Chapter 171

"Lou Qi? She is making the bed for the emperor, so if Elder Fan has something to say, just tell the emperor!"

Fan Changzi almost spat out a mouthful of blood.Make the bed?
"Shen Sha, don't forget, Hua Xin has a deep affection for you! A lowly maid, how long do you want to protect her?"

As soon as the words came out, Shen Sha's gaze was like an arrow, and he shot towards him: "Who are you calling humble?"

"Isn't it? I heard that she was taken in by you with unknown background, and now she's just a maid!" Fan Changzi was also angry, pointing at him and said, "To tell you the truth, do you think that the old man's visit this time is a In order to vent my anger on Dan'er? Do you think that this is the only thing that would make me make a special trip? If it weren't for Huaxin, she was thinking about you and doing it for you, this old man wouldn't want to come this time!"

Lou Qi heard the slight movement of his long eyebrows in the hall, could it be that there is something wrong?

Xuewei had also arrived, because Fan Changzi was there, Tianyi didn't stop her, and Yue and Ying who received the news also arrived.Fan Changzi's anger and they were all worried that Jiuxiao Temple would not be able to bear it at this time.

Hearing Fan Changzi's words, Yue and Ying looked at each other, and immediately went forward and said, "Third Elder calm down, may I ask Miss Huaxin to ask the Third Elder to convey your words to our master?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for Huaxin, do you think this old man who breaks the domain is willing to come?"

"Then I don't know what Miss Huaxin wants to say?"

Fan Changzi snorted and said, "Call that Lou Qi out, I don't want her life yet!"

He also understands the meaning now, if Lou Qi doesn't come out, he won't say anything.But he said he didn't want Lou Qi's life, who knew if he wanted her half life?Being on the verge of death is not considered fatal.

Er Ling also heard it inside, and couldn't help but said worriedly: "Young lady can't go out—"

Before she could finish her words, Xuewei yelled outside: "Lou Qi, come out! The Third Elder wants to see you, it's a great honor to you!"

Shen Sha's breath suddenly became cold, and he stretched out his hand to pat Xuewei, but Yue blocked her face tightly, and said in a low voice, "Master, you can't, why punish your own people in front of outsiders?"

He stopped because he remembered that more than a year ago, he had a chance to see Nalan Huaxin. At that time, they couldn't find a medicine, and he was anxious. At that time, his heart moved and he wanted to ask The news and knowledge of Tianshan may be greater, so I talked about two of them, and asked Nalan Huaxin to help pay attention.

It's just that a year has passed, and Nalan Huaxin has no news at all, but they have found two medicines here, so he couldn't think of it for a while.

What if the news that Nalan Huaxin wanted Fan Changzi to send happened to be related to the emperor's medicine introduction?

In any case, at this time, Fan Changzi must be coaxed first!
Thinking of this, he gave Ying a wink. Although Ying didn't know what he was going to do, he still walked over, took his place, and pleaded for Xue Wei.

But Yue entered the hall and saw Lou Qi.

When Lou Qi saw him, his eyes turned slightly cold.Yue is not unaware, but he still has to say what should be said.

"Lou Qi, for the sake of master, please suffer a little grievance." He expressed his original request to Nalan Huaxin, and also expressed his guess. "Miss Huaxin asked the third elder to come here specially. What she said is definitely not a trivial matter. I can't think of anything else except the master's medicine."

Yue admires and likes Lou Qi, but nothing compares to his loyalty to Shen Sha.

Lou Qi also understood this point.She has no position to blame him. It can even be said that this is a very good quality of his.She nodded and stood up: "I'm going to see Fan Changzi."

Moon breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside the garden was cold and windy, Shen Sha didn't give Fan Changzi face, but Xue and Ying didn't dare, immediately persuaded Shen Sha, welcomed him into the hall, and asked the maid to serve hot tea.

When Lou Qi came in, Fan Changzi happened to pick up the cup of hot tea, and Xue Wei sarcastically said: "Lou Qi is here, he is even bigger than the emperor!"

He raised his eyes and saw a beautiful woman walking slowly, with a flash of hostility in his eyes, with a flick of his wrist, the cup of hot tea slammed into her face fiercely.

No one thought of his behavior, no one was mentally prepared, but Shen Sha, when he realized that the teacup had already flown towards Lou Qi's face, he was sitting in the main seat far away, and when he was about to make a move, he had already too late.

The hot tea is scalding hot, even if Lou Qi shields the teacup from being smashed, if the tea is splashed on her face, her face may become red and swollen immediately.

Xue's eyes were shining, and she prayed anxiously in her heart: splash her face, splash her face, ruin her appearance!
Yue Yuan, who was walking diagonally in front of Lou Qi, subconsciously wanted to fly to block it, but stopped abruptly at the last moment.Maybe, maybe it would be good to let Fan Changzi vent his anger once, and just think of it as finding a place for Nalan Dan'er. Anyway, Lou Qi is good at medicine, even if his face is red and swollen, it is not difficult to heal him.

"Qi Qi!"

Shen Sha's angry voice sounded, and with a wave of Lou Qi's hand, she swept the teacup out, turned around and smashed it on a pillar, fell to the ground and broke into pieces, and the tea splashed all over the floor.

Lou Qi is not the kind of person who is willing to wrong herself, even if the redness and swelling can be cured later, but why?Seeing that Shen Sha stood up and wanted to come over, she stopped him with her eyes.

Do not come over.

Shen Sha's lips were pursed into a straight line, and the breath in his whole body was so cold that Ying couldn't help but take a step back.

"Lou Qi, you are so brave!" Xue Wei was furious, pointing at her and said, "How dare you be so presumptuous in front of distinguished guests!"

Lou Qi looked at him, and said coldly: "Master Xuewei is not small, the emperor has never scolded me, why are you barking?"


Does this mean she is a dog?

Xue Wei was furious.

Fan Changzi, however, heard her voice and felt familiar, thought for a while and suddenly said: "You are that maid!" The woman who made him change his mind and insisted on insulting Shen Sha at the gate of the Second Hall!It turned out to be her!

"You really are eloquent!" Fan Changzi didn't move now, he looked at Lou Qi, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Your name is Lou Qi?"


"The maid of Nine Heavens Palace?"


"Dan'er's Golden Thunder Whip, you broke it?"

The corner of Lou Qi's mouth twitched: "So what?"

Shen Sha was taken aback, didn't she say she wanted him to do things by himself?Why did he suddenly say it was her now? "Nalandan'er's Golden Lightning Whip was destroyed by this emperor."

"Master, obviously you are doing it for Lou Qi—"

"Shut up." Shen Sha glanced at Xue Wei coldly, "I see that you still don't have a long memory."

Xuewei felt a chill in her heart, she saw the killing intent in Shen Sha's eyes, she actually saw the killing intent, he wanted to kill her?Xue Wei was almost overwhelmed by this discovery.She had already forgotten that Shen Sha wanted to kill her last time, but she was always used to deceiving herself and others, she always healed her scars and forgot about the pain.

Fan Changzi said: "Ask Tianshan to not bully the weak, but, Lou Qi, you have to be responsible for what you have done! You are a mere maid, dare to bully me to ask Tianshan Great Elder's disciple, asking Tianshan to save your life is kindness! Now I'm giving you a chance to redeem your sins, I hope you take advantage of it!"

Lou Qi originally didn't want to hear too much waste from him, but both Yue and Ying looked at her with pleading eyes, and thinking about the poison Shen Sha had suffered, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

"Then tell me, what kind of opportunity did you give me?"

Fan Changzi snorted and said, "God and Demon Valley, have you all heard of it?"

Yue and the others were startled: "Gods and Devils Valley?"

"That's right! The Valley of Gods and Demons is said to be the place where gods and demons fought in ancient times. It is said that there is still a dark corpse that can never survive after taking a breath."

Hearing this, Lou Qi couldn't help but yawned.

Everyone looked at her like a ghost.Speaking of the Valley of Gods and Demons, and talking about such a terrible corpse, she actually, she actually yawned!
Even Shen Sha felt a little speechless, but seeing her like this, his original anger suddenly dissipated a lot, just looking at her like this, he couldn't get angry.He just thinks how much she likes her, wishing to drive all these people out, grab her and hold her in his arms to be intimate with her.

"Heh, heh, keep talking, keep talking." Lou Qi actually didn't want to, but this God and Demon Valley was a place that the old Taoist often mentioned before, and that's what he said, and the old man had never been there God and Demon Valley, he used this to scare her when she was disobedient when she was a child, saying that if you don't take a medicinal bath, the dark corpse energy of God and Demon Valley will swallow you up!If you don't learn this spell, the monsters of the Valley of Gods and Demons will tear you in two and gnaw your bones.

In the first two years, she was still afraid, and even because he often said this, she often had nightmares, but then she just listened to it and became numb.

In this way, what else can Fan Changzi say about the Valley of Gods and Demons shock her?

"Those who don't know are so fearless!" Fan Changzi really wanted to slap her to death. If Nalan hadn't said that this woman was so important to Shen Sha, death in their hands would make Shen Sha have feelings for her. , he had already killed her, so why did he need to tell her so much?

Women are troublesome, can't you be more straightforward if you want to die alone?

"However, that refers to the inner area of ​​the Valley of Gods and Demons. What we are going to talk about now is the outer area. The outer area of ​​the Valley of Gods and Demons is not that scary, and it can also be said to be a geomantic treasure. It is a kind of rare and good wood. What Huaxin means is, tell Lou Qi to go there and find a kind of purple golden vine, and she will forget the past for what she did to Dan'er!"

Yue and the others looked at each other, but they were actually slightly relieved.Of course they have heard of God and Devil Valley, Fan Changzi is not lying, the inner area of ​​God and Devil Valley is scary, but the outer area is not bad, some doctors often take risks to go there to collect medicine, and some also go there to make money, because there The price of medicinal materials is several times higher than the medicinal materials outside, and there are some medicinal materials that are not available outside.

Purple gold vine is also a unique plant there.The grown purple golden vine is about two fingers thick, with different lengths, and the whole body is purple-gold in color. It is extremely tough, difficult to cut with ordinary swords, and very flexible, very suitable for making whips.

(End of this chapter)

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