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Chapter 184 1 Gift and 3 Merits

Chapter 184
Three hundred riders galloped day and night without stopping, galloping like lightning.It took less than two days to arrive at Tiger Mountain.

Shen Sha and the others were shocked when they saw the [-]-meter city wall and such a large open space.

"Damn it!" Ying couldn't help imitating Lou Qi's words, "This world is fantastic."

They really didn't expect that there would be people who could build a city in this wilderness.This is really not a simple matter, it should be impossible for one person to do it, and if there are too many people, the movement must be big enough, and it is impossible for them not to receive the news.

Tiger Mountain is the territory of Cyclops, Chen Shi and Lou Xin knew it, how could Shen Sha, Yue and Ying not know it.

"So, is it true that the wealth of the same small country is in One Eye's hands?" Yue immediately caught the point, his eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at Shen Sha suddenly: "Master, the big gift that Lou Qi said !"

He didn't need to say it, Shen Sha was the first to think of it.The big gift that Lou Qi talked about, this is the big gift that Lou Qi said!God, it really is a big gift! ! !
They really ignored Cyclops, thinking that he was hunted down with rewards everywhere, that he should not carry so much treasure with him, and that he should keep his head down to avoid people to save his life. Not shrinking, but making big moves, building a city!

If you can build a city, how can you have less wealth?
They also saw a hundred wooden houses over there.

"Master, this subordinate should go and have a look first!"

"It's okay, let's go together." Shen Sha clamped his legs and drove his horse to go, he said: "Qiqi has already seen it."

What this means is, Lou Qi has seen it, this is a big gift from Lou Qi, so are you afraid of any trap or danger?No more, no more.

Ying thought it was the same reason, immediately felt very happy, laughed and said: "Lou Qi is really good, really good!"

200 people surrounded the place, and Shen Sha and the others ran towards the hundred wooden houses, but before they got close, people came out of the wooden houses one after another, they seemed to be ordinary people, and there were many pregnant women with pot bellies.The old man took the children by the hand, looked at them timidly one by one, then they all knelt down and called the emperor, but their movements were all slow and feeble, and the calls were also weak and low.

"The emperor is here, the emperor is here, we are saved."

Shen Sha reined in the reins, looked at the large group of people kneeling in front, and asked, "Who are you all, and what does this mean?"

Some of those people were young and strong, two of them were more courageous, and one raised his head and said: "Dijun, the grassroots have all suffered from weakness, and they didn't even have the strength to get up. I'm afraid there are so many people. Will starve to death here. Unexpectedly, six days ago, a carrier pigeon flew to the grass people, with a small bamboo tube tied to the foot, and there was a letter in the bamboo tube. He stared at us and couldn't detoxify us in time, but before she left, she left a water bag not far away, which contained the antidote of Ruanjinsan, and diluting it with water can alleviate the toxicity of everyone. Attached is a Needle, use this needle and stab a acupuncture point according to the letter, Cao Min really regained a little strength, and found the water sac."

Another man went on to say: "The benefactor also said that as long as we wait a few more days, the Emperor of the Nine Heavens Palace in Poyu City will come to rescue us."

Shen Sha listened to the young man before him, he explained the matter clearly, and his words were quite eloquent, so he asked, "Who are you?"

"Caomin Hu Kuangzhi, a native of the Eastern Qing Dynasty, originally ran a business at home, but an unexpected catastrophe happened. When he met Cyclops, all the elders and mothers in the family were killed. Caomin and his wife also have this one. Hutu, the former housekeeper of Caomin," Hu Kuangzhi pointed at the kneeling The man next to him continued, "We were arrested and built a city for Cyclops."

Shen Sha waved his hand, "Hua Yucun, I'll leave this to you, and detoxify them after confirming that there is no problem."

Hua Yucun immediately responded, "Yes!"

Shen Sha turned his horse's head and looked at the Tiger Mountain.

Ying was already a little disappointed: "Could it be that these hundreds of people are a big gift from Lou Qi?"

In fact, there are not too few citizens in Broken City, but if you want to build a country, you can't just have a city of people, right?Some of these people should choose to stay when the time comes, people, they need it, and some of those young and middle-aged people can serve as soldiers, but this shouldn't be called a big surprise.

Shen Sha said slowly: "The big gift that Qiqi said is not the only one, go up the mountain." As he spoke, he gave a light scold, and Feihen rushed towards the mountain.

Yue and Ying immediately followed with dozens of guards.

They naturally saw the trench dug at the foot of the mountain, and their eyes lit up, which meant that there was something more important on the mountain!


Feihen took the lead and galloped up the mountain as if flying.Although the mountain road is steep, it is not intimidating for them.

They were full of anticipation in their hearts, they didn't know what the big gift Lou Qi would give them would be.

"The smell of blood is so strong!" Yue frowned.

The eagle spat, "Damn it, what does it smell like, it stinks!"

Everyone could hardly help covering their mouths and noses.

Then, they saw the general picture of Shura field.There are corpses everywhere, stumps everywhere, blood stained the ground, the blood has dried and solidified into dark black, there is no need to say where the bloody smell and stench come from.


Some guards couldn't help retching, not because they were afraid, but because they felt a little uncomfortable seeing such a scene, and the smell made them unable to control it.

"This guy Lou Qi, this guy Lou Qi!" Ying was furious, this must be the big gift she was talking about, right? "Master, is that guy trying to get revenge on us for asking her to go find the Purple Gold Vine?" He even thought of this.Originally, he didn't think that Lou Qi would be angry at first, but later when Yue and him were drinking, he said that Lou Qi might be angry with them.

Because they asked Tianshan Fan Changzi why she was forced to go to the Valley of Gods and Demons like that, they didn't ask her opinion, they just wanted to prevent Jiuxiao Palace from angering Tianshan, so they pushed her out.

He thought about it, and felt sad for several days.

But now that woman shouldn't be revenge, right?

Shen Sha got off the horse and walked in. "See, the body is not decomposed."

"Ah?" Ying was taken aback, what does this have to do with whether the corpse is decomposed or not?
Yue Que's eyes flashed, and said: "Indeed! Lou Qi should have sprinkled some medicinal powder!"

It had been so many days, and although the weather was cold, the corpses should have started to rot, but no, except for the hard and stinky blood, all the corpses were not rotten.Besides Lou Qi, who else could do such a weird thing?

At this moment, Shen Sha saw a piece of torn cloth in the crack beside the gate, and when he pulled it out, it was indeed Lou Qi's writing on it.

He read it from the beginning to the end without missing a single word, and the corner of his mouth immediately curled up in a happy arc.

"Master, what did Lou Qi write?" Ying asked curiously.

Shen Sha handed him the cloth.

"Shensha tyrant, when you see this scene of corpses, you should be able to accept it. After all, you are the one who slaps other people's heads off. Don't gossip, there may be a plague when the corpse rots, but I have no time to deal with it I can only sprinkle some medicinal powder to keep it from rotten for ten days. If you see the corpses are decomposed, remember not to get close to them, protect your body, cover your mouth and nose, and burn them all. If they are not decomposed, put these corpses They dug a big hole and buried it. The ground needs to be washed clean and the genius doctor get some anti-epidemic powder and sprinkle it. The things are in the warehouse, so move them out quickly. I fooled Fan Changzi, he will come to move in a month and a half at most. Pay attention to yourself, when the time comes, you will be beaten to death if you don’t admit it, or you can do whatever you want. That’s it, goodbye.”

The handwriting is very scribbled, you can imagine how anxious she was when she wrote it.

"Master, Lou Qi said that the things are in the warehouse!" Ying rushed in immediately.

Yue shook his head and said to the guards: "Lead someone to dig a hole and bury these corpses." Everyone acted quickly, although it was uncomfortable, the corpses did not rot anyway.

And Shen Sha's figure swept past these corpses and entered the inner courtyard.He almost didn't need to look or search, and found the location of the warehouse just by guessing.After all, it is easy to see the primary and secondary of a house.

When he slammed open the door of the storeroom with his internal force, the bright light in the room almost blinded their eyes.

"My God!" the eagle murmured.

Yue's breathing was also a little quick, and it was difficult to keep calm. "This one-eyed man is really talented—" Immediately, he became ecstatic, they are short of money, they are short of money!
The gold, silver, jewelry and rare objects in this storeroom are simply a gift in a pinch!Heaven!

Shen Sha looked at those things, was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "This great gift from Qiqi is very important to Poyu, and it is a credit."

"Should remember, should remember!" Ying also said repeatedly.

Shen Sha said again: "It doesn't take a single soldier to take down Tiger Mountain, and it's a merit."

Give her two great merits at once?However, this can also be convincing.Yue was just about to nod, and heard Shen Sha continue: "Lou Qi subdued hundreds of people, and he made a great contribution to building the second city in the broken domain, and I will remember it."

Both Yue and Ying were stunned: "Three merits?"

"The second city of Broken Domain?"

At this moment, Shen Sha's chest was swelling and almost overflowing with emotion, if Lou Qi was in front of him at this moment, he would definitely rub her into his body fiercely, and melt her into his flesh and blood!
Remember her three times!
In this way, she will have five skills, and if there is half of it, he will be able to make her a concubine!She is his woman!

Yue came back to his senses, thinking of the [-]-meter city wall at the foot of the mountain, a kind of passion spontaneously arose, "That's right, this place is suitable for building another city, stones and wood have been prepared for us, even the city has been built [-] meters, so , Lou Qi will win the next city!"

It didn't take a single soldier to take down Tiger Mountain and capture this city. They didn't think about whether it was the same thing.
Because this time, Lou Qi's contribution is really too great!
"Three days later, the emperor will sacrifice to the heavens, and five days later, the city of Qi will be built." Shen Sha caressed a piece of Liuyun brocade with his fingers, thinking in his heart that he would keep all these beautiful silks and satins for her, and make them clothes for her , no other woman deserves to wear it.

"Qi, Qi City?"

Shen Sha glanced over, "Any opinion?"

Eagle's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately shook his head: "Subordinates dare not!
(End of this chapter)

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