Chapter 203

This was when Lou Qi was most powerless.This was the most anxious time for Lou Qi.

Last time with Shen Sha in the Laughing Formation of Life, although it was extremely dangerous, and she almost died, but at least it was a formation she knew, and she knew how to solve it, but her ability was a little low, and it was very painful to solve.

But this time was different, she didn't know how to get rid of the cloud flower worms in Chen Shi's body at all, and she didn't know what was going on with this strange water at all!And those two things got mixed up.She felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and even felt devastated.

All emotions were ignited at the moment when Nalan Huaxin and his party took the opportunity to pass the creek silently.

Nalan Huaxin, who had already crossed the creek and ran out of a safe distance, turned her head and met Lou Qi's gaze. She suddenly smiled sweetly, raised her hand in the smile, and made a cutting motion at the throat, Then he turned around and left in a good mood.

Lou Qi gritted his teeth and watched her back go away, feeling like vomiting blood in his heart.When had she suffered such a loss?When did you suffer such a loss!
This revenge is not avenged, and her surname is not Lou.

But just as she was distracted, the water dragon had already wrapped her right wrist, and an incomparably ferocious force immediately dragged her towards the creek.Lou Qi was pulled by this force and fell to the ground before being dragged into the stream.

"Girl!" Lou Xin yelled, letting go of Chen Shi and rushing over, Kankan grabbed her feet, causing her to be castrated.

"Ah!" Chen Shi screamed again. He grabbed the worm threads desperately with both hands, but it was obviously futile. It's all wrapped up.Chen Shi fell to his knees with a plop, and roared in pain with all his strength. "ah!!!"

He wanted to hold on, but this kind of pain was beyond what he could bear. It was not just pain, but also fear and despair. If you were to die in battle, the worst thing would be to have your head cut off, or a sword pierced through your heart. dead, he is not afraid of those.But now the feeling of the innumerable growths penetrating out of the body is really too weird, and the pain is indescribable at all.He even felt like a monster.

"Chen Shi!" Lou Qi roared, trembling all over.She hated this feeling of watching her partner die while she was powerless! ! !
The force pulling her was getting stronger and stronger, and Lou Xin couldn't hold her back, and the two of them were almost pulled into the stream.

Lou Qi gritted her teeth, will she be forced to go that way in the end?

Her death was in exchange for Chen Shi and Lou Xin's life.

One for two, worth it.value!
Lou Qi bit the tip of her tongue, and the sweet blood spread in her mouth.

Lou Xin suddenly found that Lou Qi's aura had changed. Anger, despair, powerlessness, pain, and anxiety all disappeared. She was very calm now, no, it was very cold, extremely cold, her aura suddenly seemed like a dark and boundless , His heart trembled from the cold.

And the force that was pulling them seemed to stop suddenly, as if being suppressed by this coldness.

He helped her stand up in a daze, and saw her left hand slowly forming a tactic, as if a ray of air was swirling around her fingers, and then, she suddenly sprayed out blood mist all over the sky.


"Use the blood curse of my own life to purify!" Lou Qi looked indifferent, his eyes seemed to be frozen for thousands of miles, but his body exuded boundless killing intent.

The strange water retreated back into the stream with a swish, as if it knew it was afraid. The stream was as calm as if nothing had happened just now.

A sudden gust of wind sent her black hair dancing wildly.

Lou Xin involuntarily took a few steps back, but Lou Qi ignored him, and walked towards Chen Shi step by step, then, stretched out his hand, grabbed the entangled worm threads, and pulled hard.

"Give them all to die."

Pfft, another gust of blood sprayed out, and those worm threads melted after being stained with blood.Lou Qi formed a formula with both hands, and then pressed her palms on top of Chen Shi's head, a bloody mist emerged from her palms, slowly covering Chen Shi's whole body.

Lou Xin watched in amazement as countless red worm threads poured down from Chen Shi's body like a waterfall of water, covering the ground, and then suddenly burned up, turning into light smoke.

He was ecstatic that Lou Qi was able to kill the cloud flower worm, but when his eyes fell on Lou Qi, his whole body shook, and he cried out: "Stop, girl, stop!"

He had never seen such a situation before, the face of Lou Qi, whose skin was crystal clear and plump, turned as pale as paper, and there were visible wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, mouth, and cheeks, His complexion also became dull, and he suddenly seemed to be 30 years older!
Lou Xin remembered, the natal blood curse she was talking about, shouldn't it be to drain her blood and vitality?

If so, saving Chen Shi but killing her, how could this be, how could it be!

Lou Xin rushed towards her with red eyes, trying to push her away, but Lou Qi just turned his face and glanced at him lightly. Stand still.

Miss Lou's eyes are so scary, so scary.

Lou Qi knew that her life was passing by quickly, but her heart was also cold and hard.She doesn't like this part of her personality, but this is when she is at her strongest.

"Girl, girl, stop—" Lou Xin was about to despair.

At this moment, a call to the Buddha seemed to resound in the sky.


What appeared was not a monk wearing cassock and holding Buddhist beads, but an old man with gray hair and beard and a suit of white clothes.

He looked at Lou Qi with strange eyes, and took a step forward.

"Old man, why are you here?" Lou Qi looked at him coldly, if it was an enemy, she wouldn't mind killing him immediately.

"The little girl is from the Lou family?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" At this time, Lou Qi remembered what Old Man He said, that he also met an old man with white hair and white beard in this Valley of Gods and Demons before he was able to escape, could it be this old man?Could it be that he lives in this Valley of Gods and Demons?How did he know about Lou's family?

"That's it." The old man was not angry at her cruelty, but his eyes lit up: "The Lou family has no original blood for a hundred years, and I didn't expect to lose one. Little girl, you have It would be too wasteful for the original blood of the Lou family to fall like this, do you want me to save you?"

When Lou Xin heard this, he immediately knelt down: "Senior, please save my girl!"

"You say it's useless, I want this little girl to beg the old man herself." The old man looked at Lou Qi with a smile.This little girl is cold now, and she looks very proud. It is probably difficult for her to beg him.

"Please save me."

The old man staggered and almost fell.

Without this, there is no sense of accomplishment at all!What about being cold and proud?

Lou Qi really wanted to slap him in the face, he was about to die, what could coldness and pride do?

Embarrassment appeared on the old man's face: "I can save it, but the premise is to find the miasma green skin spirit fruit. Only one of that thing grows in this Valley of Gods and Devils, and it will bear five fruits in a hundred years. You have to eat all five fruits. If one is eaten by a bird, it will not be effective enough. The old man has been searching here for several months, but he has not found it—”

Two green-gray fruits appeared in front of him, "Is this what you're talking about?"


Lou Qi raised her eyebrows and waited for his answer.

The old man swallowed: "How did you find it? The old man has been looking for it for half a year, and I have gone in and touched the inner wall several times—"

"That tree is at the inner entrance." She found this fruit when they first entered the miasma layer. At that time, she ate three in a row, but Chen Shi and Lou Xin thought the fruit's skin looked very The miasma-like color made me feel weird psychologically, so I didn't want to eat it.

But this day they didn't have any water to drink, they were dying of thirst, but Lou Qi didn't feel thirsty.She was already a little suspicious of whether those fruits had any special effects, but the old man said it out, and she knew it was it as soon as she heard it.

The old man was about to vomit blood.He searched for it for half a year, and even picked places that looked extremely dangerous. How could he have thought that this tree was growing at the entrance?Ordinary people would not want to eat this kind of fruit, because the appearance is so unattractive, like the skin of a corpse, who knows that it would be good to meet this little girl, and they immediately fell in love with it.

This is life!
He sighed: "Amitabha."

"Farewell to Amitabha, it's not a monk. Save a word, if you don't save, go away and don't bother me." After Lou Qi finished speaking, he started to eat the remaining two fruits.

She is not stupid, the old man said that this kind of fruit can save her, so, no matter what method, she eats it first, and she has already eaten three before, and she will make up five, maybe she won't do it without him die.

In the blink of an eye, she ate those two fruits, and the old man couldn't grab them even if he wanted to.

"Hey, little girl, are you really an old man and can't you grab it?" If she has five now, he will definitely grab them. What's the use of only two left?

The old man has infinite resentment.

As soon as these two fruits fell into his stomach, Lou Qi felt that the vitality that he had continuously let out suddenly slowed down.She was overjoyed, it seemed that she didn't have to die.

As soon as his mind relaxed, the cold-hearted Lou Qi retreated, and the Lou Qi who was usually familiar to Lou Xin and the others returned.

"Girl?" Chen Shi also calmed down, the blood mist dissipated, and the cloud flower worms on his face and neck disappeared without even leaving a trace.But seeing Lou Qi's 30-year-old appearance, he was so shocked that he knelt on the ground and couldn't get up.

They are just guards, just her servants!Why can she do this for them?

Chen Shi's eyes were covered with tears.

"Don't worry, I can't die." Lou Qi deeply felt that God still favored her. If this life blood curse was used in other places, she would definitely die. Who knew that this magic valley happened to have such a spirit? If you can save her?

"But, girl, your appearance—" Although life is safe, but this looks like a 50-[-]-year-old, who can bear it?If the emperor sees the girl's current appearance, he must cut them into pieces!
(End of this chapter)

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