Chapter 145 Mrs. Baihua Chased
Lou Qi hadn't woken up yet.

Seeing him looking at Lou Qi on the bed in a daze, Yue saw a sigh in his heart, but he couldn't help but said: "If the master doesn't understand the absolute Gu, how can he be with Lou Qi for the rest of his life? Could it be that the master is really willing to only be with you?" How many years has Lou Qi stayed together?"

Maybe less than two years.

If he wanted to live, he had to get rid of the poison and the Gu.

The poison is easy to cure, as long as all the medicines are found, the genius doctor can make the antidote.

He used to think that the unique Gu was not so difficult to understand, as long as he could find the woman who was born in a cloudy year and a cloudy moon and a cloudy day.But now he feels that this unique Gu is difficult to understand.

The candle wick exploded with a snap.

Ask him if he is willing to die early. He was unwilling and unwilling before, and even more unwilling now.Unless he took Lou Qi to the underworld, but if he could live, why did he have to die.

This night, Shen Sha brought the big bowl soaked with blood lotus to the bedside, and he sat on the bed, looking at Lou Qi, or at the blood lotus that was gradually soaking more and more transparent, without sleep all night.

When the time came, Lou Qi just woke up.

Shen Sha looked at her, and the corners of his lips curled slightly: "I don't know if you are considered good, but you just happened to take the blood lotus."

Lou Qi was in a coma for two days and one night, relying on Shen Sha to pass her some water by mouth, she couldn't eat anything else, and she had passed out for a few days before getting the blood lotus, and she had no appetite to eat when she woke up, but In a few days, her cheeks were already thin, her face was completely drained of blood, and she looked as if her oil was exhausted.

At the beginning, Lou Qi didn't know the function of blood lotus, but this method of taking it was summed up by the old man. Taking medicine like snow lotus, this kind of flower, is the best for her.

When she saw that the petals of the iceberg blood lotus soaked for a day were almost transparent, she felt quite fresh.

She couldn't answer Shen Sha's words.Lou Qi was not used to such a weak body, she looked at Shen Sha and motioned for her to take the blood lotus.

Shen Sha helped her up, leaned on his chest, and took the bowl to feed her.

The sweetness has the aroma of wine, it's almost like a drink, very delicious.

"This emperor tired you and seriously injured you, but someone gave you good medicine, Qiqi, are you grateful to Yunfeng in your heart?"

The blood lotus is indeed a good thing that people all over the world are vying for, after such a short period of time, Lou Qi can feel the vitality and spirit that passed away in the past few days are returning quickly, and she can speak.

Vinegar Tanzi took the initiative to mention Yunfeng, Lou Qi naturally raised his vigilance, "Master, do you think I should be grateful to him?"

Shen Sha snorted and said, "No need."

If Yunfeng didn't pick the blood lotus, they would have picked it by themselves if they were only one step away, so why should he give it away after he picked it up?In fact, from Shen Sha's point of view, Yun Feng was clearly doing it on purpose, otherwise it would be such a coincidence that when they arrived, he happened to pick the blood lotus and was about to leave.

Lou Qi was indeed not very grateful to Yunfeng.

In addition to such doubts, she also suspected that the creature smile in Shuiya Libu was also related to him, because that person was going to Shen Sha, and that person should know that she would bring Shen Sha to Yunfeng Villa, and finally deduced that after the accident, what she thought of was going to Shuiya.Why does anyone know that she knows Shui Ya? This person is probably Yun Feng, because he was the one who took her to Shui Ya.

But all of this is just her guess, too many to count.

But she is like this, once something arouses her doubts, she will not let go of making friends, and naturally she will not be grateful for his kindness.

At this moment, Lou Qi suddenly thought of Mulan.

"Where's Mulan?"

"Take it, they'll take care of it." When the woman was mentioned, Shen Sha's expression turned a little bit bad.

Lou Qi didn't expect that Yue would still remember to hold Mulan tightly in such a situation. Thinking of her face, although his heart was a little heavy, he still let out a light breath.It doesn't matter, when she recovers, when she recovers from her injuries, there are plenty of tricks to greet Mulan.

"After taking this blood lotus, I need to meditate for a while to digest the power of the medicine. You can please leave me alone." Lou Qi lightly exhaled a breath of turbid air and sat up, really ignoring him, and directly entered the state of meditation.

Shen Sha got out of bed, put the bowl on the table, "Come here."

He had already learned a lesson before, how could he still leave Lou Qi in this state.

There are guards outside, and Lou Xin is guarding now. Hearing his voice, he immediately opened the door and entered: "What is the emperor's order?"

"Let the cook cook two bowls of nutritious porridge."


Knowing that Lou Qi woke up, Lou Xin was also overjoyed, and hurried to order the kitchen.

But at this time, a group of uniformly dressed women stepped into the inn. As soon as they entered the door, the leading woman glanced at the guests who were eating in the lobby, and then cast her eyes on the second floor.

Their entry has attracted everyone's attention, and some men even showed greed.These women are all no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, with exquisite figures and good looks, and the woman in emerald green clothes at the head is even more beautiful.

"Are the girls going to the top or staying in the hotel?" Xiao Er ran over, and as soon as he said this, a slap in the face made him turn around.

"go away."

The beauty is thorny, seeing this scene, some people were scared to silence, but there were also a few who ran around, and laughed instead.

"What a hot girl, big brother, how about taking her back to be your younger brother and sister?"

"My dear brother, why don't you take her back and be your sister-in-law."

"Hahaha, how about being younger sister and sister-in-law at the same time?"

"Very good, very good!"

The people at that table laughed wildly as they spoke.

call out.

A long whip swept across it fiercely, and hit the table with a bang, and it split the table in half at once, and the food on it immediately spilled all over the floor.

The men jumped away in embarrassment and were about to scold, but the women suddenly lowered their heads and stood on both sides.The strong fragrance of flowers floated in, and suddenly a gust of wind rushed in outside the door, blowing in the petals all over the sky.

"Congratulations, madam."

Crisp voices sounded in unison, and there was no music, but for some reason, the people present seemed to hear the ethereal music, and the fragrance of flowers permeated their noses, and everyone was a little ecstatic.

At this moment, a woman stepped into the door.

The bright red skirt, the semi-transparent cloak, the high breasts, the slender waist, poured down the skirt, and there were a few small delicate flower-shaped bells, which jingled crisply as she walked.Regardless of his face, he was already deeply attracted by such a body.

But seeing her appearance again, everyone couldn't help taking a breath, feeling that their souls were going to be hooked away.The charming face, the flowing eyes, and the red lips are like the most beautiful flowers painted, which make people want to pick them.

There was a feeling of ecstasy all over her body. The man with low concentration even reacted just looking at her like this. He only felt that if he could spend a night with such a beauty, he would rather lose 20 years. Life goes.

"Bai, Mrs. Baihua."

Someone among them suddenly remembered that there is no such person in the world, isn't this Mrs. Baihua?As soon as Mrs. Baihua's name was called out, those men's fascinated eyes suddenly turned into fear as if they had been stabbed.

Strangely, the men who wanted Qiqi to pounce on her and put them in her arms all of a sudden lowered their heads, not daring to glance at her, as if they were afraid that she would take a fancy to them.Even the old-looking shopkeeper with the mustache was trembling with fright and wanted to hide under the counter.

At this moment, Yue was coming in from outside.

When he came, the group of women had already entered the lobby, Mrs. Baihua glanced at the crowd, and was about to go up to the second floor, when Yue came in from the gate.

Seeing him, the beautiful young girl who was the leader of the group of women suddenly opened her eyes and shouted: "Ma'am, that young master is really here!"

As soon as Yue saw her, she knew it was not good, and before she had time to react, Mrs. Bai Hua had already turned around, and her beautiful eyes looked towards him.

Mrs. Baihua's face that was only slightly smiling but seemed a bit indifferent suddenly bloomed like a delicate flower, and that appearance made everyone unable to restrain themselves from looking at her.

"Lang Jun, I found you."

Mrs. Baihua flicked her wrist lightly, and the translucent cloak swung down behind her back in an arc, bringing a subtle fragrance.She looked at Yue with satisfaction in her eyes.

The man dressed in white, with clear eyebrows and a cool demeanor like moonlight, is indeed a bit better than those handsome men she got before!Xiao Lian was really right.

The corner of Yue's mouth twitched.

"Madam has identified the wrong person."

Mrs. Bai Hua's smile deepened when she heard his voice, "Lang Jun's voice is so nice, it makes Xiao Hua'er's body go numb."

Could Xiao Huaer be calling herself?

Moon almost threw up.She is extremely beautiful, but in Yue's eyes, what this beauty cannot hide is the debauchery in her bones.This kind of woman was given to him for nothing, but he didn't want it.

Yue clenched the things in her hands, and was about to go to the second floor, but Mrs. Baihua stopped him with her hand, "Lang Jun, hurry up and go home with Xiao Hua'er, the bed in the mansion has been made, just wait for Lang Jun" said, She was weak and boneless and wanted to lean into his arms.

Yue thought he had never met such a shameless woman before, his expression changed slightly, and he backed away.But what shocked him was that Mrs. Baihua followed her everywhere, and she didn't see her move. She still leaned towards his arms, her head was still slightly raised, her red lips were slightly parted, and she was saying to him: "Don't hide, sir."

"If you don't go away, don't blame me for being rude." Yue's face became cold.

Mrs. Baihua smiled coquettishly: "Hey, why are you being so rude to me, sir? Back in the mansion, I'll let you do whatever you want? Let you have eighteen martial arts, and I'll cooperate with you one by one, okay?"

This woman dares to do anything and say anything in public, only to hear a group of men blushing, ears red and heart beating wildly. Although they are afraid of her, they feel that if they can really be like her, death is worth it.

Yue's breath was cold, unmoved, she snorted and wanted to walk past her, but Mrs. Baihua was able to cling to her side somehow, even when she saw that he was unmoved and wanted to leave, A gleam of inevitability flashed in her eyes.

In a room on the second floor, Kong Xiu glanced downstairs, frowned and said in surprise, "Master, is this girl the daughter of the prince with a different surname who killed his mother and father?"

(End of this chapter)

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