand and pulled a subordinate standing beside him towards his back. Lost it.

"Ah! Hall Master!"

The subordinate screamed and his voice trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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