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Chapter 205 The Ultimate Night Pearl

Chapter 205 The Ultimate Night Pearl

Lou Qi glanced at him, decided to kidnap and sell the elderly, ah no, ask for help.

"Old man, do you want to exercise your muscles and bones? If you don't exercise, I'm afraid you won't be able to toss your old bones in the future, and you won't be able to act anymore."

The old man blew his beard and stared at her first, then he was stunned for a moment after thinking about it: "What play?"

"How do I know what you're acting in? Old man Jin."

As soon as the old man Jin said these three words, the old man jumped up and took three steps back, his eyes were as wide as a bull's eye, and he looked at her in disbelief: "Impossible, how did you recognize it?"

Lou Qi rolled his eyes, "I'm just younger than you, isn't it better that I'm dumber than you?" First of all, everyone has their own smell, and most people may not be able to smell it, but Lou Qi, who has taken medicinal baths since childhood, has already practiced it. After being soaked in the pungent potion, you can still smell the old man outside the house eating potato chips. Do you think she can smell it?
I was skeptical at first, but later the old man knew that she might not need to be rescued by himself, and he wanted her to be rescued by himself. After searching for the spiritual fruit for half a year, she didn't feel any distress at all, so he asked him to lead the way to San Hanqiu Jiao took them away for two hours without any complaints, and accompanied her cat here for half a day to guard the three cold autumn Jiao, if it was a stranger, would you believe it?
Who would be so nice to a stranger?
Besides, Mr. Jin was originally an old naughty boy, whose whereabouts were erratic, and he liked role-playing. When he went back to Yunfeng Mountain Villa, he even pretended to be a money-grubbing boatman. Nothing is impossible.

Both Chen Shi and Lou Xin looked at Mr. Jin in shock, they couldn't recognize him at all——

It was completely unexpected that this old man turned out to be that old Jin.They were a little dumbfounded, but they could really act.

Elder Jin also rolled his eyes: "It's not fun, it's not fun, you recognized it all. Girl Qi, tell me where I have flaws, and I'll correct them next time."

"I'll talk about this when I have time. Now I'm going to kill people. Are you going?"

"Girl Qi, you talk about going to kill people as if you're going to eat. Are you sure that smelly and cold kid like you will like it?"

Lou Qi stared at him, he quickly raised his hand and said: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything, don't say anything, let's go, whoever you want to kill, I will accompany you."

"You are going to exercise your muscles and bones." Lou Qi squinted.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin held back their laughter.To put it bluntly, their girl just didn't want to owe him any more favors, and it probably had something to do with the fact that Mr. Jin took their gold leaves and ran away last time.

Mr. Jin had a bitter face. He went to help, and he could only say that he was going to exercise his muscles and bones. This girl is really——

Needless to say, the kung fu of the two of them quietly approached Nalan Huaxin without anyone noticing.They acted separately, one approached from the left, the other advanced from the right, and soon each found their targets.

Lou Qi did not expect that the first person she met would be Wenmo.

Because the time was not up yet, Nalan Huaxin spread out the people a little and defended the piece of soil in a semi-surrounded state. If it wasn't for the lack of people, she probably wanted to surround them in a full circle.

You can't light a fire, you can only act by moonlight.Wen Mo pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword, stood under a tree, looked ahead, and sighed.Lou Qi saw the direction he was looking at, it was Wenjian.

Could it be that he was worried about the cloud flower worm in Wenjian's body?She really wanted to tell him, don't worry, I will kill him first to save him from such a horrible death, isn't it very kind?

Wen Mo suddenly felt a little cold behind him, he secretly clenched his sword, turned around suddenly and wanted to draw out his sword at the same time, but he had no chance.

Because at the moment when he turned his head back, there was a flash of cold light, and he only felt that something stabbed his chest, and the fear before death surrounded him.

Lou Qi, it's Lou Qi.

He wanted to call out her name with all his strength, but he couldn't make a sound when he opened his mouth.

Lou Qi reached out to grab him, and put him down gently, so as not to startle the others with the sound of the body falling to the ground.Looking at his open mouth, she smiled coldly.

The dumb medicine just made in the afternoon is now in use.There are too many medicinal materials in this valley, so she made some kinds of medicines, and it would cost money to go out and buy them.

After finishing Wenmo, she took a few steps forward, and a guard was quietly walking behind a tree not far away, and the sound of water flowing could be heard after a while.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and those who solve the three urgent problems will still be killed.But Qingli kindly asked her to finish the housework and pull up her pants.

Then her eyes fell on Wen Jian not far away.

Wen Jian suddenly turned his head and looked to this side suspiciously.

Sure enough, alert.Lou Qi boasted secretly, but the more outstanding he is, the more he will make Nalan Hua feel distressed if he is killed.She didn't believe it was so easy to train an elite guard in Tianshan.

Stepping on a strange asynchronous technique, the moonlight illuminated the miasma of blue and gray lightly floating, Wen Jian drew out his long sword at once, although he didn't see anyone, but he got up suddenly based on his intuition, and then thrust out a sword with his backhand.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, slid her foot away, the sword pierced her side and missed.But this has already made her give a thumbs up. It is impossible for ordinary people to capture her breath so accurately. If it weren't for her quick flash, Wen Jian could really stab her with a sword.

"Who is it?" Wen Jian asked in a deep voice.

"Qian Jian, have you forgotten me, the girl you want to be loyal to so quickly?"

Wen Jian felt a chill in his heart: "Lou Qi! You are still alive!"

Lou Qi stepped out and approached him step by step: "Tsk tsk, how can you be so cold and ruthless? You agreed to betray and ask Tianshan to hate the saint as my little follower?"

"." Wen Jian had never heard anyone speak like this before, so he was speechless for a moment.

Just when he realized that he should have sounded a warning to let the saint know that Lou Qi is coming. When Lou Qi was still alive, the shadow of a black whip struck him. It seemed to roll over gently, but suddenly twisted his sword in two!
"What is this—" Before the word whip came out, the black whip had already wrapped around his neck.Wen Jian was shocked, and immediately pulled with both hands.

Lou Qi tightened his grip again, his eyes protruded slightly, his face flushed red, and he couldn't say a word.

The King of Black Golden Vine can break even a sword, if it strangles his neck, how could he break it.Before Wen Jian died, he saw Lou Qi's face clearly.

It is full of fine wrinkles, like an old woman in her 50s or [-]s, but her eyes are calm and dark, without even killing intent.There is only one possibility, the killing intent has already been heavy, she never thought of keeping him alive.

Wen Jian fell down, unable to rest in peace.

But Lou Qi didn't care whether he was in peace or not, and killed Wen Jian Wen Mo, her goal had already been achieved, if Elder Jin killed two more people, then there would only be four people left around Nalan Huaxin, five against four, Their chances of winning here are still very high.

He turned back silently, only to see that Mr. Jin had already returned, picking a handful of fruits and nibbling leisurely.Lou Qi was speechless, "Someone seems to have said that the fruits here are all poisonous, so don't eat them casually."

The old man Jin didn't raise it, "Yes, but this old man is not an ordinary person. I still know what can be eaten and what can't be eaten."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin swallowed at the same time, they were thirsty.

Lou Qi walked over, snatched two from Mr. Jin's arms quickly, and threw them one by one, "Thank you Mr. Jin for the fruit."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin were also clever, and immediately said in unison: "Xie Jin, senior."

"Hey, girl Qi, you are not kind, so I just treat you two followers well, this is what the old man worked so hard to pick—"

"How many people have you helped me solve?" Lou Qi interrupted him.

Mr. Jin let out an uh and raised his finger.

"One——" Lou Qi rolled his eyes: "I really don't deserve your high status."

But she said that's what she said, it's good if someone is willing to help solve one, and she can't force him to kill everyone for her.

The night is not particularly quiet, because it is not very far from the waterfall, so the sound of the waterfall rushing can cover up their voices.At this moment, a purple light flashed in the waterfall.

Because Jin Lao and Lou Qi were facing there, they both saw it at the same time.

Jin Lao stood up abruptly, and ignored the fruit in his arms rolling all over the floor. He looked at the place in surprise, "So, it's there!"

Lou Qi knew what he was looking for, but he didn't know what he was looking for.The purple light flashed in the waterfall. Could it be that there is a water curtain hole for Monkey Sun behind the waterfall?
"Qi girl, I can't help you here anymore, I'll go find that thing, come and find me after you're done!" Jin Lao hurriedly said, his figure flew towards the waterfall, and disappeared in the blink of an eye figure.

Lou Qi took back the cry that was about to exit.I thought he could help, but he ran away at a critical moment!
"Girl, the child's hour is almost here!" Chen Shi cried out a little nervously.

Lou Qi was also somewhat nervous.At this time, she found a soft blue light suddenly lit up from Nalan Huaxin, illuminating the surrounding area.

"Didn't it mean that there can be no light?" Lou Xin almost jumped up.

Chen Shi narrowed his eyes and said: "It's just that you can't see the sun, the fire, those are hot lights with temperature, which will affect the growth of the three cold autumn flood dragons. But the light on Nalan Huaxin's side is very weak, it looks like a cold light .”

"What's that?" And the one with cold light?

"Blue sea night pearl." Chen Shi said.

Lou Qi has also heard about the blue sea, it is a huge sea area, but far away from human habitation, there are only two or three small fishing villages not far from the blue sea, extremely backward, almost isolated from the world.I don't know when it started, but there was a business that set its sights on the blue ocean, and formed a caravan to run there, and exchange seafood, dried fish, and food with the villagers of a few small fishing villages there with items from the rich land. There are more seaweeds and the like, more corals, pearls, and beautiful and delicate shells. The blue sea best night pearl is the most famous treasure among them.The blue ocean is boundless, and it takes a long journey to go there, across the wilderness, over the mountains, and you may encounter landslides, swamps, and beasts on the way, so the cost of bringing things back must not be low. The night pearls are sold at sky-high prices, but listen It is said that there are twelve pieces in each batch, and they were sold out within a day.

(End of this chapter)

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