Your heart is free

Chapter 172 Not Simple Woman

Chapter 172 Not Simple Woman
"But although purple golden vines are good, I heard that there are indeed purple golden vines there, but no one has actually obtained them. The grown purple golden vines are too hard to find." Ying said.

"If it's that easy, can it replace Dan'er's Golden Lightning Whip? It's hard to find it without looking for a watch. Besides, this time, Lou Qi is not going alone! Hua Xin is going too."

"What? Miss Huaxin is going too?"

"Of course, and Lou Qi only needs to look for purple golden vines on the outside, but we Huaxin want to enter the inner circle of the Valley of Gods and Demons!"

These words frightened them all, "What is Miss Huaxin doing in the inner circle? It's really too dangerous!" Yue said with a frown.Nalan Huaxin is one of the candidates for the empress, and she is also the one they are most optimistic about. If it weren't for the First Elder's wife, Nalan Huaxin's mother passed away two years ago, and she would have to observe three years of filial piety. She will come to the Concubine Selection Ceremony.

If their emperor can marry Nalan Huaxin, half of the crisis of breaking the domain can be solved. With Wen Tianshan as their backing, they can just kill and kill.

Furthermore, Nalan Huaxin's beauty is unparalleled in the world, and it is also the most suitable for their emperor.Be it public or private, they all felt that it would be most appropriate for the future empress of the Nine Heavens Palace to be left to Nalan.

Moreover, the last concubine selection ceremony and their emperor set up such conditions for concubine selection. They must be able to fight with him, and they must make contributions. As long as Nalan is full of heart and filial piety, she will meet all of them. It's not difficult either, just because she can bring Wen Tianshan forces is already a feat.

Yue glanced at Lou Qi.Lou Qi will only be a concubine at that time.

Anyway, they didn't want anything to happen to Nalan Huaxin.Now when they heard that Nalan Huaxin was about to enter the Valley of Gods and Demons, how could they not be terrified.

Even Shen Sha frowned, looked at Fan Changzi, and waited for his answer.

Fan Changzi's complexion was also not good-looking, and he seemed to disapprove of Nalan Huaxin's decision. He glared at Shen Sha and said angrily, "Isn't it because of you? Huaxin has been looking for medicinal materials for you for the past year. In order to find medicinal materials, she even often ate out alone in the wind and rain, and climbed mountains and mountains. Once she fell off a cliff and narrowly escaped death. When she returned to Wentian Mountain, we were all shocked. You are good, you don’t hear about her Don't ask, now I only spoil this—"

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Hua Xin didn't let me say it at first. She told Lou Qi to go to the Valley of Gods and Demons now, just because she wanted to enter the inner circle, and she could still protect Lou Qi for a while. The child is really determined, and she also said that since you are protecting the person, she must also be protecting."

Yue and the others were moved.They didn't doubt Fan Changzi's words, because Nalan Huaxin would definitely say such words, and they agreed with Nalan Huaxin because of her kindness and generosity.

Lou Qi lowered his eyelids and said nothing.

Yue Ying and Xue looked at Shen Sha together, but Shen Sha looked at Lou Qi, frowning slightly.

"Since there are things that the emperor needs in the Valley of Gods and Demons, the emperor can go and find them himself."

Lou Qi looked up at him.

"Master, no." Yue was the first to object, "We have been away from the Broken Territory for a few months before, and now the various forces in the Broken Territory Wasteland are about to move, and we don't know whether they are ready for the past few months. In this case, If the master travels far again, it may be dangerous to break the domain city."

Ying also nodded: "That's right, master, those people below have not seen the master for a long time, and some people's hearts are fluctuating. After such a long time, the subordinates are afraid that they will be easily seduced by the enemy and develop a betrayal."

Shen Sha knew that what they said made sense, and was about to speak, Ying stepped forward and said: "I will go to the Valley of Gods and Devils, and take people to find the purple golden vine—"

"You said you go, can you agree if you ask Tianshan?" Lou Qi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly laughed, and looked at Fan Changzi, "Am I right? I must go, right?"

"Dan'er's Golden Thunder Whip was destroyed because of you, shouldn't you go? Also, can anyone go to the inner circle to find medicinal materials? Huaxin is the only martial arts genius in Tianshan. I asked her about her martial arts skills. It is already far above me, so I have some confidence to enter the valley of gods and demons." Fan Changzi looked at the eagle and said mockingly: "Do you think your kung fu is better than hers?"

Ying's face immediately turned red. To him, it was a bit embarrassing to be inferior to a woman, even though the woman's status was unusual.

Xue Wei, who was always feeling unwilling, had to swallow his unwillingness precisely because of this sentence.There is only one Nalan Huaxin in the world, she can't compete with Nalan Huaxin, but why does Lou Qi, a bitch, want to compete with her?
Xuewei's resentment towards Nalan Huaxin eventually turned into hatred towards Lou Qi.

"In that case——" Although Lou Qi has never met Nalan Huaxin, she really admires that woman at this moment. The timing she found was just right, and all the paths were blocked. The matter she was looking for It just so happened that they had no way to refuse, so she had to go, and she had to go.

Knowing what she was going to say, Shen Sha suddenly said in a deep voice: "Don't forget that this emperor must not leave you."

As soon as these words came out, Yue and the others were taken aback, yes, every fifteenth day, the master needs Lou Qi, what should we do now?
Shen Sha said: "Nalan Huaxin wants purple golden vines, and I will find them for her after a while. As for the medicinal materials, I am not in a hurry. I will wait until the affairs of breaking the domain are almost handled. What are you in a hurry for?"

Yue Ji was speechless, so it's not impossible——

Fan Changzi was amused, "I didn't expect that Huaxin really guessed it right! But, Shen Sha, you also think too well, do you know why you want to go at this time? In the middle of the cold dew, the precious medicine is born. That thing can only be found in the cold dew." Only in the middle of the night will it break out of the ground! Do you think that the rare medicinal material will wait for you to finish your work before taking a woman to look for it? What a waste of Huaxin's love for you!"

Sure enough, it is watertight.

It's just that Nalan Huaxin didn't know that Shen Shawu needed her, and now they were in a dilemma.

Lou Qi approached Yue, and asked in a low voice, "What kind of medicine is it?"

"From what he said, it should be San Hanqiu Jiao."

"Three Frost Autumn Jiao?" Lou Qi was startled for a moment, and then gave Shen Sha a complicated look.She really didn't expect that the poison in him would use this kind of thing!She really heard the old Taoist say about the Sanhan Qiujiao, although the Sanhanqiu Jiao is called Jiao, it is actually a kind of plant, and it is true that this thing grows in a very shady place, and it only grows in the middle of the night. It will break out of the ground, and it will be dried by the sun at dawn. After drying, the juice contained in it will be lost, and this thing is useless.

At that time, she almost listened to it as a magical trifle, but she didn't expect that there was such a medicine.If it is really San Hanqiu Jiao, this opportunity is really not to be missed.

Nalan Huaxin is really an extraordinary woman.

At this time, Lou Qi was a little curious about her.

"Elder Fan didn't come here just to deliver a message, did he?" she asked.

"That's right, you are smart, the old man will take you to the Valley of Gods and Devils! You can also bring a helper with you!"

In this way, Nalan Huaxin was sure that she would go, or in other words, she was sure that she had to be right.

After Fan Changzi left the triple hall, Xue Wei was also kicked out by the furious Shen Sha, and ordered that no matter whether he was in the triple hall, she was not allowed to enter the hall.When Xuewei left, she gave Lou Qi a cold look, which made her raise her eyebrows.

There were only four of them left in the hall, and the four of them were silent for a while, and Yue was the first to speak.

"It takes a month to drive from Poyu to the Valley of Gods and Demons. It is extremely far away, and it will take two months to go back and forth. If Lou Qi is lucky and finds the purple golden vine within half a month, then it will take two It's half a month, now it's just past the fifteenth day, and there will be at least two fifteenths in between."

Although he knew that he was loyal to Shen Sha and was thinking of Shen Sha, but such an act of deciding to help her choose without even asking her if she wanted to go or not, still made Lou Qi feel a little chilly.At this moment, she suddenly realized deeply that the Nine Heavens Palace was not her territory, and these people could not be regarded as her partners.It was also the first time that she realized that she did not have the right and capital to say nothing here, she was a foreigner, and this was not her original world, not the world where Queen Qi had the final say.

A large hand grasped hers. It was knurled, with long fingers and a broad palm.He grabbed it very hard, as if trying to drag out all the feelings in her mind at this moment.

Lou Qi raised her head and met Shen Sha's eyes.

"No one can force you to go." He said, "We will look for the medicine in the future. It may not only be there. Or, at this time next year, there may be some there. At that time, you will accompany me go."


Shen Sha glanced over coldly, Yue and Ying stopped talking immediately, but looked at her anxiously.How can I not go?How can I not go?Just now they asked Fan Changzi to leave the Three Layer Hall first, saying that they could go out someday after they discussed it, not that they couldn't go.

Fan Changzi's meaning was very clear, Lou Qi went to find the purple golden vine for them, so Nalan Huaxin could go to Sanhan Qiujiao with peace of mind, and then he would give Sanhan Qiujiao to them.

No one thinks that Nalan Huaxin's request is too much, no one thinks she is not good, because this is already an extra favor to Lou Qi, or someone else ruined Nalan Dan'er's Golden Thunder Whip and hurt her, That is sure to die.

Moreover, Nalan Huaxin had to risk her life to find medicine for their emperor. If she could go to the inner circle of the Valley of Gods and Demons, wouldn't Lou Qi even want to go to the outer circle?With such a comparison, many people probably think that if Lou Qi doesn't go, then he doesn't take the emperor seriously, and he is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Nalan draws his heart.

A dark light flashed in Lou Qi's eyes.

After a pause, she said, "Maybe, try my blood."

Yue Heying didn't quite understand what she said, but Shen Sha understood what she meant all at once, his face darkened immediately, and he said in a deep voice, "I don't agree with you."

"You know, we have no choice." Lou Qi looked at him, his heart suddenly softened, "If my blood is effective in resisting your poisonous Gu, I will feel at ease when I leave, if it doesn't work, you can only endure."

(End of this chapter)

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