Your heart is free

Chapter 183 How about cruelty

Chapter 183 How about cruelty

But Pu Yuhe felt it was worth it.She has already inquired, and those who can come to this meeting hall to participate in the meeting are the high-ranking officials of Poyu City.

As a person from Dongqing, she was really not used to coming here at the beginning, not to mention not being used to eating, just say this is the place where the emperor lives, why not just call it the palace?Return the first hall, the second hall, the third hall and so on.Why are there only maids and no eunuchs in the palace?Can the guards still walk in the inner palace?Although there is no empress and concubine in the triple hall of the emperor, how can there be no concubine?
Besides, there is not even a prime minister, no officials, only guards to lead and manage affairs, which really makes her a little uncomfortable.But these are trivial matters, as long as she knows that being in charge here is equivalent to being a fifth-rank official or above in the early dynasty of the Eastern Qing Dynasty.

These days, she finally had the opportunity to get in touch with an official, so why not hurry up and get close?Although it was beaten by the emperor, but the character of the emperor should be like that, right?On the way, he also treated her with a ruthless appearance, but now she lived in the Nine Heavens Palace, and those maids and guards treated her with respect.

"My lord, don't blame Dijun, he must be in a bad mood, you can just stay with Dijun later."

The steward thought that he was bound to die, but he didn't expect that this beauty would give him a medicine to heal his wounds, and said that it would be fine to just accompany the emperor?is this real?Could it be that this beauty has already been favored by the emperor, and with the emperor's favor, she can blow the pillow wind?
In the midst of joy, Shen Sha came out after the meeting.

During this period of time, several stewards have been dealt with, but he has also appointed several deputy stewards, so it seems that there are dozens of people who follow him now.

Pu Yuhe stood up, turned around to look, and saw that the stalwart man in front of everyone was still wearing black clothes, with long eyebrows raised, and deep eyes, which set off dozens of subordinates without color.How can she not be infatuated with such a man?
And when she looked at Shen Sha with affectionate eyes, Shen Sha looked at the steward, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Who did the emperor allow him to heal his wounds?"

"Emperor, it was Miss Yuhe who sent the medicine for the subordinates—"

The steward was begging for love, but Shen Sha had already interrupted him: "Healing medicine?" He looked at Pu Yuhe, Pu Yuhe hadn't seen him for ten days since he came back, at this moment, he was looking directly at him with those eyes, he felt fascinated, My mind was muddled, and I took out the medicine bottle in a daze.

Eagle immediately strode over and snatched the medicine.

Pu Yuhe woke up and shouted: "No, you can't take my medicine, it's mine, it's mine!" She was about to rush over, but a guard came out to stop her.

"Healing medicine?" Shen Sha walked towards the steward, and said slowly: "Does the medicine work well?"

There was a very bad feeling in the manager's heart, and before he could think clearly, a terrifying force hit his chest all of a sudden!
With a bang, he was kicked to the ground again and vomited blood again.

Shen Sha said coldly: "Give him medicine."

Eagle poured out a medicine and forced it into his mouth.Seeing that he stopped vomiting blood again, and his complexion improved again, Ying pulled him up.

Shen Sha raised his foot, bang!

The steward was kicked out again.Shen Sha controlled the strength with his feet. Each kick was as heavy as his and the first kick. He knew what kind of injury this strength would cause. Not only internal injuries, but also cracks in the ribs. If you kick a few more kicks, the ribs It will all be broken, but no one else knows.

"Give him the medicine again."

Shen Sha's voice is so cold that it makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

Eagle poured another medicine for the steward and stuffed it into his mouth.Now everyone knew what Shen Sha was going to do, the legs of the less courageous were trembling with fright, and the faces of the more courageous were slightly pale.

Didn't it mean healing medicine?Just let you eat and heal enough.

Pu Yuhe saw that Shen Sha raised his foot again and kicked the steward until he vomited blood, she was so frightened that she burst into tears, she covered her mouth for fear that if she cried out right now, his feet would kick her.

There were still five pills left in the bottle, and the steward was kicked five more times, and five pills were stuffed in a row.

After getting better, he kicked until he vomited blood, and then gave him medicine.

Even better, kick until he vomits blood, and then give medicine.

The sound of Shen Sha kicking his chest and the sound of the steward vomiting blood made the other stewards tremble.

Pu Yuhe finally couldn't help shouting: "Dijun! Dijun, you can't do this, it's too cruel, you are too cruel! Aren't you afraid that other people will follow you and make you feel cold?"

Terrible, terrible, he is terrible!

Shen Sha glanced over, and then at the group of stewards, speaking slowly, with a low voice, with a hint of chill. "Those who are loyal to the emperor and those who work hard for the subjects of the emperor will be rewarded for their merits. Those who are killed and punished by the emperor are either rape or evil."

"But even if he was at fault, you've already hurt him once, and he can't make it up to Dijun, you have to give him a chance, Dijun, you have to be a benevolent king!"

Shen Sha looked at the half-dead steward, kicked him five times in a row, his ribs were broken, and now even the elixir of healing could not save him. "Originally, this emperor just wanted to send him to prison, but he found that just a few cats and dogs said a few nonsense and he believed it. It's so stupid that it's just a waste of food to live." He looked at it because he didn't care Pu Yuhe, who mercilessly insulted and wrinkled her face, said displeasedly: "Also, when did this emperor say that he was going to be a benevolent emperor? Take her down and send her to Yizhongdian Clothes Bureau!"

Originally, he almost forgot that there was such a No. [-] person, but she unexpectedly appeared by herself.A certain woman said before that she would keep her to see, if not, he would have slapped her to death long ago.

She had a good time in the Second Hall, and the maids and guards treated her like a distinguished guest, but now they want to send her to the Laundry Bureau to do laundry?When she was fighting to the death with her stepmother at home, she wouldn't have to do anything by herself, at least there was Aunt Hua and Xi'er, and there were two other rough servant girls at home!Where can she do laundry?Her hands are white, tender and slender, they are embroidered and played the piano, she doesn't want to be rough and cracked like those rough maids, she doesn't want it!

Can she not?Didn't Dijun like her?

Pu Yuhe was about to cry when someone covered her mouth and dragged her down.Her maid Xi'er was so frightened that her legs gave way and she knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Dijun, what about this one?"

"Send her there together." Shen Sha glanced at her, took two steps and changed his mind: "Forget it, leave her in the Second Hall and be a cleaner."

Xi'er sat on the ground, tears still flowing, but her expression was blank and a bit tangled.Staying in the Erchong Hall is definitely better than going to the clothes washing bureau, and sweeping is not as difficult as doing laundry. The weather is cold, and washing clothes needs to be soaked in cold water for a long time, and it is easy to crack when blown by the cold wind. For the little girl For me, the pain in my hands can kill me.My young lady has gone to wash clothes, can she be happy because she doesn't have to go?

At this moment, no one cared about Xi'er, a sweeping maid, because the half-dead steward suddenly clutched his chest and started vomiting blood again.So many healing medicines failed to save him. He moved just now, and two of the broken ribs pierced his internal organs. The pain caused his face to twist into a ball.

After a while, his face turned gray, and he fell to the ground without breath.

"Drag it down and bury it." Shen Sha just glanced indifferently.


Everyone looked at Shen Sha's profile and kept silent, not daring to breathe.They all knew that Dijun was in a bad mood. Before discussing matters, Master Yuewei said that the warehouses of Jiuxiao Temple are now empty, and many systems to be implemented need money. Lack of money is really a big trouble for them now.

The Shaofu of the Nine Heavens Palace who was just brought up is also frowning, the weather is cold, not to mention that there are so many maids, guards and dark guards in the Nine Heavens Palace who need to change into winter clothes, their emperors should also make new and stylish clothes, the emperor crown is also about to start preparations, That can't be cheap, can it?
There are still many places to use silver.

"Dijun, miss Lou letter!"

Hua Yucun's surprise cry made Shen Sha turn around suddenly, "Bring it!"

Everyone Zimmer.

It seems that Miss Lou has not fallen out of favor, she has never fallen out of favor at all, seeing their emperor's originally cold face suddenly warmed up because of Lou Qi's letter, it is simply too much for their little hearts to bear!
Hua Yucun was holding a carrier pigeon directly in his hand, and a small bamboo tube was tied to the carrier pigeon, and the word 7 was engraved on the bamboo tube.They all thought that 7 was a bit weird and didn't understand what it meant, but Lou Qi told them that this is called an Arabic numeral, and 7 means seven, which means seven, and this is a code representing her.So Hua Yucun didn't need to read the letter, as soon as he saw the 7 characters, he knew it was from Lou Qi.

He also didn't have the guts to read Lou Qi's letter before Shen Sha.

Shen Sha stroked the No. 7 notch on the bamboo tube with his fingertips, and then pulled out a thin roll of paper from the bamboo tube, and unfolded it gently.

It was only Lou Qi who could write such thin characters. The pen she used was different from the ones they used. It was a hard tip. The characters could be very small, but they were still very clear.

Seeing her words, her face and her smile also appeared in his mind, Shen Sha gritted his teeth a little bit, thinking about her, the feeling of thinking about her is damn uncomfortable.

He regretted it and shouldn't have let her go.

"Shen Sha, I sent you a big gift. Remember to check it out yourself, and bring more antidote for Jieruujinsan. Also, don't take too many people. Immediately, immediately, and quickly after receiving the letter." A small road map is drawn below, and the end point is a mountain.It wasn't marked what mountain it was, but she knew he could see it.

Shen Sha's face was a little dark.In such a letter after ten days away, she only wrote so few words!And she didn't say that she missed him or how she was doing now!
"Yue, Ying, Hua Yucun, each lead a team to follow this emperor!"

Big gift?He really didn't know what kind of gift she could give her!
The three people who were named looked at each other in blank dismay, and hurried to lead people to follow.

The gate of Poyu City was opened wide, and nearly [-] riders galloped out, and women on the street exclaimed in unison. "Isn't that Dijun? Ah, I saw Dijun again!"

(End of this chapter)

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