Your heart is free

Chapter 190 Savage

Chapter 190 Savage
Lou Qi understood Nalan Huaxin's thoughts, and didn't want to talk nonsense with her.

Nalan Huaxin endured it again, and just said coldly: "Miss Lou really doesn't understand dignity." She suddenly felt that Shen Sha felt a little special because of Lou Qi?Maybe after a long time, this novelty will pass, and he will start to resent her unruly way.

But she didn't want to take any chances.

"The maturity of the Sanhan Qiujiao is coming soon. I don't have time to talk to you. I can only take you a while and point out the approximate range to Miss Lou. I also ask Miss Lou to find purple golden vines as soon as possible. After you find the purple golden vines, send When you arrive at Wentian Mountain, there will be disciples from Wentian Mountain to receive you. Miss Lou, don’t waste too much time, if the relationship between Wentian Mountain and Poyu continues to deteriorate because of you, you cannot bear the responsibility.”

"Miss Nalan already knows the exact location of the Sanhan Qiujiao?" Regardless of what she said, Lou Qi is interested in this thing, which is Shen Sha's medicine.

"This is not the scope of your concern. Could it be that with your skill, you still want to enter the inner circle of the Valley of Gods and Demons?"

Nalan Huaxin insisted not to disclose the specific range of Sanhan Qiujiao, Lou Qi's eyes flickered slightly, probably understanding her thoughts. "Then let's go quickly."

Nalan Huaxin led them down the road, once they reached the bottom of the valley, they felt the temperature was bone-chilling, and it was almost evening, the wind was blowing cold, and even Lou Qi couldn't help shivering as silk slipped into his clothes.Look at Nalan Huaxin again, but it seems that he doesn't feel much at all, Lou Qi's eyes are dim.

"Follow me. Although the outer area of ​​the Valley of Gods and Demons is not as scary as the inner area, there are still many dangers. I hope you all be more careful. Purple golden vines are sunny, so they usually grow on the east side, so you just go east. But , no, I will be with you tonight."

After walking for a while, Nalan Huaxin found an open space sheltered from the wind, "I'll spend the night here. The two of you go to collect firewood and make a fire. It's best not to go too far."

Lou Qi nodded secretly to the two of them, and Chen Shi and Lou Xin went out in two directions.

Nalan Huaxin sat on a rock, untied the veil, and turned to Lou Qi. "What does Miss Lou think of my face?"

The beauty is like orchid, quiet and stunning.Nalan Huaxin's brows and eyes are already exquisite and beautiful, and she reveals her nose and cherry lips, her snow-like skin is indeed a peerless beauty, the corners of her lips are slightly hooked, and her eyes are flowing, making Lou Qi, who is also a woman, straighten her eyes.

And she has an aloof and noble temperament. If she is dressed in white, she must be a fairy of the Guanghan Palace. However, she is wearing a fiery red dress, which reduces this kind of coolness and adds some beauty, which makes her even more beautiful. It looks very attractive.

"Miss Nalan is really stunning." Lou Qi praised this sentence sincerely.It's just that she really wants to ask, hasn't the three-year filial piety period not yet passed?Why is she dressed so brightly in red?
Nalan Huaxin slightly lowered her eyes and sighed softly. "Sha and I haven't seen each other for many years. We were childhood sweethearts back then, but the world is changing, and now we can only miss each other in two places."

I still miss each other.

Lou Qi didn't answer these words, she had already made up her mind to leave, in the future Shen Sha would marry ten or one hundred, and whoever would be the queen and who would be the concubine had nothing to do with her.She just wanted to do her best to do something for him before they parted ways with him, as if it was his love for saving her life in the Great Laughing Formation.

It's just that if she wants to leave, it doesn't mean she can tolerate being led by the nose, and she is not a cow.

Nalan Huaxin waited for Lou Qi to answer, then said again: "Tell me, how did you and Sha know each other."

Lou Qi stretched out his hand and pulled a vine, casually wove a grass ring with a long tail, threw it out at will, then pulled two more, wove a few more, and threw them out at will.

"There's nothing to say, it's just an accidental encounter."

Nalan Huaxin gritted his teeth, "Sha was so nice to you from the beginning?"

"Is he nice to me?" Lou Qi tilted her head and glanced at her, thinking about how she and Shen Sha got to know each other now, how nice it is, at first he was dissatisfied because of what she said. , without saying a word, he threw her over and almost killed her.

Also, he was unwilling to give her any silver, and he handed over two boxes of gold to Yuewei to confiscate when she carried two boxes of gold from Prince Heqing's mansion.Fortunately, she carried two boxes of gold and two other good things in the one-eyed storehouse. After arriving in the town, she went to Yinzhuang to exchange the two boxes of gold into silver bills of different denominations, and then exchanged the two boxes of gold. Some broken silver and Chen Shi each took a part.The bracelet and hairpin are also carried with me.

She knew that Fan Changzi planned to come here to touch the things back at the beginning, but she never found the opportunity and gave up.

I don't know what will happen if Fan Changzi finds out that the warehouse has been emptied after returning.

Nalan Huaxin saw that she seemed to be remembering something, and suddenly laughed, thinking that she was thinking about the sweet past with Shen Sha, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin came back not long after, one gathered firewood, and the other hunted a small raccoon.This thing is well made and the meat is also very delicious.

The two of them had already skillfully divided and cooperated with each other along the way, and when the preparations were finished, it was Lou Qi who did it.

Nalan Huaxin was also stunned to see Lou Qi take out various small bottles of condiments from his bag.She really didn't see so many kinds of condiments required for grilling meat.

But when the meat was roasted, the strange aroma almost made her unable to hold back her airs and rushed over. "Have you ever grilled meat for Sha?"

Lou Qi could not help but smile sweetly when she heard her saying "Sha", "That's right, Miss Nalan, let me tell you something, remember it. If you want to catch a man, you must first catch his stomach. "

Nalan Hua was stunned.

One wild raccoon is enough to feed four people.

It was cold at night.A few people could only gather around the fire, but fortunately they all brought cloaks before entering the mountain, but even so, the cold wind and the cold dew were still shivering.

"Chen Shi, Lou Xin, come closer."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin nodded and approached Lou Qi, who was sitting in the middle, with the two clinging to her on the left and the right.Nalan Huaxin looked at her eyebrows slightly furrowed, it was really shameless to be so close like a male guard.

Lou Qi didn't miss the scorn in her eyes, and couldn't help laughing secretly.At this time, everyone sitting closer is just to keep warm, so why are you so obscene?
However, Nalan Huaxin is not afraid of the cold, which is a bit strange. "Miss Nalan, do you want to come over and keep warm together?"

"A man and a woman can't kiss each other." Nalan Huaxin's tone was very cold.

Lou Qi shrugged.

Chen Shi lowered his voice and said, "It is rumored that there is a treasure in Tianshan Mountain. It is a silkworm robe. Not only is it invulnerable to swords and guns, but after wearing it, it can withstand the extreme heat in summer and the severe cold in winter. Miss Nalan may have worn that silkworm robe. .”

Lou Qi suddenly realized that this is the case, and there is such a treasure.

Nalan Huaxin should have heard Chen Shi's words, but he just stroked Ziyu Xiao with his fingers and did not speak.

The valley is silent, the night is getting deeper and deeper, the fire is burning, and occasionally there is a light crackling sound.Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew by, and the fire was extinguished all of a sudden.

Without the firelight, the surroundings were suddenly plunged into a dark night.And the temperature seems to have dropped several degrees at once.

Lou Qi suddenly opened her eyes, and pressed Chen Shi and Lou Xin left and right, signaling them not to act rashly.There was no movement from Nalan Huaxin, but Lou Qi knew she was there.



There are weird sounds approaching from far away, like footsteps, but they don't sound like normal people's footsteps, because each sound is a bit slow and the landing is heavy.

Hoo hoo.Another gust of wind blew over, making them all unbearably goosebumps.The wind was blowing, maybe it was the wind that was mentioned, the wind was icy cold, and it was a bit creepy.

Suddenly, something moved under his feet, the corner of Lou Qi's mouth curled up, he quickly reached out and grabbed a vine, and pulled it hard.

With a bang, something fell to the ground.


When Lou Qi made a sound, Lou Xin immediately jumped up and lit the fire.Lou Qi was holding a vine in his hand, and the other end of the vine was woven into a ring, which was bound to a person's ankle at this time.The man was thrown to the ground by Lou Qi just now, he was struggling but couldn't get up.

"Is this a human?" Chen Shi looked at it and exclaimed in surprise.

Lou Qi nodded: "So it is indeed a human being."

"This is a savage." Nalan Huaxin also walked over, instead of looking at the savage, he glanced at Lou Qi with surprise in his eyes.

She saw that the grass ring that restrained the savage was just made by Lou Qi in a boring way.She thought it was really boring, but she didn't expect that it was also a trap!
For a moment, she felt that it was not surprising that Lou Qi could become a threat!But since this is the case, she deserves to die even more!
Savages, I don't know when they first appeared in this Valley of Gods and Demons, but the one they caught should not be young anymore. He has atavism, hair all over his body, and his face looks a bit like an orangutan. He is not tall. , about 1.6 meters long, without clothes, and with very long and sharp teeth.When he roared, there was a foul smell in his mouth, which made people shy away.

And this savage seems to have been injured, otherwise he wouldn't have been unable to struggle after being torn down by Lou Qi. When he finally struggled, he grabbed the raccoon skeleton that they had thrown aside before with one hand and gnawed on it. up.

The hard bone was like a brittle bone in his mouth, Gaba Gaba bit it off, and then he heard his chewing sound, actually chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

That's a bone!

Watching him open his mouth again, a fang directly bit the bone, and they all felt that their bones were hurting.There was no doubt at all, if they were caught by this savage, they would be eaten raw.

"Girl, what should I do?" Chen Shi asked in a low voice.

Just as Lou Qi was about to answer, the savage dropped his bones and turned to look at her.Suddenly, she saw the light of hunger and greed in the wild man's eyes.


Just as she said the word back, the savage had burst out with speed and strength that he didn't have before, and rushed towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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