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Chapter 156 You Are a Dog

Chapter 156 You Are a Dog

"Send all the people out to find someone, don't let He Qing find them first."


"Wait, after you find it, bring back that concubine named Lou Qi." Song Concubine laughed sinisterly when she thought of what her mother-in-law told her before, what Pu Yuhe said.

Is there a woman more beautiful than Pu Yuhe?Today, she was mistaken and didn't pay attention to those people, otherwise she wouldn't let them escape.


The figure flashed again, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

The curfew time in Jinzhou City has arrived, and the streets outside are deserted, but there are lanterns hanging outside the doors of some big families, lighting up the streets in a strange darkness.

A few steeds with their hooves wrapped in cotton brought the night wind and turned around from the street in front.

When he saw a wealthy family in front, the leading man raised his hand to signal to stop, and the few riders behind stopped.

"Master," Lou Qi glanced at that family, and suddenly laughed, "Maybe I will be found soon if I borrow here. I have another good place to go, why don't we go there."

Yue nodded, he didn't think it was very good to live in such a high-ranking and big family, there were too many people talking, and it might also be the key area that King Heqing sent troops to search.

"Qiqi leads the way." Shen Sha didn't hesitate.

A mischievous gleam flashed in Lou Qi's eyes.

When she took people to find the place and saw the words written on those flower buildings, Shen Sha's face darkened, while the corners of Yue and the others twitched.

"Is this the kind of place you're talking about?" Shen Sha's tone was calm, but Yue and the others still trembled all over, riding their horses back one after another.

That's all for a brothel, it turned out to be a small brothel.

She actually took them to the small hotel.Lou Qi's courage is really getting bigger and bigger!

"Yeah, it should be pretty good here." Lou Qi looked unaware.

They all have deep internal strength, and they can hear the faint sound of corruption coming from inside even standing outside like this.She actually said this should be good.

In fact, Lou Qi's thinking is right. Hearing King Heqing's words tonight, the whole city will be under martial law tomorrow, and their whereabouts will be searched everywhere. Under such circumstances, it is dangerous for them to hide wherever they hide, and King Heqing must It would never have occurred to Shen Sha, the proud king of domain breaking, to hide in the small hall.

It's just that for Shen Sha and others, a man should stand upright, bleed but not cry, and never lie down when he can stand up. For a place like prostitution, who sells his body like a prostitute for the pleasure of benefactors, they are extremely Despise and despise.

I even feel that these people are not as good as eunuchs in the palace.They naturally find it rather absurd to ask them to be crowded with these people now.

Lou Qi came from modern times, although she also looked down on these people, but she did not think it was impossible to act in a hurry.


With a low cry, Shen Sha grabbed her and placed her in front of him. He hugged her tightly and rode away from this place.Yue and the others naturally followed closely.

Lou Qi was pressed by him on the back of the horse in front of her. At first, she didn't know what he meant, but when his slap landed on her buttocks and slapped her a few times in a row, she didn't know what he meant. Find yourself spanked!

"You, you actually hit me"

Lou Qi froze for a moment, then her cheeks became hot, and she opened her mouth to bite off his arm.

"You are a dog!"

Shen Sha pinched her cheeks so that she had to let go, lifted her up a bit, and couldn't help reaching out to pat her forehead again. "How dare you dare to bite this emperor!"

"Who told you to spank my ass?" She rolled her eyes.

"You dare to let me live in that dirty place, why can't I punish you?"

"Dirty place?" Lou Qi was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help laughing, but didn't struggle anymore.She didn't expect Shen Sha to have such a cleanliness obsession, but he felt that she liked it very much. A man should keep himself clean. He doesn't like that kind of place, which is a good thing.

"You are not allowed to go in the future." He said coldly.

Lou Qi giggled, "Okay."

In the end, they entered a family, not a high-ranking family, but more than enough than the top. They chose this family because they made pickles and brewed wine. As soon as Lou Qi smelled the smell from this family, It made people stop again.This time she didn't play any tricks. Living in this kind of house, the smell can be easily covered up. Moreover, the houses of people who make this kind of things usually have cellars, so it is easier for them to hide.

Originally, it would not be impossible for them to force their way through the city gate, but they haven't got the teardrop from the East China Sea, so why are they willing to return without success?It happened that King Heqing wanted to arrest them, and they didn't feel indebted for stealing his things.

Yue arranged for Chen Shi to take all the horses away, and they entered the house. They could hear three thin breathing sounds inside. There were only three people in the house now, and there were many tanks and jars piled up in the yard.They didn't wake anyone up, they quickly found their own places and hid.

And the place Shen Sha took her to choose was one of the wing rooms. There was a bed but no quilt inside, but it was still clean. He lay down on her with his arms around her and fell asleep. Go around Prince Qing's mansion."

After hearing what he said, Lou Qi only thought it was funny.

After a while, the whole city of Jinzhou really became noisy. Teams of soldiers knocked open the gates from house to house, went in without any explanation and searched wantonly. Waiting in the lobby for identification.Many people secretly scolded their father and mother. This is the time when they are sleeping deeply. Anyone who wakes up when they are sleeping soundly is not good at temper, but they just dare not speak out.

Naturally, the brothel and the small mansion did not escape, and even those benefactors who came to consume were taken out naked, and all of them turned red. A little too arrogant.

But this is King Heqing's territory, who dares to say a word of bad things in front of him?Don't say bad things, but it's still possible to make a few noises, so the originally quiet Jinzhou City lit up lights everywhere, making noise everywhere.

When the voice came to this family, I don't know if they were alert at first, the people in the house woke up quickly, lit the lamp, and a female voice said: "Husband, do you want to go out and see if it is right?" what happened?"

"Well, I'll go take a look."

After a while, a man came out wearing a coat, walked around and found nothing wrong, and went back to the house. "Maybe the officers and soldiers outside are arresting someone, but there is nothing unusual in our house, and we won't be afraid if the officers and soldiers really come in to search later."

The woman responded, but the lights in the room did not go out again.

They didn't know that there were people on the beams above their heads in several of their wing rooms.

Shen Sha said for half an hour, and sure enough, half an hour later, he woke up immediately, patted Lou Qi, and stood up.This wing room is far away from the main wing room, and the man didn't come in to look at it just now.


After going out the door, Shen Sha let out a low sound of insects, which was a signal to Yue and the others, and then he pulled Lou Qi, and the figures of the two fled away like light smoke.

The entire Jinzhou Mansion was noisy because of officers and soldiers searching for people, but no one saw the figures of the two of them flying past the rows of roof ridges. Their speed was too fast, even if someone happened to look up and saw them, they would think they were dazzled.And that's why only the two of them came out in person, leaving behind the guards.

The Heqing Palace is also brightly lit now, and from the outside, it looks like it is heavily guarded.

Shen Sha and Lou Qi stuck together and hid on a big tree, looking at the guards walking back and forth in the inner courtyard.

"It seems that King He Qing is also cautious. Normally at this time, others would not think that we will fall back, but he is not at all relaxed about the guards of the palace." Lou Qi admired King He Qing a little bit.

Shen Sha snorted softly and said, "Has this emperor allowed you to praise other men?"

Lou Qi was speechless: "This is not okay?"

She just shut up.At this time, she suddenly felt like she was on a pirate ship. Will he control her to death in the future?The freedom she wants!

At this moment, they saw Concubine Song walking towards the courtyard where Pu Yuhe lived.

"Follow her, maybe we can hear something." Lou Qi's heart moved, she felt that this Song side concubine was not so simple.

Shen Sha put his arms around her waist, and waited for the moment when the two teams of guards passed by alternately, they suddenly floated over their heads without any wind.

Originally, the courtyard where Pu Yuhe lived was very quiet, but now there are two guards standing outside the gate, one on the left and one on the right. When they saw Concubine Song, they bowed their heads and let her in. Lou Qi and Shen Sha felt even more strange.These two guards were clearly arranged by King Qing, and they seemed to be guarding Pu Yuhe, but Song Concubine was not surprised when she saw it, as if she had expected it.

After entering the gate of the courtyard, I saw two women guarding the door of the wing room.

"Meet the side concubine."

"Where's Miss Pu?"

"Miss Pu is inside."

After the first woman finished speaking, she opened the door for her.Pu Yuhe inside screamed as if frightened. "Don't come in!"

Inside, Xi'er was also there, but Aunt Hua was nowhere to be found.

"Miss, it's the side concubine, the side concubine is here." As soon as Xi'er's voice fell, Pu Yuhe was already crying and rushed towards Song's side concubine.

"Auntie, auntie, save me!"

Concubine Song caught her pounced body, a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes, but Pu Yuhe didn't see it. "What's the matter? Come and tell my aunt."

Her voice was still so gentle, which made Pu Yuhe feel even more sad and painful, and he cried loudly while hugging her.

Concubine Song managed to coax her, and asked again: "What happened? Who bullied my niece?"

"It's King Heqing! He's a beast!" Pu Yuhe cursed through gritted teeth.

"What nonsense, Yuhe, Prince He Qing is a prince and your uncle, how can you scold him like that?" Concubine Song looked surprised and sad, "If the princess finds out, even my aunt will eat it." I can't walk around."

(End of this chapter)

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