Chapter 185

Of course Lou Qi didn't know that someone named a city after her.That was the second city in the broken domain, which had the significance of the times.

Fan Changzi remembers hanging on to the treasures in that storeroom, just like a demon, except for the rest at night, he almost doesn't even want to stop for three meals a day, he just wants to rush on the road, arrive at the Valley of Gods and Demons early, and get Lou Qi this After the dead girl is dealt with, he can rush back to move his baby.

For a person who loves money to such an extent, Lou Qi is really helpless.

However, the more this happens, the greater the blow he will receive in the future.

Because of this, even though he wanted to kill herself, Lou Qi didn't want his life, she just wanted to save his life, let him go back and have a look, let him taste it, probably the first kind of energy in his life The taste of pissing him off.

After [-] consecutive days of wind and rain, the men and horses were exhausted.Seeing that he was about to approach the Valley of Gods and Demons, Lou Qi didn't want to march in a hurry.

"I won't go, I must stay here today." She pulled the horse and walked towards the house not far ahead.

At this time, it was approaching dusk, the sky was not dark, and the sun was still hanging obliquely on the top of the mountain.In the future, at this time, I will have to run harder for a while, and I will stop and rest until it gets dark. At that time, I don’t care if I missed others, missed the city, missed the station.

But this time, Lou Qi expressed his resistance to the end.

When she dismounted, Chen Shi and Lou Xin naturally dismounted as well.

"Lou Qi! Come back to me!" Fan Changzi gritted his teeth, it's still early, so what if we have to go a little further?Wasn't it always like this before?
How did he know that Lou Qi also wanted to hurry up before, so he said hurry up and she would cooperate.But now that she is approaching the Valley of Gods and Demons, she doesn't know what will happen in the Valley of Gods and Demons, what people or things she will meet, she must keep her body and spirit in the best condition, so in the next few days, it is She gives herself time to adjust.

And so are Chen Shi and Lou Xin.

In the past twenty days, everyone has lost a lot of weight.

Lou Qi will also feel distressed, people and horses.

"Master, why don't you just stay here for a night. There are endless mountains in this area for hundreds of miles. It seems that there are no people living in the future." Nalan Zilin was also very tired.

Speaking of it, only Fan Changzi was the most comfortable, because he was riding in a carriage, while Lou Qi and the others rode horses, and Nalan Zilin had to drive the carriage.When he came out from Wen Tianshan, he didn't expect to drive like this. It didn't matter if he was a coachman for his master, this car was very exquisite and luxurious, and he looked handsome, but once he drove like crazy, it would be different.Nalan Zilin felt that his face had been rough and wrinkled by the wind and sand.

Fan Changzi gritted his teeth, he just acquiesced in not speaking.

This is a farmer's house. The courtyard wall is built with stones half the height of a person. You can see that the large courtyard has been turned into a vegetable garden, and some small sheds have been built to raise some chickens.The three rooms in the font shape, although there are some green moss marks on the walls, but overall it is very comfortable to look at.

It should not be regarded as a very poor peasant household, because there is a donkey cart in the yard.

"We came all the way, and we have to walk to the nearest town for two days. Isn't it a bit strange for this family to live here alone?" Lou Xin said.

"Knock on the door." Lou Qi doesn't care if it's strange or not, if he doesn't sleep on the bed board this night, he probably won't be able to sleep well in the next few days.

"Is anyone home?" Chen Shi knocked on the door.Because the wall is not high, the gate tower is half higher than the wall.

Soon, they saw someone coming out of the middle room, and to their surprise, it turned out to be a young woman.

There were only two silk flowers on the woman's head. She was about 25 years old. She was wearing a blue floral dress with a blue apron around her waist. She had clear features, fair skin and a graceful figure.

Seeing them, she froze for a moment, and then showed a little frightened expression.

"Who are you?" Her voice was sweet, but Chen Shi couldn't help lowering her voice.

"Sister, we are passing by and want to stay here for a night, is it convenient?"

The woman frowned slightly and said: "Going here is a mountain and there is no one else. How can someone pass by here?"Where are you going?
"We just want to go into the mountains." Lou Qi said, "To find medicine in the mountains."

"So that's how it is." The old forest in the deep mountain came out with good medicine, saying that looking for medicine was the best reason. "Wait a moment, I have to ask my father-in-law for instructions."

As she spoke, she walked towards the room on the right, and after a while, Lou Qi and the others heard a few rough coughing sounds from inside.Someone was talking, but I couldn't hear clearly.

Fan Changzi came over, looked at the closed door and snorted: "The mountain and the wild people are still playing tricks on Joe."

"Yo, ask if Tianshan is a mountain?" Lou Qi raised his eyebrows and laughed.

Fan Changzi was also numb by her anger all the way, and now he can't hold back her words.From his point of view, Lou Qi has only a few days left to live, and he will definitely not let her die comfortably!It is really unwilling to torture her well before she dies.

Fan Changzi felt vicious in his heart, and glanced at Lou Qi again.

After a while, the woman walked out with the help of an old man.Seeing the old man's face, everyone was startled, because his face turned out to be blue-gray with a streak of black, and the black was faintly like a grid, covering his face, which looked terrifying.But the old man only walked under the eaves and stopped moving forward. He seemed to avoid the sun, even though it was about to set in the sun.

"This is my father-in-law. He told you to take a look at him, otherwise you might be scared when you move in. His illness will not be passed on to others, but he is afraid of seeing the sun." The woman said.

Not to mention, if you suddenly see it like this, it will be really scary.

"We are not afraid. If it is convenient, please let us stay overnight. We will leave tomorrow morning." Lou Qi said, looking at the old man's face, a dark light flashed in her eyes.

"That's it, Chun Niang, go and invite some of you to come in." The old man was weak when he spoke.

The woman named Chun Niang nodded, walked over and opened the door, and welcomed them in.It may be because this house also has a donkey cart, so the door is made very large, Fan Changzi's carriage was also pulled in, and it stopped beside the donkey cart.

"It's windy and cold outside, everyone, hurry up and enter the main room."

The main room is the room in the middle.As soon as they entered, they found that the interior was bigger than they had imagined, and the decorations were simple. There was an Eight Immortals table in the middle, with four chairs. They were all in the color of logs, without paint, but the surface was polished very smooth. .

There was also a curtain inside. Lou Xin went over and took a look. There was only a bed and a cabinet inside, and nothing else.Chun Niang helped the old man to sit down on a bamboo and rattan chair by the window.

Lou Qi understood what they meant, although the old man should go back to the house to rest, but his young and beautiful daughter-in-law can't be alone in the same room with these men, so he has to be here too.

As soon as Fan Changzi came in, he sat down at the table, Lou Qi saw him secretly punching his lower back twice with his backhand, and couldn't help being a little mocking, no matter how good his martial arts were, he couldn't stand such a hurry.

Nalan Zilin was not polite, and sat down beside him. Chen Shi and Lou Xin did not dare to sit on the remaining two chairs.

"Sit down." Lou Qi didn't care about Fan Changzi staring at her, saying that the two guards are not qualified to sit at the same table with him, it's so funny you just stay and ask Tianshan not to come out.

"Yes." Chen Shi and Lou Xin already knew her personality, and they also knew that what she said was true. If she asked them to do it, they would not be allowed to refuse.

The two of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they sat down, they were really tired from riding their horses all the time.

Lou Qi walked towards the old man, suddenly kicked his hands and feet, and sat down on the window sill.Their window sills are all paved with stone slabs, and it is no problem to support her weight of more than ninety kilograms.

But her behavior made everyone stunned, so informal——

Lou Qi rubbed her nose, fortunately she was dressed in men's clothing, otherwise the old man and Chun Niang would have been even more shocked when they saw it.

"Chun Niang, go and make some hot tea for the guests."

"Yes, father-in-law." Chunniang walked out.

The old man coughed twice, and asked feebly, "Where are you guys from?"

Listening to what he said, Lou Qi didn't look like a real mountain villager, rolled his eyes and said: "We should be regarded as Dongqing people, but now we don't know if it counts."

Wentian Mountain is located on the border of the Eastern Qing Dynasty. It is said that the mountain is not considered to belong to the Eastern Qing Dynasty, but most of the disciples on Wentian Mountain are from the Eastern Qing Dynasty. After entering Wentian Mountain, I don’t know if it counts.Breaking domains has always been a four-way zone. Now there is a Nine Heavens Palace and an emperor, but there is no country name. I haven't heard anyone tell anyone that I belong to Breaking Domain.

However, Lou Qi didn't care about which country she was from here, she just wanted to try the old man's insights.

Sure enough, the old man was surprised when he heard her say this: "Could it be that the few of you committed crimes and were expelled from Dongqing?"

"Ahem," now it was Lou Qi's turn to cough, "No."

"That's right, went to Poyu?"

The old man didn't disappoint her this time, and said something about breaking the domain.From this, it can be seen that he is not really hiding from the world, and he is completely ignorant of the world.

"Old man knows about Po Yu?" Lou Qi wanted to hear what this old man who lived alone in the mountains thought about Shen Sha, um, let's just think of her as idle.

"Well, I've heard of it, but I heard that the emperor who broke the domain is a little scary."

Lou Qi grinned silently upon hearing this.horrible?Well, if someone sees his poisonous Gu attack for the first time, it is really possible to be scared to death.What's more, when he turned into a big killer, the method of killing shouldn't be too brutal.

The old man didn't want to talk about the outside world anymore.Chunniang brought them all hot tea, and then brought a bowl of medicine to the old man. Lou Qi told him that he was struggling to bring even a bowl of medicine, so he asked Chunniang, "Where's your man?" The family has a donkey cart, and it is impossible to rely on the old man and the woman to drive the cart, so the main labor force of this family must be living well, and it is impossible for them to be the only two.

"My husband went hunting in the mountains, and he should be back soon."

As soon as the words fell, a loud voice came from the outer door: "Chun Niang, Chun Niang, quickly get the knife!"

(End of this chapter)

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