Your heart is free

Chapter 144 Yue's Worries

Chapter 144 Yue's Worries
Lou Qi looked at the blood lotus in his hand, it was true, it was very fresh, looking at the flower-stem, it looked like it was just picked not long ago.Moreover, the petals are crystal clear, and the top is extremely clean, without any other things, such as poison.

This is real.Really, fresh, iceberg blood lotus, what she needs now.

But given the preciousness of Bingshan Snow Lotus, why did Yunfeng give it to her all of a sudden?The fake one before, she could say that maybe someone already knew about the fake one and gave it to her indifferently, but now this one is real.

He rode an eagle and came all the way to pick this flower, but he gave it to her so easily?Just because of a chance encounter?
Don't say that others don't believe it, she herself finds it hard to believe it.Coupled with a guess that flashed in her mind before, Lou Qi felt that she and Shen Sha seemed to be trapped in a mystery, as if someone was hiding in the dark, waiting to plot against them all the time.Not only Shen Sha, but also her.

Therefore, for the first time since transmigrating, Lou Qi had a very strong sense of participation, unlike before, she felt that after leaving Shen Sha, she was considered a completely unfettered person, and could live her life freely and unrestrainedly. lifetime.

It was too naive to think about it, the reason why she came to this world was weird, how could it be that she came to take a vacation for the elderly.

Thinking about this, Lou Qi ignored Shen Sha's expression for a while, until she felt the surroundings warm up and the flowers in her hand were snatched away, and she realized that they had gone down the mountain and returned to the carriage.

It is difficult to go up the mountain, but it is easy for Shen Sha to go down the mountain. Lou Qi has seen him go down the mountain swiftly.

The flower was in Shen Sha's hands at this time, but he held the iceberg blood lotus, his face was as cold as water, and there was a trace of evil in his eyes, as if the flower was his sworn enemy.


Unexpectedly, Shen Sha withdrew the anger in his eyes, and his face seemed to calm down. He looked at her, although there was still a trace of coldness, but that was his usual way, and he even asked her : "How to take this flower?"

Lou Qi suddenly felt bitter, if she didn't really need this iceberg blood lotus, thinking about it, Shen Sha would definitely not want what Yunfeng sent, so it can be seen that he really put her first.At that moment, she thought for a while, but she didn't answer his words. She just tried her best to stand up. When he couldn't see the past and leaned over to help her, she suddenly moved her lips together, and imprinted a word of disapproval on his thin lips. It's a light kiss.

Shen Sha's eyes lit up all of a sudden, Lou Qi put one hand on his chest to stop him before he became so beastly and wanted to grab the back of her head and kiss her breathlessly, and said softly: " Between me and Yunfeng, what I said last time is completely unreserved, I suspect that Yunfeng has some kind of conspiracy, and sending this flower may be one of the conspiracy, I also suspect that Sheng Shengxiao has something to do with him."

She didn't shy away from mentioning Yunfeng, even if someone gave her such a precious flower, she wasn't even half moved, and even suspected that she had fallen in love with him, maybe in the eyes of others, such a moral character is really a bit problematic, and she doesn't know how to be grateful.But in Shen Sha's ears, these words made him feel very pleasant.

He had to admit that ever since Yunfeng appeared, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Yunfeng was not like Dong Shiyu, he was not as famous as Dong Shiyu, but he already had Dong Shiyu's deliberate intentions in him. The things that are managed are more attractive than Dong Shiyu.In the eyes of ordinary people, Dong Shiyu's appearance is already like Mrs. Yu, but Yunfeng has an innate sense of mystery. Just now standing on the snow peak is like a banished fairy. Such a person is gentle to women, how can I ask? Which woman can resist.

What's more, as soon as he made a move, he easily gave away the blood lotus that everyone in the world wanted.

If Shen Sha didn't have Lou Qi in his heart, and only regarded her as a possession, he didn't have to worry about it. Anyway, with his dominance, even if Lou Qi fell in love with someone, he still couldn't escape from his palm in the end, and she had to stay there. his side.

However, Shen Sha wants to monopolize her heart now, so he doesn't want the slightest trace of another man in her heart.

So when he heard Lou Qi say that, he was naturally happy, very happy.

In Lou Qi's heart, there is no one else.

Because he was happy, he didn't mind that the blood lotus was a gift from the wind and wind, anyway, don't use it for nothing, it's just right for her to make up her body.Because of this, he didn't take Lou Qi's doubts about Yunfeng and Shenglingxiao into his heart at all, and only said: "It's okay, if the soldiers come to block, the water comes and the soil floods, the emperor will not die so easily."

This is Shen Sha's confidence and arrogance.

Even if they had experienced the front line of life and death in the laughter of creatures, it didn't make him a little bit afraid.This is a man with a strong mind and kung fu.

Lou Qi also laughed, took the iceberg blood lotus in his hand, gently pulled off a few petals, and said to him: "Master Yuewei, senior Kong Xiu, and old Jin, each of you has a piece of blood even with petals. Take two pieces, and I will keep the remaining petals first, this one." The blood lotus flower has about twenty petals, she tore off nearly ten petals, and there are still a dozen more. "Use pure snow to melt into water, add ten drops of daughter's red, mess up the blood lotus and soak it in the water, and feed me with blood lotus water after a day."

It was given to Yue Wei because he was injured this time, it was given to Kong Xiu because his legs could recover completely after taking a single flower petal, and it was given to Jin always because he was old, and he told the place about the flowers, although in the end it was Yunfeng snatched the flowers first and gave them to her as a gift.As for those who were not injured, eating blood lotus was a bit of a waste, because it was only for strengthening the body, so others did not give it.

Lou Qi passed out after saying this, she couldn't hold on anymore, she bit the tip of her tongue and tried to hold herself up till now.

Knowing her arrangement, Yue and Kong Xiujin were a little surprised when they got each piece of petals. For such a thing, people in the world are fighting over their heads. Even a single flower petal can be exchanged for millions of gold. This is given to them.

"Let's just chew it, chew it, eat it." Jin Lao was stunned for a while, then laughed, and then directly stuffed the precious petals into his mouth, chewed it, chewed it, and swallowed it .Seeing that other people were taken aback.

Kong Xiu also shook his head and smiled, and put the petals into his mouth, but he ate much more politely than Jin Lao.

Yue glanced at the carriage, and gently put the petals into his mouth. As soon as his teeth bit the petals, a cold and sweet liquid flowed out, and he was immediately refreshed.

Yunfeng actually has a goshawk as his rider. Doesn't this mean that he still has the ability to tame and control animals?Coupled with the unpredictable kung fu, it will also create illusions.
This person is terrible.

And to be able to teach a person to such an achievement at such a young age, his teacher is probably even more powerful.He has nothing to be pretentious, he can only follow them by accepting Lou Qi's kindness, recovering from his injuries as soon as possible.

"Master, are you going to give Lou Qi credit this time?"

Moon remembers this.Logically speaking, it was because she wanted to save Kong Xiu that they followed to Yunfeng Mountain Villa, that's why they encountered the life circle, and she rescued Shen Sha.

It's almost a chicken-and-egg question, so even Yue is a bit torn.

Shen Sha glanced at him, the efficacy of the iceberg blood lotus was too strong, Yue Yuan and the goshawk suffered internal injuries, but it was completely healed within a day, and the internal strength seemed to have increased a bit.

Kong Xiu's legs also returned to normal, walking like flying is not a problem, and Jin Lao, who was not injured, looked radiant.

But he was still upset, because they were all fine, and they dangled in front of his eyes one by one, but it was his Qiqi, which was taken in different ways. After picking up the good Nurhong, she began to soak the remaining blood lotus, and now the day has not yet come, Lou Qi has not swallowed the blood lotus, and has not woken up for another day.How could he be in a better mood? He tucked the quilt for Lou Qi on the bed, stood up, walked to the table, looked at the blood lotus soaking in the white porcelain bowl, and could smell a kind of blood lotus in the air. Refreshing sweetness.

"Have they left?"

Yue knew that he was asking Jin Lao and Kong Xiu, so she shook her head, "Both Jin Lao and Senior Kong said that they should wait for Lou Qi to wake up."

Seeing that he didn't speak anymore, Yue glanced at the person on the other side of the bed, remembering the thing that she had been pretending to be in her heart all this time, she couldn't help but opened her mouth.

"Master, the detoxification medicine Yin, although I have only found one kind of flower of mystery, there are still eight kinds missing, but the master has taken the thousand-year stone marrow and the current thousand-year blood lotus in the fate meeting, which must be good for the master, but absolutely The solution to Gu, has Master ever thought about it?"

As if no one had mentioned this matter for a long time, Shen Sha was slightly taken aback when he heard this, but he quickly came back to his senses, and said calmly, "Isn't Yun always looking for it?"

Yun is one of the four guards of Shen Sha, Xue Wei, Yue Wei, Ying Wei, and Yun Wei.For the past six months, Yun Wei has not appeared by Shen Sha's side. No one knows what he is doing, but they know that Shen Sha personally sent him out.

"What this subordinate means is that if Yun finds that person, will the master be willing to undo the Gu?"

Lou Qi also had no way to detoxify the Jue Gu, this is what they all believed, after all, if she could detoxify the Gu, she should have said it long ago.

Yue's words made Shen Sha startled again, this time he was speechless.

When Yue saw his appearance, she immediately felt bad, and immediately persuaded: "Master, Lou Qi is indeed very good, it can even be said that even if she doesn't have ten credits, she is still qualified to sit on the throne of the imperial concubine of the Nine Heavens Palace." One." He paused, looked at Shen Sha's face, gritted his teeth and said: "But Lou Qi is extremely jealous, if she finds that one in the future, even if she is not allowed to be the emperor, she will serve her. Master, at least she should be a concubine, then, can Lou Qi tolerate her?"

After he finished speaking, there was silence in the room.Shen Sha's face was extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but glance at the side of the big bed.

(End of this chapter)

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