Chapter 155
Pu Yuhe was flustered, she opened her mouth to bite him, but he covered it tightly, she couldn't bite him with her mouth, but it seemed as if she had nibbled on his palm, which is fundamental for a man. Just provocative.

King He Qing's eyes became hot all of a sudden, he hugged her tightly, looked at her and said, "You really look like your mother, she has kissed my palm like this before."

Pu Yuhe trembled, what did he say?
King Heqing didn't seem to be in a hurry to do anything to her. At this moment, he looked at her as if he was looking at someone else through her. His voice softened, "I let you go, you Mo Ming, okay? Let me talk to you. Look, this is my jade pendant, which is the status symbol of King Heqing." He picked up a jade pendant and waved it in front of her eyes.

Pu Yuhe nodded immediately.

King He Qing let go of her and sat down next to her. In fact, he really didn't mind her screaming, because people outside who shouldn't hear the sound were all acupointed by him, and those who could hear the sound were all his people. , This is in his own mansion, he has nothing to fear.

However, Pu Yuhe was really quiet and didn't cry, which surprised him a bit. He glanced at her again, took her hand and told her to sit down next to him. Pu Yuhe was actually scared in his heart, but she felt that he was not She would kill herself, but she didn't know why, she didn't scream or resist, she just sat down beside him.

King Heqing didn't let go of her hand, but held her hand in his hand and stroked it gently. This movement was very gentle, which made Pu Yuhe feel a little weird.Subconsciously, she believed that this person was King He Qing, because she remembered that she had seen other princes with similar jade pendants before, which was a unified status symbol of the Eastern Qing royal family.

And this is in the palace, so there are people pretending to be with King Qing.

Because she believed that this person was King Heqing, she had a weird feeling in her heart. If the real prince is so gentle to her, does that mean that she has a better chance of staying?

Anyway, it's a good thing that the prince likes her, right?

At this moment, King He Qing just touched her hand and did nothing else. Maybe he was just an elder?
Pu Yuhe's mind became a little fuzzy.

Seeing her like this, King He Qing couldn't help laughing again, "Is your name Yuhe? You really look like your mother. Let me tell you a secret, why don't you tell your aunt?"

Pu Yuhe nodded in a daze.

"The secret is that I actually liked your mother back then, not your aunt."

Pu Yuhe opened his mouth, he really didn't expect to hear such a secret!But she didn't feel ashamed and weird, instead she had a very strange feeling in her heart, so if it was her mother who married the prince before, wouldn't she be the prince's daughter?
"It's a pity that your mother looked down on me back then. She thought I was a useless prince. She married a guy who stinks of copper. Come on, let me smell it now. Do you also stink of copper?" King Qing moved his mouth towards her as he spoke, sniffing her neck.

Pu Yuhe woke up suddenly, and jumped up again: "Uncle respects himself!"

How could she feel that there was nothing just now?This is not right with King Qing.

Outside the window, Lou Qi rolled her eyes and said in a low voice, "Is there something wrong with Pu Yuhe's brain? As soon as she entered the palace, her whole head became a little dizzy."

This King Heqing obviously has unruly intentions towards her, and she still seems to be willing to fight back, and she looks like she just realized something is wrong now, who is she showing it to?

Because she wanted to speak in a low voice, she involuntarily moved a little closer to Shen Sha, and the breath of her words hit Shen Sha's ears. He only felt his body heat up, and he couldn't help but hooked her waist and pulled her towards her. I pressed myself tight.He didn't care what happened to that woman, they were just looking for King He Qing just now, only to find that he had just returned to the mansion, and heard the housekeeper report that the daughter of the concubine Song's sister's family in the capital came to the mansion today, so he just screened the left and right and only took him When the hidden guards came here, they just followed along.

He didn't expect to find out that King Qing had such an interest in Pu Yuhe.

"Self-respect? Didn't Yuhe come to seek refuge with this king?" King Heqing laughed, calling himself king for the first time after entering the door.

"You are my uncle—"

"Uncle? Well, yes, I am. However, when you were three years old, your mother also gave me your body. Would you like to call me father by the way?"

Pu Yuhe was taken aback, and subconsciously called out: "Impossible! My mother is not such a person!"

"Well, she's not. She doesn't know it's me. I got her drunk." King He Qing rubbed his chin and laughed, "I've liked her for so many years, and I have to get it once. That's how it looks, I think, maybe it's because her innocent body has already been given to someone else, if I get her innocent body, maybe it will feel better. So, I heard that you are here, I thought, It's time to make up for this shortcoming." He stood up and turned to Pu Yuhe.

"Damn it, King He Qing is a pervert." Lou Qi couldn't help but said again.

"Uncle, uncle, you can't do this, if my aunt finds out" Pu Yuhe saw that he really didn't seem to be joking, so she panicked and retreated step by step, but she was too nervous to notice, But she was retreating step by step towards the bed.

Lou Qi did not expect that King Qing would do such a thing when Pu Yuhe arrived on the first day, he really didn't give Song side concubine face at all, but today, it seems that Song side concubine looks like she is favored. All the servants are very respectful to her, are these just superficial?

It seems that Prince Qing's Mansion is also in a mess.

"I just like someone who looks as good-looking as you, young, with plump skin, really beautiful." King He Qing continued to approach her step by step while talking.

Pu Yuhe panicked, and she didn't know what was going on, but Lou Qi's face suddenly flashed in her mind, and she yelled: "Uncle, please let me go, I will give you a beauty who is much more beautiful than me!"

Although King He Qing seemed to want to attack her because of his obsession with her mother back then, but from what he said now, Pu Yuhe could clearly tell that he loved beauties, young beauties!So she immediately thought of Lou Qi.

Sure enough, King Heqing paused and said, "Really? Prettier than you?"

Pu Yuhe nodded vigorously: "Better than me, much more beautiful than me!"

"where is it?"

"Among those who sent me here today, there is a woman named Lou Qi, she is extremely beautiful!"

Outside the window, Lou Qi couldn't help but cursed, and Shen Sha who was hugging her suddenly had a cold breath, and a murderous intent immediately floated up.

"Lou Qi? Why does the name Lou Qi sound familiar?" King He Qing was startled suddenly, and the lust in his eyes faded a little, "Tell me, what does she look like?"

"She looks eighteen or nineteen, extremely beautiful, with long eyebrows and big almond eyes"

"Not that, is she with anyone?"

"Yes, there are, there are many men, one is Mr. Chen." Only then did Pu Yuhe think of Shen Sha, and she couldn't help thinking, if he appeared now, would he save her?Yes, yes, definitely will.

Yes, just give Lou Qi to King He Ding, or if Lou Qi is defiled by King He Ding, Mr. Chen will definitely not want her again!Then she can be with Mr. Chen!She doesn't want to stay in this palace anymore, she doesn't want to, she wants to leave, she wants to go with Mr. Chen!

"Mr. Chen, Chen?"

King He Ding's eyes suddenly became sharp: "You said, they are in my palace?"

"Yes, yes, they sent me here today."

"What! How could they escort you?"

Pu Yuhe nodded anxiously and said: "Really, I beg them to escort me over, so."

Lou Qi outside the window patted Shen Sha, and the two of them stopped listening, their figures flitted across the night soundlessly, flew out of this courtyard, and returned to the guest courtyard.

Yue greeted him: "Master, what's the matter?"

"Pack up your things and go."

Shen Sha's complexion is very ugly. Now he still doesn't understand. This is because King Ding must have a close relationship with Dong Shiyu. They have been looking for his traces. They originally hid it well, but now they are bad. In the hands of a Pu Yuhe.King He Ding will definitely ask her about them, what kind of people they are, and the horses. Once these are confirmed, it will not be so confusing when they enter the city in the future.

This city of Jinzhou belongs to King Ding. If he is far away from the capital and can still maintain close contact with Dong Shiyu, it only means that he must have something special and worthy of Dong Shiyu's win over.They're on his turf now, so proceed with caution.

What's more, the reason for making Shen Sha's face dark is that tomorrow is the fifteenth day, even though Lou Qi is by his side, if something happens to them, if they are forced to leave, his situation will be a bit dangerous.

Napu Yuhe, damn it!
When King Heqing assembled all the masters in the mansion to rush towards the guest courtyard, all that was left for them was the silence of the first courtyard.

"Where's the person?" King Heqing looked at Pu Yuhe seriously.

Pu Yuhe's legs gave way, and she almost fell to the ground.She didn't expect King He Qing to bring so many people over to arrest them, let alone that he would bring her here, and the last thing she expected was that Lou Qi and the others had already run away!
She wanted to cry, but Lou Qi ran away, what should she do?Mr. Chen ran away, what should she do!

In the courtyard of Concubine Song in the backyard, a woman was talking to Concubine Song about the movement in the guest courtyard. When she mentioned that Pu Yuhe was taken away by Prince He Qing's arm, Concubine Song's face froze. A strange smile came.

Her eyes fell on a flower tree by the window, as if she was talking to herself: "Sister, are you happy now?"

"Side concubine?"

"Nothing, let's go down."

The old woman backed away, Concubine Song sat in a daze for a while, then suddenly sat up straight and said in a low voice: "Come out."

The air seemed to move suddenly, and a figure flashed out from the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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