Chapter 191
Lou Qi was startled by the fierceness of the savage's pounce on him, and what made her even more shocked was that he didn't look so uncivilized and so stupid on the outside, but he had an IQ, and he couldn't get up just now because he was confused One of their means!
Lou Qi hurriedly backed away from the taxi, but suddenly felt a strong wind coming, and the target was her leg!At that angle, there was no one else except Nalan Huaxin!
To actually play tricks at this time——

Lou Qi had no way to avoid it, the savage flew over in front of him, opened his mouth, the sharp teeth were ready to bite down on her, she could only continue to retreat, the stone hit her right She was mentally prepared, she gritted her teeth and held on, instead of falling forward and sending herself to the mouth of the savage as soon as her legs gave way, she endured the severe pain and continued to retreat.

"Chen Ten! Pull!"

Following her order, Chen Shi rushed forward, grabbed the vine that bound the savage's right foot with both hands, Lou Xin also stepped forward to help, the two of them pulled hard, and the savage fell to the ground again .

Lou Qi became ruthless, with his hands up and down, he rushed over and cut the savage's throat, blood spurting straight out.

Because it was night, with the slight moonlight, Nalan Huaxin didn't see the smash in Lou Qi's hand, but she could smell it very strongly.

Bloody smell.

Lou Xin lit the fire again, and Nalan Huaxin finally saw clearly the savage whose throat had been cut. After all this time, the blood was still spraying, but Lou Qi looked indifferent, sweeping lightly. Take a look, that look seems to say, don't think I don't know what you did.

Nalan Huaxin was startled.

Good skill, tough heart, smart and prudent, strong mind, special personality, and good looks.

During this short period of getting along, Lou Qi has already brought her a lot of surprises and surprises. For a man like Shen Sha, such a woman is fatally attractive to him. She knows, so she actually I have been working hard to transform myself into such a person!
But Lou Qi looks like he was born like this!

She was jealous, madly jealous.

Lou Qi must die!
Lou Qi glanced at her, probably able to know what she was thinking right now, nothing more than wanting her life.However, there are too many people who want her life. Even in modern times, her life is worth a high price, but no one can take it away.

Nalan Huaxin wants her life, let's wait and see.

"Didn't Miss Nalan ask about the genius of Tianshan martial arts? Why didn't you make a move just now?" Chen Shi didn't have much admiration and respect for Nalan Huaxin at the moment. He stood aside and watched how many of their girls were attacked. mean?It is clearly malicious.

"Who allowed you to be presumptuous? In what capacity are you questioning me?" Nalan Huaxin looked at Chen Shi coldly, his powerful inner strength unleashed coercion, and together, a high-level look could overwhelm a low-priced one.

Chen Shi's face turned pale, and fine beads of sweat oozed from the corner of his forehead.

Suddenly, Lou Qi patted Chen Shi's shoulder with one hand, and said with a smile, "Miss Nalan, don't make such a rash move, and I'll be very incensed."

With just one slap from her, Chen Shi felt that the huge pressure was relieved at once.

He was also surprised, Nalan Huaxin's inner strength is really deep and incomparable!The rumors are correct, her martial arts attainments have reached astonishing heights.

Lou Qi blocked her coercion with such a single hand, and Nalan Huaxin's face was not very good-looking.Lou Qi's internal strength is comparable to hers?But why?She is just an ordinary person from a lowly background who doesn't even know where her parents and family are, and she has enjoyed the best resources in Wentian Mountain since she was a child to have the skill she is today. The starting point is different. Does this mean that Lou Is Qi's talent better than hers?
"Okay, let's get some rest, tomorrow we have to set off to find purple vines." Lou Qi ignored the corpse of the savage next to him and yawned.

She was sitting between Chen Shi and Lou Xin, and the three leaned together to keep warm, completely ignoring Nalan Huaxin's contemptuous gaze.

Nothing happened that night, it was really cold, so they all woke up very early in the morning, Chen Shi and Lou Xin divided their labor again to prepare boiling water for breakfast, and Lou Qi did a set of Tai Chi not far away.

After a set of Tai Chi, the body is already warm, and the spirit is also very good.

"What kind of kung fu is that?" Nalan Huaxin woke up at some point, and happened to see the two poses behind her.Like dancing, no, dancing is not so slow.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows: "Chinese Kungfu. Miss Nalan wants to learn it?"

What a joke!Does she need to learn kung fu from her?Besides, can that ridiculously slow movement be called kung fu?
You should take it to the underworld to teach ghosts.

Nalan Huaxin naturally did not say these words.After breakfast, she took them for a long walk, and said that she had already walked this part of the road, so there was no problem. Unfortunately, after saying this, even the two guards didn't have a word of gratitude. This made Nalan Huaxin's face under the veil dark for a long time.

There was a small stream in front of him, and there was mist on the other side of the stream, Nalan Huaxin stopped: "I can only send you here, you go to find the purple golden vine, and I want to go into the inner circle to find the Sanhan Qiujiao."

"Miss Nalan, you have to take care when you go."

"What do you mean?" Nalan Huaxin squinted at Lou Qi.

Lou Qi blinked innocently: "What's the point? It means literally. I heard that the inner circle is extremely dangerous. I'm also worried about you."

"Worry about yourselves, don't take it lightly at the periphery!" She took out three black pills: "Take one each of you, there are many places in the bottom of the valley with miasma, which is poisonous, if you inhale too much, you will fall into hallucinations, and if you are serious, you will be alive It's dangerous, and I can't save you if anything happens."

After receiving the pill, none of the three took it immediately, Nalan Huaxin narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why, don't you believe me?"

"How could it be?" Lou Qi laughed, and took the lead to take the pill.Chen Shi also took it, but when Lou Xin was about to take it, his hand suddenly went numb, and the pill fell to the ground, and it suddenly fell apart.

"Lou Xin, why are you so careless, Miss Nalan's medicine can't be bought outside, what should I do if it's a waste!" Lou Qi glared at him.

Lou Xin didn't understand what was going on, why couldn't he even take a medicine just now?

Nalan Huaxin took another medicine and handed it over: "Forget it, fortunately, I still have one here. I kept it for myself, so I will give it to you."

"Miss Nalan, what about you?" Lou Xin was taken aback, a little embarrassed to take the medicine.

"My skills are stronger than yours, it's okay." Nalan Huaxin glanced at Lou Qi after speaking; "Miss Lou must also be careful."

"Then leave it alone."

"We will meet later, there is a time."

Nalan Huaxin's figure flashed, and he had gone a hundred steps away in the blink of an eye.

"The speed is so fast." Chen Shi whispered.

"Nalan Huaxin's martial arts is indeed very high." Lou Qi watched her figure disappear into the dense forest ahead, and then turned to Lou and said, "Give me the medicine."

Lou Xin and Chen Shi spread their hands, and the medicine suddenly appeared in his palm.What they swallowed just now in front of Nalan Huaxin was nothing but the antidote pill that Lou Qi gave him last night.And how could they take the medicine that Nalan Huaxin gave.

Lou Qi spread out her hands, and there was also a medicine in her palm.

"Let me see what the hell Nalan Huaxin is doing." Lou Qi first crushed the two medicines she and Chen Shi had, and tasted a little bit with the tip of her tongue.

"Girl, what's the problem?" Lou Qi told them in a voice that only they could hear when they were resting together. If Nalan Huaxin gave anything today, he would pretend to eat it in front of her. , did not expect that Nalan Huaxin really gave medicine.

"It's not poison." After analyzing the ingredients and effects of the medicine, Lou Qi couldn't help but sneered.Nalan Huaxin Ganqing came up with this idea.

These two medicines are indeed not poisons, they just have a certain effect of confusing the mind, and there is also an ingredient that can make people emotionally excited. If you take this medicine and then enter the hallucinogenic miasma, the effect is not just one plus one. If it is as simple as two, then the whole person will go crazy!In addition to madness, there is another point, aphrodisiac.

Nalan Huaxin wanted her to lose her body in the illusion, and the person who lost her body was still Chen Shi.

Although she said it wasn't poison, Chen Shi and Lou Xin knew that it was definitely not a good thing when they saw her cold expression.

Lou Qi crushed Lou Xin's medicine again, after tasting it, her complexion changed several times.

"Okay, Nalan Huaxin, it really is a good job."

"Girl, is there something wrong with this one?" Lou Xin frowned and asked, "Could it be that this one is poison?"

Lou Qi shook her head and said, "No, not only is this one not a poison, but it's also a rare good medicine!" She pinched it lightly, condensed the powder into another one, and handed it to Lou Xin, "Don't waste it, you eat it!" gone."

Lou Xin, who was afraid to take it just now, listened to her words and swallowed the medicine without saying a word.

Nalan Huaxin numbed Lou Xin's hand with a vigorous shot, and changed him a separate medicine, the original purpose was here.Lou Qi's eyes gradually became darker, very well, Nalan Huaxin really succeeded in angering her.

Chen Shi looked at Lou Xin and asked curiously, "How do you feel?"

Lou Xin only felt a surge of heat rushing away in his dantian, spreading towards the four meridians and eight meridians.This, this is a sign of increased internal strength!

He immediately adjusted his breath, fusing that internal force for his own use.

"Girl, this medicine—"

The corner of Lou Qi's mouth twitched: "This medicine is not bad. There are many good things in it. It can not only relieve miasma, but also enhance internal strength."

Lou Xin nodded: "That's right, I can feel that my internal strength has increased!"

Chen Shi was puzzled: "Since it's a good medicine, why did the girl get angry after seeing those two medicines just now?" Lou Qi put those two medicines in a dark face just now, is it a good thing and doesn't take it? ?
"Lou Xin's one is a good medicine, but our two are different." She told about the effects of the two medicines just now, even if the aphrodisiac effect was not hidden from them, Chen Shi's face turned blue for a while. Red and black.

Wanting to plan him to have an affair with Miss Lou, this Nalan Huaxin is really full of vicious ideas!

(End of this chapter)

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