Chapter 164

Pu Yuhe covered her mouth again, retreated into the car with tears in her eyes, and sat in the middle with Xi'er.Xi'er also felt that Mulan was a bit scary, but they didn't dare to disagree.

It may be because there were too many things encountered, one after another, so Shen Sha and Lou Qi did not pay attention to this pursuit.

They probably guessed that it was the person invited by King Heqing, and Ge Ying's aura was similar to the person who secretly followed King Heqing before.It stands to reason that Ge Ying is not that weak, but it is a pity that he was led away emotionally by Lou Qi from the very beginning, and he was so angry and bloody by her one after another, he lost his calm, and also underestimated Lou Qi.

If it wasn't like this, he could at least force Shen Sha to fight him with more than a dozen moves, but unfortunately he didn't have this chance. "What do you think the old goat wants to say in the end?" When the carriage sped up again, Lou Qi suddenly thought of what Ge Ying said before he died.

"It's just that I discovered the emperor's secret, so what?" Shen Sha knew what Ge Ying wanted to say in the end, today is fifteen, and he couldn't let go of Lou Qi for a moment.But at this moment, he also thought that if this secret was really found out, Lou Qi would be very dangerous, which meant that all previous assassination actions against him would be transferred to her first.

His face suddenly sank.

And Lou Qi immediately thought of this after hearing his words. After all, when she contacted Ge Ying and said that sentence, she looked at her eyes with endless murderous intent, there was something she didn't understand.

"If you are an unscrupulous person, you can take advantage of this." Lou Qi shrugged and said, isn't there a lot of people who want to kill you in the Wasteland?You release this news, and then I will go out on the fifteenth day to lure people out, and you let Yue and Ying lead people to encircle and suppress people's lairs. "

The storm began to gather in Shen Sha's eyes, but his tone was still cold: "Then tell me, what should I do at that time?"

"You, build a secret room in the First Layer Hall, and I'll set up a defensive formation for you. You can hide in there with a genius doctor at the fifteenth day, and you can hide in it for a day." Lou Qi really felt like that. That's a good idea, and she'll be able to lay a trap before she can lure those people out. "Besides, if people want to kill me, they shouldn't choose the fifteenth day, because I was with you that day, and they should kill me before the fifteenth day. This way, it will be more advantageous. You You can lead people yourself, set up traps first, and then I will lure people out, and you will catch them all. What do you think of this method?"

The more she talked, the more she felt that it was possible, "In this way, you can unify the wasteland as soon as possible and become the real emperor!"

"Are you so willing to take risks for this emperor?"

"Well, yes." This is a scheme anyway, and she can relax sooner if she kills everyone, and it's not that if she doesn't act as a bait, people won't come to her door, it's just that she wants to kill him first and turns to kill herself.

"So, this emperor has to give you a credit?"

At this time, Lou Qi didn't hear that his tone was tinged with coldness, so he asked again: "Can my credit be exchanged for gold, silver and jewelry?"

In Shen Sha's eyes, the storm had accumulated to a certain extent, and a cold smile curled up on the corner of his lips when he heard the words: "Is gold, silver and jewelry better than being the emperor's concubine?"


Uh, Lou Qi realized something was wrong at this time, but it was already too late, Shen Sha turned over and pressed her hard under him, his eyes were full of storms, he looked at her coldly and said: "This emperor is not I know, you don't want to be the emperor's concubine so much!"

He also thought that the two of them had understood each other's minds after going through the life-and-death continuum of Shenglingxiao in Yunfeng Mountain Villa, and he thought that the way she thought of just now was to make more contributions to silence other people so that she could become his concubine. Who would have thought that she would exchange her credit for gold, silver and jewelry!

"Being by my emperor's side, I don't have to worry about food and clothing. Why do you still want those things? Say, do you still want to leave this emperor?"

His hand had already pinched her neck, and he felt his heart throbbing. He is not a person who can't bear pain, the pain caused by the fifteen poisons, and his Gu was almost hooked out in the Great Smile Formation. , The pain when the formation was broken was a thousand times more painful than the current pain, but for some reason, he could bear those pains, but he couldn't bear the heartache now!
He hadn't exerted all his strength in his hand yet. Although Lou Qi knew that he had pulled out the tiger's beard again, she still couldn't help but think of that poem at this moment. Before she could react, she had read it clearly .

"Life is precious, but love is more expensive. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away—"

"Lou-Qi!" Shen Sha gritted his teeth, and burst out her name, as if wishing he could put her whole body in his mouth and chew it to pieces.

free?Is freedom so important to her?She admits that she likes him, but for the sake of that shit freedom, he can just throw it away, right?

"That, Shen Sha, I—"

"With this emperor, where is not free?"

Lou Qi was silent for a moment, where is he not free?There is no freedom anywhere, okay, she has to be by his side all the time, there are so many people trying to kill him, and he has to look for medicine everywhere, all she can do is one word: follow.

She almost gave herself to tasks before, doing so many tasks is to save a lot of money, and then retire at the age of 20, go sightseeing everywhere, live a relaxed life, sleep until she wakes up naturally every day, but like that She has fallen here within a few days of her life, look at the days after she came here, which day is easy?Even in Jiuxiao Temple, there are women like Xue Wei who are looking for troubles for her everywhere, and those stewards who have not surrendered to him clamor for her death.

Where is the freedom?Where is the freedom?
But she didn't have a chance to say these things, and I believe that even if she did, the tyrant wouldn't take it to heart.His lips had already pressed hers hard.


Here we go again——

Lou Qi was so sad and angry that she opened her mouth to bite him, but instead he let him enter the city and entangled her tongue.

His aura was fierce and domineering, occupying all her senses, just like his.Lou Qi resisted at first, but was defeated in the end, lost in his kiss.

From the beginning when he was jerky and only focused on plundering, to now that he is domineering with a passion that she can't resist, a certain emperor's kissing skills have become better and better.

When they entered the Wasteland, Pu Yuhe and Xi'er were already going crazy.There were people chasing and killing them for several days in a row, and the number of people who came was getting stronger and bigger each time, but they were all killed by Shen Sha.They were irritated by the killing scene and the blood, the stumps and corpses. They didn't know what happened to Mulan who was in the same car with them. Talking, it's just that those eyes are getting more and more terrifying.

"Master Yuewei, have you entered the Broken Realm yet?"

Yue turned around, looked at Pu Yuhe who had lost a little weight, and nodded.

Pu Yuhe was overjoyed immediately: "Great! It's finally safe!"

Hearing this, the corners of Lou Qi's mouth twitched as he rode on the snow, is it safe?Before entering the broken domain city, the broken domain wasteland is still not safe.

Pu Yuhe knew this very quickly.

Upon receiving the news of Shen Sha's return, all forces in the Broken Wasteland were ready to move.

But at this time, they all heard another news, asking about the arrival of Tianshan.

The status of Wentian Mountain is even higher than that of the royal families of various countries. They all say that there is no waste on Wentian Mountain, which means that they send a disciple down casually, and they are all masters that are hard to find in this world.

"Expert? It might be better to say that people who ask Tianshan are all perverted." This is Lou Qi's words.

She didn't believe that there were so many people with abnormal talents, and she probably asked Tianshan to have a method of forcibly improving his power, or what medicine he had.Relying on this method to forcibly improve the cultivation base of everyone under the sect, such a sect, it must be said that they are indifferent to fame and wealth, and stay away from the world, what are you kidding?
If you are really indifferent to fame and fortune, and stay away from the world, why do you still care about the east and the west? Before Shen Sha held the concubine selection ceremony one day?Blindly eating radishes lightens the worry.

Therefore, Lou Qi did not like Wen Tianshan at all.Coupled with the matter of asking Tianshan Little Raksha Nalan Dan'er before, she hated asking Tianshan to the extreme.

However, upon receiving this news, the Wasteland of Broken Domain really quieted down overnight, and they ran all the way without meeting anyone.

The hearts of Yue and the others were extremely heavy, they didn't know who the person who came back was, Ying's letter didn't make it clear, maybe even he didn't know.

Pu Yuhe and Xi'er were also shocked when they saw Poyu City, it was so magnificent, majestic, and generous!
Lou Qi suddenly looked at Yue, and asked suspiciously: "Shen Sha has so much money?"

She didn't know the inside story before, but now that she thinks about it, the city wall that broke the realm was built after he knocked it down, and the Nine Heavens Palace, the previous city lord who broke the realm was just half built, and Shen Sha took over. I don't know if he is born domineering, on the basis of the old city lord, he doubled the size of the Nine Heavens Palace, and the architectural style is much more majestic.Although many materials can be found in Poyu, there are still many things that need to be bought with silver. How rich is he?

When asked by her, Yue really froze, rode close to her, and said in a low voice: "Master, when we fought in the past, we saved a lot of gold, silver and jewels, and the wealth left by the old city lord is not worth it." At least, they were all used in the construction of the Poyu City and the Jiuxiao Temple."

Lou Qi could understand what he meant, which meant that there was not much food left.And Jiuxiao Temple still has so many people and so many maids to support.

After a long time, Shen Sha is also poor now. "Damn it, no wonder you had such a wicked smile when you swallowed my two boxes of treasures last time." She couldn't help cursing.They don't have any money, these people don't know how to be frugal, this time they went out with bags of gold leaves, they must have emptied the treasury, right?Could it be that she can't even afford a full banquet when she comes back this time?
Yuewei's handsome face immediately darkened.With his handsome face, how can he still smile like a mouse?Also, how about making it sound like they took her money.

(End of this chapter)

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