Your heart is free

Chapter 162 The Famous Swordsman

Chapter 162 The Famous Swordsman

The red powder is like the blood coral he loved before, and the green crystal powder looks like the top-quality emerald Buddha statue!


King Heqing couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, and finally sprayed it out, spraying blood mist all over the sky.

"Ah—who is it! Who is it! This king is going to smash your corpse into thousands of pieces! Cut your corpse into thousands of pieces!" He raised his head to the sky and screamed, and finally spat out another mouthful of blood.

Lou Qi paused, and asked Shen Sha: "Did you hear someone yelling?"

Shen Sha's expression remained unchanged: "No."

Lou Qi looked back at Prince Qing's Mansion, thinking he was pretending.Now she felt a little sympathetic to King He Qing, such a house of treasures, it seemed that it took a long time to search for them, and how much painstaking effort it took to keep them, yet they were all crushed into powder.

Even she felt distressed, but it's a pity that they couldn't move away, otherwise it would be great if they all moved out.

A master sent by Concubine Song was leading them to a house next to the palace, and when Lou Qi followed into the secret passage built under the rockery of this house, he felt sympathetic again for King Qing.His woman bought the house next door and built a secret passage underground, leading to the palace and outside the city, he really didn't know anything about it.

They wanted a carriage, but there was no way to prepare it in Jinzhou City. Concubine Song promised to help them prepare it, but she could only give them the carriage outside the city.

The passage was very long, and when they got out of the exit, they found that they were already outside Jinzhou City.Three carriages were parked nearby.

"Let's go quickly, King He Qing is not as stupid as you imagined, and you won't be able to leave soon after he transfers the army." The master who led the way turned and went back into the secret passage after speaking.

After he left, Lou Qi said with a funny face: "I believe this, if King Qing and I spent seven minutes searching us before, after he sees his dark room, he will definitely use twelve minutes to search us." Hunt down—yours."

Shen Sha glanced at her: "If this emperor hadn't been killed, don't forget that you are going to be buried with him." He still smiled so happily.

Lou Qi suddenly turned black.

Do you need to always tell me about wanting her to be buried with her?Can she protest?Who likes to be buried with her? The world is so big, she hasn't gone to take a good look at it yet.

The carriage looked ordinary from the outside, but after entering, it was found that it was also comfortably furnished.

"I don't know what kind of heart the woman surnamed Song has, but now we still accept her love." Lou Qi got into the car, leaned in his arms, and sighed comfortably: "Let Chen Shi and the others go Buy food, now I can take it out to comfort my glutton."

As soon as her words fell, Yue opened the curtain and handed in a cloth bag, "It's all snacks, here you are."

Lou Qi happily took it, opened it and saw that it was really delicious, and she was overjoyed at the moment: "Master Yuewei is really amazing!"

Shen Sha snorted.

He really has never seen a woman like Lou Qi, she is ever-changing, sometimes arrogant, sometimes indifferent, sometimes a little stupid, sometimes acting, sometimes seems so innocent that she doesn't understand anything, sometimes Seems to know more than anyone else, she looks like a money lover, but when he destroyed all these priceless treasures, she even helped.It's good now, a little snack will make her like this.

She was different from all the women he had ever seen, and every day he could discover a different side of her.

"Do you want to eat?" Lou Qi took a piece of jujube cake and asked him.

Originally, Shen She was not interested in these things, but when he saw her white and sharp fingers pinching the jujube cake, he suddenly changed his mind, "Hey, my emperor."

Lou Qi did not refuse, raised his head, and handed the jujube cake to his mouth.Shen Sha lowered his head, even ate her fingers into his mouth, and licked her fingers lightly.

There was a slight numbness from the tip of his hand, and Lou Qi's face immediately became hot.Nima, even eating a piece of jujube cake can give you an excellent-feeling!
It's cold and proud!

"Stop feeding!"

"The Emperor, I'll feed you." A smile flashed in his eyes, he lowered his head and held her lips, bit half of the jujube cake, and fed the other half into her mouth.

"No, no..." Lou Qi opened her eyes wide, she wanted to say that I don't want it, but there's no way for Shen Sha, who is as overbearing as Shen Sha, to let her say no.

This feeding turned into a feast in the end, of course, it was a feast for Shen Sha, and for Lou Qi——

What she got in exchange was that her lips were so swollen that she couldn't see anyone.

"Brother Lou Xin, how many days does it take to get to Poyu from here?"

In another carriage, Pu Yuhe opened the curtain and asked Lou Xin who was driving the carriage.They didn't look for a coachman, Yue Wei drove Shen Sha and the others himself, and Mulan was in the car driven by Chen Shi, and Pu Yuhe and her maid Xi'er were in the car driven by Lou Xin.

Aunt Hua had already stayed in Heqing Palace, until she left, Pu Yuhe didn't see her again, and she didn't know if Concubine Song insisted on keeping her, or she didn't want to leave with her.Although Pu Yuhe didn't treat her servants very well, Aunt Hua and Xi'er had been with her for several years, and she was somewhat uncomfortable with their sudden separation.

But this trip to Prince Qing's Mansion taught this naive girl a very dark lesson. Her eyes have changed a little now. After calming down, she began to think about the way she will go in the future. For this first step, she must at least establish a good relationship with the guard driving the carriage.

"It will take about half a month to reach the Nine Heavens Palace."

After entering the broken domain, the broken domain wasteland is still very vast.

Lou Xin answered her words, and Pu Yuhe became a little unhappy again.She called him big brother, and he really dared to respond. When she arrived at the Nine Heavens Palace, she was at least a concubine. Didn't it mean that the emperor's concubine had a higher status than the guards?Moreover, with her looks, she might not be the only concubine. According to her aunt, there is no concubine in Jiuxiao Temple now, maybe she will be the first concubine!Let her call him big brother, and he is not afraid of losing his life.

If it was before, Pu Yuhe would definitely get angry, but now she endured it, forced a smile, and asked again: "Isn't the Nine Heavens Palace very beautiful?"

The Nine Heavens Palace is naturally beautiful, and it was newly built not long ago, and those tiles will shine.Lou thought confidently, but just said: "You will know when you arrive."

Then he stopped talking, and Pu Yuhe was so angry that he was half dead. Then he turned his head and saw Xi'er sitting in the corner with a dull expression. She threw down the curtain of the car, sat in, and kicked her .

"Do you want to show me your dead face all the way?"

Xi'er flinched, "Miss—"

"What's your name! It sounds like a cat! Seeing you like this makes me angry!"

Xi'er's tears are about to come out. Although she grew up in a big mansion, she has always wanted to follow Pu Yuhe and marry her in the future. She will find an honest and reliable guard at her uncle's house to marry, and her life will be ordinary. , Never thought about climbing into anyone's bed.But now Pu Yuhe dragged her into King Heqing's bed, took away her innocence, and couldn't stay in King Heqing's mansion. She felt a little scared when she heard the name of what kind of territory she was going to follow these people. .If Pu Yuhe will be that master's concubine in the future, what about her?

She is already a broken flower, just a maid, can the master still want her?

Xi'er was full of fear, panic and apprehension, so she couldn't care less about talking to Pu Yuhe.

Pu Yuhe raised her foot again to kick, the car suddenly shook violently, and then was pulled to a stop urgently, she couldn't control herself, and fell out due to inertia, if Lou Xin hadn't caught her in time, she would have fallen to the ground Not under the carriage.Pu Yuhe originally wanted to control her temper, but after being so frightened, the word control was thrown out of the blue. After getting up, she pointed at Lou Xin and shouted: "What are you? How do you drive! If you fall and hurt Miss Ben, you will lose the head on your neck!"

Lou Xin pushed her into the car with one hand: "Stay still!"

Pu Yuhe lifted the curtain and was about to scold again, when a figure flew past their car roof, the toes were right on top of her head, and the wind and pressure caused her face to turn pale, and she couldn't help screaming up.

The person who came didn't pay attention to her, and flew forward, and then landed on the carriage of Shen Sha and the others. The sword in his hand flashed, and the sword pierced straight towards the roof of the car.

"Master be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, a figure flew out from the carriage, standing on the back of the horse pulling the carriage, with black hair flying, eyes cold, the woman in her arms was still holding a handful of melon seeds, and she didn't stop talking and continued talking Nibbling.

The visitor drew out his sword and long sword, and felt that Lou Qi's behavior was too deceitful, how contemptuous was this?It is said that a master's move is afraid of delaying the move even if he blinks, but she is still eating melon seeds in Shen Sha's arms!

The man only felt his chest churning, and he almost didn't spit out blood.

Lou Qi looked at the person, gray robe, wide cuffs, bulging in the wind, a goatee on his chin, bright eyes, he really looked like a master.

She glanced at the punctured car roof, spat out a few melon seed shells, and said displeasedly: "Hey, I said old goat, you have to pay for breaking my carriage!"

Yue and the guards, who had been so confused by her behavior of eating melon seeds, couldn't help but twitch their mouths when they heard her words.old goat?
Yue coughed and said, "Lou Qi, this is Ge Ying, a famous swordsman in the Eastern Qing Dynasty."

She didn't even know the emperor of the Eastern Qing Dynasty, so she didn't know any swordsmen.Lou Qi continued to cough melon seeds, and said in a ruffian way: "Let's call it an old goat, even if you are a swordsman, if you damage someone else's car, you have to pay for it."

Ge Ying's eyes turned cold, originally it was just a heavy lock belt, but now his attention is all on Lou Qi.He said coldly: "Girl's mouth is really redundant." As soon as Yu finished the word, he was condescending, and flew towards them, the sword in his hand turned into a sword flower, and it turned out to be towards Lou Qi's mouth stabbed over.

"What a shameless old goat, what kind of shit master swordsman, dare to sneak attack! Look at the trick!" Lou Qi threw a handful of melon seeds in his face.

(End of this chapter)

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