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Chapter 163 Pulling Out Her Tongue

Chapter 163 Pulling Out Her Tongue
Ge Ying didn't take this handful of melon seeds seriously at first, and even felt insulted. He has been a teacher for decades, and he has never been teased by a junior like this. Get rid of Lou Qi's mouth!

But when the handful of melon seeds reached the front door, he felt a chill in his heart. The melon seeds had a fierce murderous intent, each one seemed to shoot his face!

Ge Ying's sword was already close to her mouth, but now she had to withdraw it hastily, and she retreated quickly, with a flip of her wrist, the sword flower swept away the melon seeds.But at this moment, he heard Lou Qi shout again: "Try another jujube cake!"

Before he had time to look at it, a piece had already slammed towards his face again, also carrying strong internal force.

Ge Ying was furious in his heart, and smashed the thing with the wind of the sword again!But he didn't expect that after the thing was crushed, all the fine powder sprayed on his face, with a smell of jujube.Although it was all powder, it was filled with internal force, and it hit his face, making his whole face hot.It was only at this time that he realized that what she was talking about just now was jujube cake!

They all use snacks as weapons!And he really hit it off!Ge Ying's throat was fishy and sweet, and he almost couldn't help spurting three liters of blood.

"The slut bullies people too much!"

With a flick of Ge Ying's long sword, there was a long cry, and there was a sound of horseshoes behind, which brought up a large amount of flying dust. Seven or eight horses galloped towards them, and they arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye. Pulled over with their carriage.


There was a loud bang, and the carriage Pu Yuhe and Xier were sitting in was blown apart. Pu Yuhe and Xier screamed and hugged each other, there was a large piece of wood to When it hit their backs, Lou Xin raised the wooden plank with his sword and flew out, and threw it at one of the men.

"The old goat is really shameless, he can't beat me by himself, so he needs to find helpers." Lou Qi's voice was full of contempt, and it was only close to driving Ge Ying to death.

"You are so stubborn, I want to see if you can still speak later! Shen Sha! You are said to be a hero, a broken domain emperor, why, can you only hide behind women now?"

"You don't appreciate our master if you don't let you live a little longer? That's fine, master, as he wishes, send him to the west to drink tea with the Tathagata!"

Shen Sha pinched her waist, and cursed in a low voice: "Worry."

With her arms around her, she soared up, but ignored Ge Ying, and rushed towards the men riding horses, and slapped them down with one palm, and the terrifying internal force actually slapped them flying at the same time He got off his horse and vomited blood.

"It's unreasonable!" Ge Ying was about to be pissed off, but now she was so pissed that she could hardly breathe!The few he brought are the new generation of elites from the Shimen, but they are definitely not enough to face Shen Sha. His original intention is to fight Shen Sha by himself. These nephews only need to kill the remaining guards. Knowing that Shen Sha avoided him as soon as he made a move, he moved towards his nephew instead!
If so, then he can too!
Ge Ying was about to kill Yuewei, but Lou Qi's voice that made him grit his teeth sounded again: "Hey, old goat, your opponent is me!"

The voice actually came from behind him!

He turned his head back in horror, narrowly dodging the dagger that Lou Qi cut towards his neck, but the dagger was so sharp that even though it didn't really touch him, the cold wind it brought out still scratched his skin, and he felt The stinging pain was so clear that it surprised him.

Looking again, Lou Qi is still in Shen Sha's embrace!
Now she shot at him, but Shen Sha put one arm around her waist, and slapped his nephew again with his backhand!The two hugged each other, and they were able to shoot from different directions at the same time!

But why are they hugging each other?
Something seemed to flash through Ge Ying's mind, he wanted to grasp this idea, but the dagger in Lou Qi's hand scraped towards his neck again, this kind of attack was an insult to him!Did she think she could scrape off his head?

He admits that her kung fu is much higher than he imagined, and her internal strength is very deep, but she is only under 20 years old after all, he has been in the world for decades, and she probably still has a lot of time when he became famous. Not born!Thinking of his head!
"Bitch, if I don't kill you this time, my surname will not be Ge!"

"Well, why don't you just call me Old Goat!"

What Lou Qi had in her hands was a broken kill, and now her internal strength has soared, and when she uses the broken kill, she is even more able to exert the power of a broken kill!For a while, Ge Ying was even struggling to defend.

Seeing that Yue and the others had already controlled the situation over there, Shen Sha stopped paying attention to those people, and directly hugged Lou Qi and fought Ge Ying.

Their cooperation is perfect, although they are not from the same school, and they haven't known each other for a long time, but the two may have lived and died together so many times, and they also understand each other in their hearts, as if they are connected with each other. If Lou Qi wants to turn left, he will definitely not turn right.

However, Ge Ying became more and more suspicious of the way the two of them stayed together for a while. He suddenly remembered that there were rumors before that every [-] stitches, Shen Sha would definitely suffer from a strange disease. Can't move, like a disabled person!Today is exactly fifteen, right?
But why is nothing wrong with him?No, it's not that nothing happened, he dared not let go of Lou Qi!Ge Ying's eyes widened suddenly, he felt that he had encountered a shocking truth!

Could it be, could this Lou Qi itself be related to his strange disease?Could holding her be able to suppress Shen Sha's strange disease?

If this is the case, then all the people in the world who are enemies of Shen Sha should want Lou Qi's life!She will become the object that a large number of people want to get rid of!

Because only by killing her, would there be a chance to kill Shen Sha at the fifteenth day!
His eyes widened, suddenly he didn't want to fight anymore, he wanted to retreat, he wanted to leave, he wanted to spread the news, after that, some people helped him to kill this bitch!
He wants her to taste what it's like to be hunted down by a lot of people!
Wouldn't that be better than dying in his hands like this?
"Haha! Shen Sha, I know your—"

Before he finished speaking, there was a sharp pain in his chest, and his body went numb at the same time, as if all the strength in his body was taken away in an instant.

Ge Ying looked down at his heart in a daze, only to see that the sharp blade of the dagger that Lou Qi had been holding had been pierced into his body, leaving only the delicate handle.

"you you--"

"I, what, me, do you want to say, didn't I want to cut off your head? Why did you turn the dagger into a throwing knife?" Lou Qi looked at him sarcastically and said, "You old goat, you are not foolish. It’s not just learning one trick.”


The blood that had been suppressed many times just now finally couldn't be suppressed at this moment, and spurted out wildly.As soon as the blood spurted out of his mouth, the blood from the wound on his chest also flowed even more violently.

Over there, Yue, Chen Shi and the others had killed the others.Ge Ying's complexion was ashen, and she fell on her back.He heard Lou Qi say in a calm tone: "Chen Shi, help me pull out the broken knife and wash it, thank you."

The tone was as if she just cut some meat and wanted to wash the kitchen knife.

Ge Ying could no longer hear anything, and naturally he had no chance to say the discovery he wanted to say.

Because Mulan was hypnotized, she has been a little sluggish. She stayed in the carriage and did not come out in such a state outside, and the carriage she was in was not damaged because Chen Shi and the guards protected it in time. But the fight between Pu Yuhe and Xi'er was already falling apart. Pu Yuhe and Xi'er were still in shock. When they opened their eyes, they saw corpses all over the ground, blood on the ground, and even broken arms and stumps. , there was even a severed finger beside them, and they screamed again, pale with fright.

"Dijun help, Dijun—"

Pu Yuhe looked at Shen Sha with tears in her eyes. She wanted to stand up and get out of the car to rush towards him. At this time, she felt that his embrace should be the safest feeling, but her feet were so weak that she couldn't even stand up. Instead, he fell down and sat down, just sitting on the severed finger.

Xi'er let out a scream, "Miss! You sit there—"

Pu Yuhe didn't know that she was sitting on the severed finger, but she couldn't get up. When she thought of sitting on a dead man's severed finger under her buttocks, Pu Yuhe was about to collapse. "ah--"

"Shut up, if you continue to quarrel, you will be left here!" Lou Qi said grimly.

"." Xi'er tightly covered her mouth, and Pu Yuhe's screaming stopped abruptly.

Seeing that Lou Qi was still held in Shen Sha's arms, Pu Yuhe was so jealous that she was going crazy.

"A carriage was destroyed, so they can only ride in the same carriage with Mulan." Yue asked Chen Shi and the others to clean it up.Chen Shibao had cleaned the broken body and sent it to Lou Qi.

Lou Qi took it, inserted it into the sheath, and put it back on her waist.Now it can almost be said that Shasha belongs to her, because she uses it most of the time.

Although Pu Yuhe had met Mulan before, Mulan kept silent and covered her face. She was not very curious, but when she was about to share the same carriage with her, she felt a little scary. She always felt that Mulan's exposed pair of eyes The eyes are a bit gloomy and ghostly.

"I don't want to ride in the carriage with her, I don't want to."

Chen Shi frowned: "Then you want to ride a horse?"

The horse that pulls the cart is also a good horse, but it is not their mount. Feihen has a spirituality when stepping on the snow, and has been following behind the cart.

"I can't ride a horse."

"Then you just want to walk."

"I want to share a carriage with Dijun, Dijun's carriage is very big!" Pu Yuhe shouted.

Chen Shi looked at her like a fool: "You?"

"Yes, what's the matter, can't you? Tell Lou Qi to come down, she's just a maid, what right does she have to ride in a carriage with the emperor!" Pu Yuhe yelled loudly, hoping that Shen Sha could hear her.

In fact, Shen Sha did hear it, and his voice came from the carriage: "If you don't shut up, you will pull out her tongue."

"Yes, Dijun!" Chen Shi replied, but his eyes were on Pu Yuhe, as if he was waiting for her to speak again so as to carry out the punishment of pulling out her tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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