Your heart is free

Chapter 182 The Fifth Person

Chapter 182 The Fifth Person

Fan Changzi hummed, and went to the carriage to get some clothes to change.

Lou Qi handed the two boxes of gold to Chen Shi, and sat down on a rock to rest. He was also tired from all the tossing and tossing all night, and he felt a little uncomfortable after looking at the stumped corpses on the ground.Lou Xin handed her a water bag, she took a sip and gasped: "Wine?"

Lou Xin lowered his voice and said, "Girl didn't expect that, there is a master brewer there. He has brewed a lot of wine, and the jars are filled with two wooden houses! Does this wine taste good?"

Needless to say, this wine has a strong and mellow aroma, a long mouthfeel, and a unique aroma of grain, with endless aftertaste.

Lou Qi took another sip and asked, "Where's the person?"

Lou Xin tutted his tongue and said: "There are nearly four hundred people living in those one hundred wooden houses, half men and half women, and some children. Adult men and women are basically young and strong. Most of the women are pregnant, and the men wear iron chains on their hands and feet. Just like the prisoners, my subordinates have observed that their hands and feet have many abrasions and thick calluses, and they should be built for the city."

"Single-eyed should have been preparing for a long time. It is not enough to build a city, but there are city residents. That's why he captured so many people to build the city for himself, and he also captured women to reproduce and expand the population. It really has some skills." Chen Shi also said.

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Lou Qi couldn't help but sigh softly.If they hadn't come, Cyclops could really have built a city, and with his kung fu and ability to make money, this city might become the richest city in Poyu in the future, surpassing Poyu City.

But met her.

It was her design that made Fan Changzi want to take over the wealth of One Eyed, and she had sealed the end for One Eyed and his men from the very beginning, all she wanted was for Fan Changzi to wipe them all out.She wanted to give Shen Sha a big gift, so naturally she wouldn't cause him to lose troops when he took over the city.

Half an hour later, Nalan Zilin came back with a tired body.

More than [-] people had to go all out for Ruanjinsan. Although it was said that if the thing was blown by the wind, it would be considered a hit, but he was too tired to go through hundreds of wooden houses.

Originally, his white clothes turned into bloody clothes, but now with the addition of sweat, the smell really makes people shy away.

He glanced at Lou Qi, and hurriedly walked to the carriage, Fan Changzi had already changed his clothes, he threw away his clothes, he hurriedly changed in the woods, under Fan Changzi's urging, several people started to rush on their way frantically.

Fan Changzi was anxious, and the next time was to drive all the way to the Valley of Gods and Demons without stopping.Lou Qi also cooperated, because she also wanted to find Zijin Vine sooner, and also, to meet that Nalan Huaxin who had bad intentions on her even though she had never met before!

late autumn.

The autumn wind is bleak.

Everyone in the Nine Heavens Palace knew that their emperor was not in a good mood during this time, and when he was in a bad mood, his temper would naturally also be bad.

In the conference hall, there was a scream, and a person was kicked out suddenly, and fell to the floor outside with a bang, rolled a few times, and picked up a few fallen leaves.

The maids waiting outside were all trembling with fright. Someone took a glance and saw the man spit out a mouthful of blood and his feet went limp.

The second guard hidden in the corner asked in a low voice: "Which unlucky ghost is this in ten days?"

Tianyi gestured with five fingers calmly.

"Five, oh, Tianyi, you said that if the emperor continues to kill like this, will there be anyone under his command?"

"Three days ago, the emperor led people to flatten two mountains. Those were not people?" Tian said.

There is a black line on the ground.He was talking about the steward, and Tianyi was talking about the bodyguards, they were totally different, okay?

"The emperor has his own way." Tian Yi glanced at him, as a secret guard, he should stop eating carrots and worry about it.

These people deserve to die.

In the chamber, the air pressure has been extremely low since early in the morning.

Originally, the two operations three days ago were great victories, so they should be happy, but these consuls have been terrified these days.

The cause was the three decrees issued ten days ago. After the decree was issued, the three deputy stewards were promoted.The three deputy stewards were the ones who submitted the three memorials. Because the system of monarchs and ministers in the Nine Heavens Palace has not yet been perfected, it was said that both stewards and deputy stewards could submit memorials, but for a year and a half, few of the deputy stewards The one who really dared to take the memorial, there are four deputy stewards under one manager, their status is really not high, so if you have an idea or suggestion, you should report it to your boss first, and then they will hand in the memorial. .

But this time, the three deputy stewards had discussed it. One of them submitted a memorial, and the emperor saw it, so the three of them were directly responsible for what was said in the memorial.

The establishment of three departments and six departments, the official titles, the formulation of national ceremonies, the selection of the country's title and the engraving of the national seal, the conscripting of the army and the construction of the city, and the determination of taxes, these things are so big that they are not handed over to the chief, but to the deputy chief. Where are the principals convinced?So, when the first one rushed up to challenge Shen Sha, he slapped him and flew him away, and he was directly dismissed from his position in charge.

The second one is gentler, taking a roundabout route, finding a group of beauties who are said to be performing arts and dancing exotic dances, teaching them to charm Dijun while dancing, and then blowing pillow wind on his pillow, just saying The bad words of those three people, and say a few more good things about him.

What he was thinking was that Lou Qi, who seemed to be favored before, had already left, and the emperor who had no women around him for a while would definitely not refuse to share the joy of fish and water with such exotic beauties. never thought about.

It's a pity that their emperor can't think about it from the perspective of an ordinary man.The beauties had just been sent to the second-tier palace, and they were listening to the people below saying that the palace would also have to raise Le Ji, and saw that they agreed to let them try a dance, but when those beauties, Le Ji, saw the young The handsome Dijun actually became dizzy, and wanted to sit on his lap when he was too tempted, which turned out to be a tragedy.Not only was the beauty's two fingers broken, but he was also sent to prison by an order.

The cold-faced Commander Hua didn't know what medicine he had taken wrongly. His first sentence in the first trial was: "I heard that you want our Lou girl to wear a cuckold?"

What is this?

Then the third directly seized power with one of the deputy stewards, and also entered the building area. The fourth pretended to be sick to attract attention, but the emperor sent a genius doctor there, and then really fell ill.

This time this-

If you buy an official for more than 500 taels of gold, the one with the highest price will get it.Why didn't they know that the official position hadn't been fully formulated yet, where did he get the right to sell his official position for money?

Selling an official position is enough, he also sells another kind, from the emperor, down to the guard, the wife, and even the position of concubine and concubine, whoever pays, he will guarantee to arrange the opportunity.Not to mention, there were a few concubines who were in charge of Xinna who were arranged by him after collecting money.

This is really an unheard of way of making money.

Shen Sha was furious after hearing this, and kicked him flying.

The steward lay on the ground and vomited blood. No one paid attention to him for a long time, and he couldn't get up by himself. After a while, a soft and beautiful girl came over, looked around, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and walked to the door. Beside the steward, he squatted down.

"Tian Yi, what do you think that woman wants to do?" Di Er spoke again.

"You can tell by looking at it."

The girl took out a handkerchief, stretched out her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of the steward's mouth, and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"You, who are you?"

"I'm Pu Yuhe."

The name Pu Yuhe is well known in the Nine Heavens Palace, it's because whenever a woman appears next to their emperor, they will put away everyone's attention, even though this girl named Pu Yuhe came back with the emperor and Lou Qi at that time, No one has introduced who she is, but the emperor let her live in the double hall, and didn't order her to change her name to Eryu Erhe, so she is not a maid.

Afterwards, the emperor was busy with affairs, and held meetings with all the stewards in the council hall every day, so it was not easy for them to ask him what Pu Yuhe's arrangements were. After asking Xuewei's opinion, they would just let her stay and walk around with her in the second palace , you can't leave the first-tier hall and you can't enter the third-tier palace.

The people below couldn't figure out the truth, so they yelled "Miss Yuhe, Miss Yuhe".

I have to say, this made Pu Yuhe feel a little flustered and raised some hopes. She originally thought that she was here to be a maid, but judging from the current situation, is it possible that the emperor likes her, but he has to wait until the end of work Then pamper her again?
But thinking of her aunt's words, she had to do it again, so now she appeared here to talk to such a disgusting man.

If she hadn't had to obey her aunt, she wouldn't approach such a disgusting man. How could it compare to her family's emperor's stalwart and handsome appearance?And made her emperor angry?
"So you are Miss Yuhe." With Pu Yuhe's help, the steward finally sat up. He looked at Pu Yuhe, "Miss Yuhe is really pretty."

Pu Yuhe, who had already been nourished by a man, somewhat faded away from the girlish expression, and her brows and eyes became a little more charming, which made her already beautiful face a little more vivid, enough to make the manager dazzled .Moreover, under such circumstances, he originally thought he was doomed, but now he seemed to be grasping at straws: "Miss Yuhe, save me."

"How can I save you? Oh right, this is medicine for internal injuries, you should take it quickly." Pu Yuhe took out a small bottle from her sleeve pocket, poured out a pill and handed it to him.

The smell of this medicine made people feel very comfortable, the steward felt that she didn't need to harm him at all, so he immediately swallowed the medicine.Soon, a warm air flow spread from the dantian, and soon he felt no pain in his chest. Although the internal injury would not heal immediately, it was not so uncomfortable anymore, and the effect was very good!Such elixirs are extremely expensive, he never thought that Pu Yuhe would be willing to give him a elixir!He was overjoyed at the moment, "Miss Yuhe's great kindness, I will remember it in my heart!"

Pu Yuhe breathed a sigh of relief, so, did she take a step forward?In the broken domain, she also won someone over!Finally, the pills given by my aunt were not wasted.What my aunt said at the time was that the pills were very valuable, and she didn't have many, so she gave her a bottle of five pills, one of which has been used up now.

(End of this chapter)

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