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Chapter 204 Let Me Save

Chapter 204 Let Me Save
It is impossible for Lou Qi not to care about her appearance, she is still young, if she becomes a middle-aged woman like this, who can bear it?But the most important thing now is to save her life, and if she can save her life, she will find a way to restore her youth in the future.

Fortunately, the cloud flower worm was completely cured, and it cost most of her life.

Thinking of this, she wanted to peel Nalan Huaxin's skin, eat her flesh, drink her blood, and then turn her bones into fertilizer to raise ghost flowers in mass graves.

As for the strange water in the creek, she is not interested in knowing now.

With a flash of her figure, Chen Shi and Lou Xin immediately supported her from left to right, and put their hands together, Lou Qi laughed at herself: "It really feels like a queen mother."


Seeing her weakness, both Chen Shi and Lou Xin were so uncomfortable that their throats were choked up, and they were a little speechless.

The old man looked at Lou Qi: "Little girl, why are you here? Didn't you want to go back to Lou's house?"

"Are you from the Lou family?"

"Not really." The old man shook his head, looked at the wrinkles on her face, and finally said, "I'll save you this time, and you can do me a favor in the future, how about it?"

Lou Qi saw just now that the reason why the old man said so easily to help her was because he thought that she would not be able to get that spiritual fruit, but he did not expect that she would be so lucky to get it.Whether he should save her or not has been debating for a long time. It is conceivable that it is not so easy to save her like this.

Lou Qi knew it himself.

It was no longer saving her life, it was restoring her vitality and making up for her lost vitality.In fact, she had a faint thought in her heart, even without the old man's help, she might be able to find useful rare medicinal materials if she stayed in the Valley of Gods and Demons, even if it was a powerful nourishment to go back.Because there are too many medicinal materials in the Valley of Gods and Demons.

Treasures of heaven and earth.

Therefore, she is not so desperate right now, as long as her life is saved, everything is possible.

Of course, it is better if someone is willing to help.

However, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and she still understands this. "Old man, do you want me to give you an IOU? If you want me to help you destroy this planet one day, how can I do it?"


Why did he want her to destroy the planet?
"Forget it, I don't need you to save me, I'll figure it out by myself." Lou Qi shook his head.

The old man was dumbfounded all of a sudden, how could someone refuse to be rescued?A girl as beautiful as a flower, with such an old face, can she really bear it?

Lou Qi wasn't joking with him, he stretched out his hands, "Xiao Shizi, Xiao Louzi, help Ai's family get up."

Chen Shi: "."

Lou Xin: "."

They are not eunuchs in the Eastern Qing Palace, girl!

Seeing that she really wanted to leave, the old man immediately went around to stop her: "Hey, hey, the talented little girl from the Lou family, don't go, we can talk again."

"Genius little girl?"

"You don't know? Those who can practice the blood curse of life in the Lou family are all from the original blood. To put it bluntly, they are the most talented descendants of the Lou family." The old man looked at her, "You must be from a house in the Lou family, no wonder The Lou family didn’t know there was such a genius, if they knew—”

His words stopped here.

Lou Qi rolled her eyes: "I hate people who say half of what they say and leave half of it."

The old man laughed and said, "Since you are living outside, have you thought about going back?"

"No." Lou Qi replied neatly: "Besides, the Lou family may not necessarily be the one you mentioned."

"You're thinking wrong. Anyone who can practice the Blood Curse must belong to the Lou family. Since you don't want to go back now, it's useless for me to say more. However, I will save you, and I won't need your help in the future." What do you think about destroying this planet and doing what you can?"

"Within my power and against my will?"

"You little girl, you can still bargain—" Seeing that she was about to leave again, the old man had no choice but to change his words: "Okay, okay, I promise, I promise, can I save it now?"

Uh, why do you think it's weird that the person who wants to help has to beg the other party to help him?

What made him vomit blood was yet to come.

Lou Qi shook his head and said, "I still have important things to do now, I'll ask you for help when I'm done."

Chen Shi: "."

Lou Xin: "."

Old man: "."Hey, little girl, is it really okay for the person to be rescued to be so cool?

Then he heard his own voice: "What are you going to do? Do you need help?"

What a mouth!Can you take it back——

"Okay! Old man, maybe you can really help me with this matter." Lou Qi's eyes lit up.

Talked like he was so useless that he had finally found something he could help with.The corner of the old man's mouth twitched, "Tell me first."

"Didn't you say that you have been wandering around in this Valley of Gods and Demons for several months? Then you should know where San Han Qiu Jiao is?"

Three Cold Autumn Flood Dragons?So she came here for that thing?The old man froze for a moment, thought about it, well, although he also wanted that thing, he didn't have to, so he just sold her favor. "I know, but the Sanhanqiu Jiao will not be unearthed until tomorrow night."

in time!
"You take us to take a shortcut."

"Hey, I said you are really rude, little girl, how did you know that I would take you there?" The old man blew his beard and stared.

"After I get the Sanhan Qiujiao, I'll help you find what you want."

An hour later, the old man who led the three of them on their way still couldn't help asking Lou Qi: "How do you know I'm looking for something?"

Lou Qi gave him a sideways look, expressing contempt.

I have been here a few years ago, and this time I have been here for half a year. Is it because I like the cloud flower insects here?Although he said he was looking for that kind of fruit, after knowing that she had eaten it, he just felt a little regretful, and he didn't feel strongly angry or sad, which showed that his main purpose was not that kind of spiritual fruit.

Of course, no matter what it is, Lou Qi promised to help him find it, but there is no guarantee that he will find it.Of course she didn't say this.

The inner circle of the Valley of Gods and Demons was larger than she had imagined. Although it was a shortcut, it still took them a whole day to reach their destination.

This should be the core area of ​​the Valley of Gods and Demons. There are various trees with different postures, and all kinds of fragrant fruits are full of branches.

"Many of these fruits are poisonous, you'd better not eat them casually." The old man reminded.

They chose a place with the most fruit trees to rest and wait.Tonight, the Three Cold Autumn Jiaojiao will be unearthed, and now we can only wait.

After two hours, Nalan Huaxin and his party arrived here, but they appeared opposite them.Sure enough, the old man took a shortcut and arrived much earlier than them.

When Lou Qi saw Nalan Huaxin, his breath became cold.She and Nalan Huaxin have become hostile not only because of Shen Sha's relationship.Nalan Huaxin treats her, and she remembers all the schemes of Chen Shi and Lou Xin in her heart.Chen Shi almost died in that scalp-numbing way, and she was also forced to use the natal blood curse, hanging by a thread, exhausting her vitality and turning into a middle-aged woman in her 50s, if she hadn't happened to meet this strange The old man, plus she was lucky enough to pick five spirit fruits first, she is now dead.

"Girl, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge." Chen Shi hated Nalan Huaxin very much, but he was worried that Lou Qi would take revenge on her now.

Lou Qi withdrew her gaze and continued to fiddle with the medicine in her hand, "Your girl is not a gentleman, but don't worry, I'm not such an impulsive person."

Nalan Huaxin's cultivation level is not lower than hers. Although she has other tricks, such as spells, behind Nalan Huaxin is the entire Wentian Mountain. Wentian Mountain has existed at such a height for so long. It must be better than her. Seeing that they can come up with various anti-drug and anti-miasma pills this time, and know how to deal with cloud flower insects, then there must be many good things and life-saving things on Nalan Huaxin's body.

Another point, if she kills Nalan Huaxin now, the Great Elder Wen Tianshan will definitely fight her hard. She has never met that Great Elder, and she doesn't know how the other party is cultivated. is a fool.Wen Tianshan now knows that she was sent to the Valley of Gods and Demons by Fan Changzi, and if Nalan Huaxin died here, it is conceivable that the other party will definitely place the responsibility on her head.

If she wanted to kill her, she would have to wait until she got out of the Valley of Gods and Demons, when she could clear her suspicions.

Besides, Shen Sha's situation is also difficult now, if she doesn't cause trouble to him, she won't cause trouble to him.

Nalan Huaxin didn't notice them, because there was still a distance between the two sides, and Lou Qi and the others were the first to arrive, so they had already chosen the best position.Nalan Huaxin probably didn't expect that they were still alive.

I just don't know if she still regrets that she was exposed when she asked the sword and ink at the last moment, and she couldn't follow Lou Xin back to Poyu.

Wen Jian bowed his head and followed Nalan Huaxin, looking at his appearance, Nalan Huaxin really didn't know how to force out the cloud flower worm, but there should be a way to temporarily resist, otherwise Wen Jian would not be so calm.

I want to wait until I get the Sanhan Qiujiao and ask Tianshan to find someone to find a way.

It's just that Nalan Huaxin can't kill her for the time being, but she will definitely kill Wenjian and Wenmo, if she doesn't get some rest first, how can she be worthy of herself.

Because it was still early, Lou Xin went to find something to eat, and Lou Qi sorted out the medicinal materials he had dug up before, put those that could be preserved into boxes, and those that could not be preserved were made into pills. Continue to dig herbs.In an hour, she dug up two large bags of rare medicinal materials, and the harvest was full, which made her feel much better.

Soon, night came.

There is an open space in the middle, no grass grows, the soil is black, and it looks very soft. It is easy to find such a place, but those who don’t know don’t know what such a small open space is for.

That is the place where the Three Cold Autumn Jiao grows.

The troublesome thing now is that there will only be one plant of San Hanqiujiao, and it will only grow for one night. When it grows, you can't see the fire, but if you don't look at it, you don't know its growth.Moreover, it is not easy to compete with Nalan Huaxin. Nalan Huaxin has more people than them now.

Lou Qi rolled his eyes and had an idea.Anyway, the time has not yet come, so take advantage of the present, go and kill a few of them!

Under the light of the moon, the old man who came to join in the fun saw her bright eyes and couldn't help being curious, "What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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